African-Americans shunning the military over Iraq war

Sure we would. First Desh would come in and post a link, then several minutes later the story... Then Cypress would come in later, not realizing that is what Desh meant about "Beet him with his legg..."

Robdawg would mention that it wasn't a Pit Bull that did it in his thread, and how Denver bans the dogs and people in Colorado 'kill' them. I would rush in to defend Colorado, and mention the fact that Denver is liberal as well as the current government of the state...

AHZ would find some way to blame it all on the NWO and global expansionism.

And somebody would find a link with one of the D candidates expressing how it was all GWB's fault that you did that.

Yep, pretty much the routine.
And who's fault is it really that they are uninformed? Are these the same people with 3-4 maxed out credit cards and paying on a used car that no longer runs?

You cannot be enlisted in the US military without having been assigned a specific MOS first unless YOU sign the paper agreeing to it, and each and every block or line on the enlistment documentation is either initialed or signed by the enlistee.

It's no more lying than any other form of sales that is legal in this country. If a factual lie could be proven, there'd be a lawsuit. After all, this IS the good ol' USofA.

What bullshit.

There have been many national stories about the recruiting practices that have gotten more and more deceitful since this war. There was a big story in the NY Times in 05 which got so much attention the military had to release statements in the weeks following it saying that any recruiter caught breaking the rules would be punished and so on. The recruiters themselves were interviewed claiming they felt pressured to break the rules.

A high school student TAPED two recruiters advising him how to lie on his application, and that too drew national attention.

Here is ABC news who went undercover and found them lying, on tape:

With recruiters actually telling students the war was over!! on tape!

I mean, what bullshit. Tell this to someone who hasn't been doing counter-recruiting for two years and doesn't know what's going on, Ok? You can't swing a cat without hitting one of those around here.
Clarification: I meant was it in the original post or link and I overlooked it.

I would guess your second statement would be political rather than based on any concern for the black community. The military IS one way out of the 'hood, whether anyone cares to admit that or not.

Are you implying that I don't care about the black community?
What bullshit.

There have been many national stories about the recruiting practices that have gotten more and more deceitful since this war. There was a big story in the NY Times in 05 which got so much attention the military had to release statements in the weeks following it saying that any recruiter caught breaking the rules would be punished and so on. The recruiters themselves were interviewed claiming they felt pressured to break the rules.

A high school student TAPED two recruiters advising him how to lie on his application, and that too drew national attention.

Here is ABC news who went undercover and found them lying, on tape:

With recruiters actually telling students the war was over!! on tape!

I mean, what bullshit. Tell this to someone who hasn't been doing counter-recruiting for two years and doesn't know what's going on, Ok? You can't swing a cat without hitting one of those around here.

The bullshit I see is you and people like you manufacturing your own facts. The fact is, recruiting has had its bad actors as far back as I can remember; which, was WAY before this war started.

The same incident you mention reported in the NYT happened a couple of times in the 80s and 90s.

That reruiters feel pressured to break the rules is nothing new either. How it is when you are slapped with a monthly quota and told to produce or else. Relief for cause as recruiter is a career-ender.

The fact is, big-picture-wise, the individual incidents you mention don't amount to a hill of beans. If those recruiters are lying or breaking the law, then they should be punished. But it is an individual decision to take shortcuts, not an insitutionally taught nor encouraged practice.
The bullshit I see is you and people like you manufacturing your own facts. The fact is, recruiting has had its bad actors as far back as I can remember; which, was WAY before this war started.

The same incident you mention reported in the NYT happened a couple of times in the 80s and 90s.

That reruiters feel pressured to break the rules is nothing new either. How it is when you are slapped with a monthly quota and told to produce or else. Relief for cause as recruiter is a career-ender.

The fact is, big-picture-wise, the individual incidents you mention don't amount to a hill of beans. If those recruiters are lying or breaking the law, then they should be punished. But it is an individual decision to take shortcuts, not an insitutionally taught nor encouraged practice.

Oh right, they are just a "few bad apples" how could I forget!

Well, stick your head in the sand pal, but don't expect that others will. I don't. And I work to run these fuckers right off the campuses. By doing two things; offering other options to kids in poor communities, and by telling them this: "understand this, you are not going to cooking school, and you are not going into the army band so you can be a rock star when you come out, you are going to Iraq".

You are going to Iraq. Because to a kid, they have just been told they will not be sent to Iraq. Every one of them.
Sure we would. First Desh would come in and post a link, then several minutes later the story... Then Cypress would come in later, not realizing that is what Desh meant about "Beet him with his legg..."

Robdawg would mention that it wasn't a Pit Bull that did it in his thread, and how Denver bans the dogs and people in Colorado 'kill' them. I would rush in to defend Colorado, and mention the fact that Denver is liberal as well as the current government of the state...

AHZ would find some way to blame it all on the NWO and global expansionism.

And somebody would find a link with one of the D candidates expressing how it was all GWB's fault that you did that.

The bullshit I see is you and people like you manufacturing your own facts. The fact is, recruiting has had its bad actors as far back as I can remember; which, was WAY before this war started.

The same incident you mention reported in the NYT happened a couple of times in the 80s and 90s.

That reruiters feel pressured to break the rules is nothing new either. How it is when you are slapped with a monthly quota and told to produce or else. Relief for cause as recruiter is a career-ender.

The fact is, big-picture-wise, the individual incidents you mention don't amount to a hill of beans. If those recruiters are lying or breaking the law, then they should be punished. But it is an individual decision to take shortcuts, not an insitutionally taught nor encouraged practice.

Umm I posted an article a while back where that the enlistees that do not complet HS now get their GED in BOOT. Raising the age limit, etc. the militiary is desperatly trying to fill it's recruitment quotas in an anti war environemnt.
My daughter IS in the Army. She's a medic, and she's going to Iraq. I made sure she understood everything she was doing before she signed, wagged a finger at her recruiter and had a few "words" with him about what fate would befall him if he misled her in any way, and the decision was hers.

My daughter IS in the Army and on her 3rd tour in Iraq.

I knew that wagging my finger at a recruiter didn't mean shit. She's been in for 11 years, long before Iraq.

The decison was hers .. but had she been atempting to join now .. I would have done everything possible to ensure the decision was mine.
Clarification: I meant was it in the original post or link and I overlooked it.

I would guess your second statement would be political rather than based on any concern for the black community. The military IS one way out of the 'hood, whether anyone cares to admit that or not.

The majority of blacks who join aren't looking for ways "out of the hood", they are looking for opportunity .. and no one is looking for the opportunity to lay inside a plastic bag for a useless mindless war they do not support.
My daughter IS in the Army and on her 3rd tour in Iraq.

I knew that wagging my finger at a recruiter didn't mean shit. She's been in for 11 years, long before Iraq.

The decison was hers .. but had she been atempting to join now .. I would have done everything possible to ensure the decision was mine.

Third tour, give her a hug for me and thank gawd, she must have nerves of steel!
My daughter IS in the Army and on her 3rd tour in Iraq.

I knew that wagging my finger at a recruiter didn't mean shit. She's been in for 11 years, long before Iraq.

The decison was hers .. but had she been atempting to join now .. I would have done everything possible to ensure the decision was mine.

This admin and this idiot war is the only thing keeping my so from serving his country.

He wants to be a Marine so bad he can taste it.

He refuses to go in under a man who refuses to respect the contstitution of the US.

How many others feel the same as my son?
This admin and this idiot war is the only thing keeping my so from serving his country.

He wants to be a Marine so bad he can taste it.

He refuses to go in under a man who refuses to respect the contstitution of the US.

How many others feel the same as my son?

If he goes .. the nightmares will come.

The bullshit I see is you and people like you manufacturing your own facts. The fact is, recruiting has had its bad actors as far back as I can remember; which, was WAY before this war started.

The same incident you mention reported in the NYT happened a couple of times in the 80s and 90s.

That reruiters feel pressured to break the rules is nothing new either. How it is when you are slapped with a monthly quota and told to produce or else. Relief for cause as recruiter is a career-ender.

The fact is, big-picture-wise, the individual incidents you mention don't amount to a hill of beans. If those recruiters are lying or breaking the law, then they should be punished. But it is an individual decision to take shortcuts, not an insitutionally taught nor encouraged practice.

You have to remember that Darla is Ms.Code Pink...she rants and raves with false outrage...dresses up and goes to rallies saying she is trying to help/support the troops...when in fact she represents Code Pinko akin to SDS of the VN era...thats a fact!
You have to remember that Darla is Ms.Code Pink...she rants and raves with false outrage...dresses up and goes to rallies saying she is trying to help/support the troops...when in fact she represents Code Pinko akin to SDS of the VN era...thats a fact!

What is the "SDS of the VN era", a little something you picked up in the whore houses in Saigan?

You know, they probably would have given you penicillin for that.

What is the "SDS of the VN era", a little something you picked up in the whore houses in Saigon?

You know, they probably would have given you penicillin for that.
It worked wonders for the STD's I pick up at the Anti-War Rallies! Code Pink issue!

Uh no...but that was a funny reply...'SDS' was a Communist student organization(Anti War/Establishment) that formed at Berkley during the VN War..Code Pink is the up to date version!

and I fixed your errors....:pke:
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It worked wonders for the STD's I pick up at the Anti-War Rallies! Code Pink issue!

Uh no...but that was a funny reply...'SDS' was a Communist student organization(Anti War/Establishment) that formed at Berkley during the VN War..Code Pink is the up to date version!

and I fixed your errors....:pke:

CodePink is anti-war, that does not make them communists. You have to be a real dummy....oh wait, look at who I'm talking to.
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