African-Americans shunning the military over Iraq war

Well, of course. The military was trying to target them in their advertising, but it's not exactly impressive to the target market when the ad has a young black man telling his mother:

"But mom, it's not the Army, it's the Reserves!"
This is so dumb........

Well, of course. The military was trying to target them in their advertising, but it's not exactly impressive to the target market when the ad has a young black man telling his mother:

"But mom, it's not the Army, it's the Reserves!"

It's always a no win situation...if the ad featured a white kid the Blacks would is a never ending story...always relating to 'Poor Me'..during the VN war this was tried also but a quick check showed most who served in Nam were Middle/lower Class white males...just a fact jack!
It's always a no win situation...if the ad featured a white kid the Blacks would is a never ending story...always relating to 'Poor Me'..during the VN war this was tried also but a quick check showed most who served in Nam were Middle/lower Class white males...just a fact jack!

Even if it was a white kid, it's totally lying to the audience when we have Reservists and National Guard troops getting killed in Iraq. The fact that they find it sufficient to give these kinds of false claims to a group they're already on the outs with is reason enough for the numbers to keep dropping.
Well, of course. The military was trying to target them in their advertising, but it's not exactly impressive to the target market when the ad has a young black man telling his mother:

"But mom, it's not the Army, it's the Reserves!"

If I had a kid that came to me with the idea of joining I'd beat them severely and tell them to go do some drugs.

Even if it was a white kid, it's totally lying to the audience when we have Reservists and National Guard troops getting killed in Iraq. The fact that they find it sufficient to give these kinds of false claims to a group they're already on the outs with is reason enough for the numbers to keep dropping.

I was not sure where you were coming from on this topic...thats very true the Guard and Reserves are sharing more than their fair share of casualties and combat time...I apologize for the mis-understanding! However this would be a good argument for reinstateing the draft...share it with all!
Well, of course. The military was trying to target them in their advertising, but it's not exactly impressive to the target market when the ad has a young black man telling his mother:

"But mom, it's not the Army, it's the Reserves!"

Did I miss something, or does such a comment not exist in the article? Have you seen a commercial/advertisement where such a statement is made? I have not.

From my experience, such a statement would be considered irresponsible by most in the military simply because quite an effort is made to dissolve the friction created by the actual differences between the active duty and reserves.

Enlighten me, please.
Even if it was a white kid, it's totally lying to the audience when we have Reservists and National Guard troops getting killed in Iraq. The fact that they find it sufficient to give these kinds of false claims to a group they're already on the outs with is reason enough for the numbers to keep dropping.

If such a lie exists, it STILL is not sufficient reason for a drop in a single ethnicity's numbers.
I was not sure where you were coming from on this topic...thats very true the Guard and Reserves are sharing more than their fair share of casualties and combat time...I apologize for the mis-understanding! However this would be a good argument for reinstateing the draft...share it with all!

I won't argue that Guard/Reserve troops are sharing in the casualty count. Can you back up the "more than their fair share" part?
Did I miss something, or does such a comment not exist in the article? Have you seen a commercial/advertisement where such a statement is made? I have not.

From my experience, such a statement would be considered irresponsible by most in the military simply because quite an effort is made to dissolve the friction created by the actual differences between the active duty and reserves.

Enlighten me, please.

I have seen the commercial.
Military Recruiters Target Blacks, Hispanics

News & Notes, August 16, 2005 · U.S. military recruiters are making a larger effort to appeal to young African Americans and Latinos. Recruitment among blacks is down in recent years, but Hispanics are continuing to join the military in large numbers despite the continuing insurgency in Iraq -- and the efforts of some opponents to keep military personnel out of public schools.
Did I miss something, or does such a comment not exist in the article? Have you seen a commercial/advertisement where such a statement is made? I have not.

From my experience, such a statement would be considered irresponsible by most in the military simply because quite an effort is made to dissolve the friction created by the actual differences between the active duty and reserves.

Enlighten me, please.

I've seen the commercial many times.