African-Americans shunning the military over Iraq war

I'll try to pull up the ad. I can't find it on YouTube, but I'll look around.

It's not that big a deal. Enough people say they saw it so I have no reason to doubt it exists.

If that is what they are selling, it's at best a half-truth, but I agree a statement like that is misleading.

Kind of makes we wonder who is in charge of Army recruiting these days.
It's not that big a deal. Enough people say they saw it so I have no reason to doubt it exists.

If that is what they are selling, it's at best a half-truth, but I agree a statement like that is misleading.

Kind of makes we wonder who is in charge of Army recruiting these days.

Army recuriting ads have always been that way, at least in my lifetime. They have gotten worse though but all media has.

I remember the guaranteed career ones....yeah did not work out that way for many though...
War IS the military's "business as usual." Bodies are required to conduct such business. The demand for bodies is much higher during war due to attrition. That's just the way it is.

I disagree.

War is not a usual state of being for the military. However, when war arises, it is both wise and intelligent for Americans to decide if they wish to participate or not based on their belief in the cause or justice of the war.
That's not the commercial, though.

But the insinuation of the entire "parent and kid" series was almost peace-timey.

It pretends that we aren't sending these guys to Iraq right now. "Whenever they need me" is probably tomorrow.
That's not the commercial, though.

But the insinuation of the entire "parent and kid" series was almost peace-timey.

It pretends that we aren't sending these guys to Iraq right now. "Whenever they need me" is probably tomorrow.

I've seen the commercial you are talking about, and I'm pretty sure it's been in movie theatres, you know, in those commericials they show before the movie now?

And yes, that is what they pretend. I work with a woman who told me a couple of months ago her son had joined the army. They were going to send him to "cooking school". Well, he's being deployed to Iraq in September.

I knew that, and it made me so sad that she didn't. WTF are you thinking, this is your son, educate yourself. They are desperate for troops in Iraq, some of those guys are on their 4th tour and they are going to send your son to cooking school, is that right? So yes they lie, and they prey on the stupid and uninformed.
I have a 17 year old son and I would absolutely strangle him if he even remotely suggested he was considering joining the military.

I would break off one leg and beat him with it so he couldn't join.

One daughter is one child too many.
I have a 17 year old son and I would absolutely strangle him if he even remotely suggested he was considering joining the military.

I would break off one leg and beat him with it so he couldn't join.

One daughter is one child too many.

Now that would be worse than what vick did.
But no one would protest and you wouldn't get 4 thraeds about it.
Sure we would. First Desh would come in and post a link, then several minutes later the story... Then Cypress would come in later, not realizing that is what Desh meant about "Beet him with his legg..."

Robdawg would mention that it wasn't a Pit Bull that did it in his thread, and how Denver bans the dogs and people in Colorado 'kill' them. I would rush in to defend Colorado, and mention the fact that Denver is liberal as well as the current government of the state...

AHZ would find some way to blame it all on the NWO and global expansionism.

And somebody would find a link with one of the D candidates expressing how it was all GWB's fault that you did that.
Did I miss something, or does such a comment not exist in the article? Have you seen a commercial/advertisement where such a statement is made? I have not.

From my experience, such a statement would be considered irresponsible by most in the military simply because quite an effort is made to dissolve the friction created by the actual differences between the active duty and reserves.

Enlighten me, please.

Yes. You missed it. They ran that commercial for a while. I remember it clearly.

Additionally, I'm glad to see the Black community trending away from the military.
That's not the commercial, though.

But the insinuation of the entire "parent and kid" series was almost peace-timey.

It pretends that we aren't sending these guys to Iraq right now. "Whenever they need me" is probably tomorrow.

Depends on a lot of things. The two primary ones being WHERE the kid is assigned, and what his MOS is.

Bear mind, at any given time, only 1/4 of the Army or Marines is combat troops. 3/4 are support. The higher-tech the skill, the less chance of seeing combat.

Then figure out where the kid is ... what state, and what unit. Not sure about Iraq, but during Vietnam, only a couple of states shared the brunt of deployment.
Sure we would. First Desh would come in and post a link, then several minutes later the story... Then Cypress would come in later, not realizing that is what Desh meant about "Beet him with his legg..."

Robdawg would mention that it wasn't a Pit Bull that did it in his thread, and how Denver bans the dogs and people in Colorado 'kill' them. I would rush in to defend Colorado, and mention the fact that Denver is liberal as well as the current government of the state...

AHZ would find some way to blame it all on the NWO and global expansionism.

And somebody would find a link with one of the D candidates expressing how it was all GWB's fault that you did that.

I can vouch for that
I've seen the commercial you are talking about, and I'm pretty sure it's been in movie theatres, you know, in those commericials they show before the movie now?

And yes, that is what they pretend. I work with a woman who told me a couple of months ago her son had joined the army. They were going to send him to "cooking school". Well, he's being deployed to Iraq in September.

I knew that, and it made me so sad that she didn't. WTF are you thinking, this is your son, educate yourself. They are desperate for troops in Iraq, some of those guys are on their 4th tour and they are going to send your son to cooking school, is that right? So yes they lie, and they prey on the stupid and uninformed.

And who's fault is it really that they are uninformed? Are these the same people with 3-4 maxed out credit cards and paying on a used car that no longer runs?

You cannot be enlisted in the US military without having been assigned a specific MOS first unless YOU sign the paper agreeing to it, and each and every block or line on the enlistment documentation is either initialed or signed by the enlistee.

It's no more lying than any other form of sales that is legal in this country. If a factual lie could be proven, there'd be a lawsuit. After all, this IS the good ol' USofA.
I have a 17 year old son and I would absolutely strangle him if he even remotely suggested he was considering joining the military.

I would break off one leg and beat him with it so he couldn't join.

One daughter is one child too many.

My daughter IS in the Army. She's a medic, and she's going to Iraq. I made sure she understood everything she was doing before she signed, wagged a finger at her recruiter and had a few "words" with him about what fate would befall him if he misled her in any way, and the decision was hers.
Yes. You missed it. They ran that commercial for a while. I remember it clearly.

Additionally, I'm glad to see the Black community trending away from the military.

Clarification: I meant was it in the original post or link and I overlooked it.

I would guess your second statement would be political rather than based on any concern for the black community. The military IS one way out of the 'hood, whether anyone cares to admit that or not.
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