African-Americans shunning the military over Iraq war

Well darla finally saw the light!:clink:

It's really sad that you have to change my posts in order to "get one over on" me. I mean, don't you feel like a castrated little eunuch? It's really bad...asshat has to hide and erase my posts, and you have to change them. I'm only a girl, and you guys can't take me on head to head. You call yourselves men?


Here in Ny, we have real men. Thank God.

It's really sad that you have to change my posts in order to "get one over on" me. I mean, don't you feel like a castrated little eunuch? It's really bad...asshat has to hide and erase my posts, and you have to change them. I'm only a girl, and you guys can't take me on head to head. You call yourselves men?


Here in Ny, we have real men. Thank God.

'Real men' in NYC...well they are welcome to take you 'head to head' I will pass on that one...not interested in NYC gals..they drink to much, gossip way too much... are clothes hogs,shallow and spoiled brats...and think they are smarter than the average dog...have a nice ride... BAC is your friend maybe he can help you!;)