AK Gandy the (Banned) has anyone seen or heard him around anywhere???

It's easy to get out of. I stopped posting on any boards for several years. I'd look at this one or drop in from time to time. I guess it's kind of like soap operas, you can get into them or give them up completely and never miss it. Just a diversion.

Yep, when I left DCJ I came here but then took like a year off..

I will prob wander off soon again.:)
Yes, indeed. That one was one of the best ever.
Rumbleville is where I learned to sharpen my game, because if you put something out there
and didn't understand it, you'd get torn up.
As it should be.

WAYSIDE used to call me on my American imperialism with a map of military US bases around the road.
So I had to make the argument for an expeditionary Navy etc.

I learned to do research as well as fact find. Context is a key
Yep, when I left DCJ I came here but then took like a year off..

I will prob wander off soon again.:)

I know a lot of posters here like your contributions.

I recently realized I am closing in on 25k posts, and that seems like a good number to possibly round out a message board career.

It never ceases to amaze me that some jpp posters and I have at least 15 years of shared message boarding adventures. When I got online to bash George Dumbya Bush in 2002, who'd a thunk it?
I know a lot of posters here like your contributions.

I recently realized I am closing in on 25k posts, and that seems like a good number to possibly round out a message board career.

It never ceases to amaze me that some jpp posters and I have at least 15 years of shared message boarding adventures. When I got online to bash George Dumbya Bush in 2002, who'd a thunk it?

lol, thnx...

I thought 25,000 was huge when I first started posting..... @ DCJ I was over 50,000 in about five years......

I would take a wild guess & say maybe 500,000 +/- posts since mid 90's???

I like reading your posts, there is no magic/arbitrary # though,......
She left here shortly after we arrived. When you banned her at Junkies, she went board hunting and found this place. That was after we made a stop elsewhere and freaked everyone out. She wouldn't tolerate the overt racism/sexism here, and left.

Meanwhile, she left FB before it was fashionable. I hear she got banned from Twitter! Poor dear. She suffers for her art.

LOL, so I will take that as a no, she won't be coming back...
I know a lot of posters here like your contributions.

I recently realized I am closing in on 25k posts, and that seems like a good number to possibly round out a message board career.

It never ceases to amaze me that some jpp posters and I have at least 15 years of shared message boarding adventures. When I got online to bash George Dumbya Bush in 2002, who'd a thunk it?
Crazy when you think about it.
I know a lot of posters here like your contributions.

I recently realized I am closing in on 25k posts, and that seems like a good number to possibly round out a message board career.

It never ceases to amaze me that some jpp posters and I have at least 15 years of shared message boarding adventures. When I got online to bash George Dumbya Bush in 2002, who'd a thunk it?

Crazy when you think about it.

In the early days, and most of the time, the Bush Board was more fun than a barrel of monkeys!

One thing the internets taught me: over a sustained period of time, character and integrity can by identified simply from words typed on a keyboard. Almost without exception, the cyber friends I made have consistently maintained their social etiquette, cultivated virtue, and maintained integrity through thick and thin. Either I got lucky, or I am a good judge of character!
In the early days, and most of the time, the Bush Board was more fun than a barrel of monkeys!

One thing the internets taught me: over a sustained period of time, character and integrity can by identified simply from words typed on a keyboard. Almost without exception, the cyber friends I made have consistently maintained their social etiquette, cultivated virtue, and maintained integrity through thick and thin. Either I got lucky, or I am a good judge of character!
Both! The Bush Board was fun in the early days, then we were invaded by the WoT crowd and it brought the good and the very bad. I’m still in touch with partsofspeech she was the college professor who lived in Indiana and moved to Georgia. She wrote a book and borrowed personalities from the board as characters in her book. She’s still single, never married, and still teaching.
Both! The Bush Board was fun in the early days, then we were invaded by the WoT crowd and it brought the good and the very bad. I’m still in touch with partsofspeech she was the college professor who lived in Indiana and moved to Georgia. She wrote a book and borrowed personalities from the board as characters in her book. She’s still single, never married, and still teaching.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane!