African-Americans shunning the military over Iraq war

I was not sure where you were coming from on this topic...thats very true the Guard and Reserves are sharing more than their fair share of casualties and combat time...I apologize for the mis-understanding! However this would be a good argument for reinstateing the draft...share it with all!


You know what BB? I actually agree with you here. We need to have a draft and share the sacrifice equally, especially if we're going to fight in the iraq civil war for another five years or whatever.
Military Recruiters Target Blacks, Hispanics

News & Notes, August 16, 2005 · U.S. military recruiters are making a larger effort to appeal to young African Americans and Latinos. Recruitment among blacks is down in recent years, but Hispanics are continuing to join the military in large numbers despite the continuing insurgency in Iraq -- and the efforts of some opponents to keep military personnel out of public schools.

The military is unfortunately victim to the its own verison of affirmative action. There has always been specific efforts to attract ethnic minorities and women.

Since the numbers are falling among ethnicities, naturally, a more concerted effort would be made to target them. Military recruiting was a business prior to the war, and will remain so after the war is over.

I'm not seeing anything noteworthy in the recruiting effort. I would however like to a see a link or transcript of the commercial that makes the statement previously identified if anyone has it.

You know what BB? I actually agree with you here. We need to have a draft and share the sacrifice equally, especially if we're going to fight in the iraq civil war for another five years or whatever.

What we need to do is hoist the "Bullshit" flag and leave.

That's not going to happen so long as we are a divided nation basing our arguments on partisanship rather than logic, fact and common sense, and one side champing at the bit to claim victory over the other being paramount to what is best for this nation in regard to our involvement in another nation's civil war.
What we need to do is hoist the "Bullshit" flag and leave.

That's not going to happen so long as we are a divided nation basing our arguments on partisanship rather than logic, fact and common sense, and one side champing at the bit to claim victory over the other being paramount to what is best for this nation in regard to our involvement in another nation's civil war.

They have asked us to leave , America wants us to leave why are we staying?
Umm more tours than usual and less down time between tours.

That applies to the US military as a whole, not just the Guard and Reserve.

If you take the total numbers of active duty vs Guard and Reserve personnel deployed, I doubt there is a significant difference in casualty-to-total ratio.

If you take the number of active duty personnel vs Guard and Reserve personnel as total strength numbers, IMO, the active duty casualties will be MUCH higher since only a small percentage of Guard and Reserve personnel are actually deployed.
Did I miss something, or does such a comment not exist in the article? Have you seen a commercial/advertisement where such a statement is made? I have not.

From my experience, such a statement would be considered irresponsible by most in the military simply because quite an effort is made to dissolve the friction created by the actual differences between the active duty and reserves.

Enlighten me, please.

BUt gunny, you don't see shit, even inside the neocon ass your nose is perpetually up.
Oh my God he did !

Youre right , I just did not see it!

Gunny Bless your heart Guy ,I knew you had it in you!
They have asked us to leave , America wants us to leave why are we staying?

Not a simple answer.

IMO, the biggest reason we aren't leaving is because even though this a real war with real casualties, that has fallen second to the political war being played here at home with neither side willing to budge.

If "we", as a nation/people/society all agreed that it was in the best interest of the US to no longer involve ourselves in a struggle for power between Sunni and Shia radicals, and pulling our troops out was the best course of action, and belaboring the point as a political weapon NOT in the best interest of this Nation, it could probably happen rather quickly and smoothly.

But that isn't going to happen. For all the feigned concern for dying US troops and noncombtants, they play second fiddle to political partisanship. Iraq is viewed in those terms as validation of their poltics for either one side or the other, with each side determined to not lose, no matter the price.
BUt gunny, you don't see shit, even inside the neocon ass your nose is perpetually up.

Maybe I just don't watch enough TV? If the commercial in question is posted in the original post or its link, feel free to point it out.

Does being anti-extremist liberal automatically default me to "neocon" -- as if you even know what one is.
The military is unfortunately victim to the its own verison of affirmative action. There has always been specific efforts to attract ethnic minorities and women.

Since the numbers are falling among ethnicities, naturally, a more concerted effort would be made to target them. Military recruiting was a business prior to the war, and will remain so after the war is over.

I'm not seeing anything noteworthy in the recruiting effort. I would however like to a see a link or transcript of the commercial that makes the statement previously identified if anyone has it.

Do they make links to commercials?

After the war ends, the military can return to business as usual.
That applies to the US military as a whole, not just the Guard and Reserve.

If you take the total numbers of active duty vs Guard and Reserve personnel deployed, I doubt there is a significant difference in casualty-to-total ratio.

If you take the number of active duty personnel vs Guard and Reserve personnel as total strength numbers, IMO, the active duty casualties will be MUCH higher since only a small percentage of Guard and Reserve personnel are actually deployed.
But they are the national guard, not the regular military.
Sure could have used more back here with their equipment during katrina....
Do they make links to commercials?

After the war ends, the military can return to business as usual.

War IS the military's "business as usual." Bodies are required to conduct such business. The demand for bodies is much higher during war due to attrition. That's just the way it is.
Did I miss something, or does such a comment not exist in the article? Have you seen a commercial/advertisement where such a statement is made? I have not.

From my experience, such a statement would be considered irresponsible by most in the military simply because quite an effort is made to dissolve the friction created by the actual differences between the active duty and reserves.

Enlighten me, please.

I'll try to pull up the ad. I can't find it on YouTube, but I'll look around.
But they are the national guard, not the regular military.
Sure could have used more back here with their equipment during katrina....

We could use all of them and more from Brownesville to San Ysidro as well.

I actually do not agree with deploying National Guard troops outside their respective states. The Guard is the state militia, and so they should be, IMO.