Aliens, Astral Projection, Alter Dimensions, ...The Unkown!

I wanted to begin a thread of discussion on this broad-ranging topic, to get an idea of what others think regarding these phenomenon. It seems there is some pretty remarkable evidence to suggest something is going on that we don't fully understand just yet. Take for instance, the Bermuda Triangle, as well as the amazingly coincidental Devil's Triangle on the other side of the planet. The shape of a Pyramid is triangular as well, and Pyramids have long been a mystery to mankind. There is said to be much power in Crystals, which are also Pyramid shaped. What does it all mean? Do we really know all there is to know?

Humans are incredibly arrogant about knowledge and understanding, it is probably one of our greatest weaknesses and flaws as humans. We often assume that what we know, is all there is to know. Rational thinking requires us to throw out what we can not prove or substantiate within the confines of our "known" knowledge. Things we can't explain or justify within this limited understanding, we dismiss as nonsense or kookiness. But is there a greater knowledge and understanding we don't quite possess yet? Some other realm of existence or plane of dimension we only catch a glimpse of now and then?

I think humans are by far, the most intellectually advanced species on the planet, and I think there must be some explanation for this, other than the evolution theories. When you step back from your prejudices and preconceptions of religious/spiritual belief, and examine the fundamental message, it seems to be that, we were bestowed the unique and special human attributes as stewards of the planet. We are able to have complex thoughts and figure shit out because something created us to work like that. I bring this up, not to argue a religious faith issue, but to argue in favor of the unknown. What IF humans are the result of some 'experiment' in another dimension? What if we have multiple dimensions, and the one which we all arrogantly live in and understand as humans, is just one of them?

I wanted to begin a thread of discussion on this broad-ranging topic, to get an idea of what others think regarding these phenomenon. It seems there is some pretty remarkable evidence to suggest something is going on that we don't fully understand just yet. Take for instance, the Bermuda Triangle, as well as the amazingly coincidental Devil's Triangle on the other side of the planet. The shape of a Pyramid is triangular as well, and Pyramids have long been a mystery to mankind. There is said to be much power in Crystals, which are also Pyramid shaped. What does it all mean? Do we really know all there is to know?

Humans are incredibly arrogant about knowledge and understanding, it is probably one of our greatest weaknesses and flaws as humans. We often assume that what we know, is all there is to know. Rational thinking requires us to throw out what we can not prove or substantiate within the confines of our "known" knowledge. Things we can't explain or justify within this limited understanding, we dismiss as nonsense or kookiness. But is there a greater knowledge and understanding we don't quite possess yet? Some other realm of existence or plane of dimension we only catch a glimpse of now and then?

I think humans are by far, the most intellectually advanced species on the planet, and I think there must be some explanation for this, other than the evolution theories. When you step back from your prejudices and preconceptions of religious/spiritual belief, and examine the fundamental message, it seems to be that, we were bestowed the unique and special human attributes as stewards of the planet. We are able to have complex thoughts and figure shit out because something created us to work like that. I bring this up, not to argue a religious faith issue, but to argue in favor of the unknown. What IF humans are the result of some 'experiment' in another dimension? What if we have multiple dimensions, and the one which we all arrogantly live in and understand as humans, is just one of them?


I agree that there are some unexplainable things in our universe.

If you do not believe in any god, then the existence of extra-terrestrial life forms is not outrageous. If you do believe in god, its pretty farfetched that we are the best he could do.

But the bermuda triangle isn't one of the things that boggle our minds. Most of the disappearances can be easily explained. And the fact that there have been more planes and boats lost there is more of a testiment to the volume of traffic than to any supernatural events.
But the bermuda triangle isn't one of the things that boggle our minds. Most of the disappearances can be easily explained. And the fact that there have been more planes and boats lost there is more of a testiment to the volume of traffic than to any supernatural events.

There have been an enormous number of reports from pilots flying through the BT, citing instrument readings going haywire, electronics failing, etc. It's almost like a magnetic force field exists there, and in a similar manner on the opposite side of the planet, near japan. Many unexplainable things happen in those areas every year, and they are reported by credible people, not nut cases or kooks. I think there is something to it, and it is not coincidental.

What it is, I have no idea. We have never explored the deepest parts of our ocean, we really don't know what is down there. It is easier to put a man on mars than to explore the very bottom of the ocean. When you consider what our limited knowledge tells us, that "Water" can pretty much exist as it does on Earth and nowhere else we know of, is it far-fetched to think a higher intelligence might live on the ocean bottom? Perhaps that is the catalyst for all of life in the universe, and it did indeed create life in a low-pressure dry atmosphere? Maybe "God" lives in a "Base" at the ocean floor, and this entire planet is the result of an Alien bio-research project, where they created our various life forms in their image, except in a different atmosphere? Hmmmmm?????

The point is, we don't know. In fact, we "don't know" more than we "do know."
I wanted to begin a thread of discussion on this broad-ranging topic, to get an idea of what others think regarding these phenomenon. It seems there is some pretty remarkable evidence to suggest something is going on that we don't fully understand just yet. Take for instance, the Bermuda Triangle, as well as the amazingly coincidental Devil's Triangle on the other side of the planet. The shape of a Pyramid is triangular as well, and Pyramids have long been a mystery to mankind. There is said to be much power in Crystals, which are also Pyramid shaped. What does it all mean? Do we really know all there is to know?

Humans are incredibly arrogant about knowledge and understanding, it is probably one of our greatest weaknesses and flaws as humans. We often assume that what we know, is all there is to know. Rational thinking requires us to throw out what we can not prove or substantiate within the confines of our "known" knowledge. Things we can't explain or justify within this limited understanding, we dismiss as nonsense or kookiness. But is there a greater knowledge and understanding we don't quite possess yet? Some other realm of existence or plane of dimension we only catch a glimpse of now and then?

I think humans are by far, the most intellectually advanced species on the planet, and I think there must be some explanation for this, other than the evolution theories. When you step back from your prejudices and preconceptions of religious/spiritual belief, and examine the fundamental message, it seems to be that, we were bestowed the unique and special human attributes as stewards of the planet. We are able to have complex thoughts and figure shit out because something created us to work like that. I bring this up, not to argue a religious faith issue, but to argue in favor of the unknown. What IF humans are the result of some 'experiment' in another dimension? What if we have multiple dimensions, and the one which we all arrogantly live in and understand as humans, is just one of them?


It seems like you are trying to defend your own personal confirmation bias.
There have been an enormous number of reports from pilots flying through the BT, citing instrument readings going haywire, electronics failing, etc. It's almost like a magnetic force field exists there, and in a similar manner on the opposite side of the planet, near japan. Many unexplainable things happen in those areas every year, and they are reported by credible people, not nut cases or kooks. I think there is something to it, and it is not coincidental.

What it is, I have no idea. We have never explored the deepest parts of our ocean, we really don't know what is down there. It is easier to put a man on mars than to explore the very bottom of the ocean. When you consider what our limited knowledge tells us, that "Water" can pretty much exist as it does on Earth and nowhere else we know of, is it far-fetched to think a higher intelligence might live on the ocean bottom? Perhaps that is the catalyst for all of life in the universe, and it did indeed create life in a low-pressure dry atmosphere? Maybe "God" lives in a "Base" at the ocean floor, and this entire planet is the result of an Alien bio-research project, where they created our various life forms in their image, except in a different atmosphere? Hmmmmm?????

The point is, we don't know. In fact, we "don't know" more than we "do know."

I agree that we don't know more than we know.

But the Bermuda triangle is just sensationalisstic bullshit. There arae no more instrument malfunctions in the Bermuda Triangle than anywhere else, when you consider the volume of traffic. There has never been one reuptable study that showed any different.
by David Icke
from DavidIcke Weebsite

If you are new to my work, the most bizarre information you will find on this site is that concerning the reptilian connection.

I understand that. It is quite something to absorb from our conditioned version of reality. But, then, that is the very point. If you want to keep something from the people, give them a version of reality and possibility that is so far from what is really going on that even if the truth comes to light it will seem far too ludicrous and extreme for most people to believe it.

Indeed, if you do your job well enough, the people will laugh at the truth, call it insane, and ridicule anyone who promotes it. To truly understand how all the information on this site fits together into one coherent whole (which it does), read my book, The Biggest Secret. But for those who have not yet done so, here is some basic background.

When I reached the point some years ago where I had put together the structure through which a few people control the direction of the world (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free), it was clear that this network of secret societies and covert groups manipulating global politics, business, banking, military, media, and so on, could not have been put together in a few years or decades. It had to go back a very long time.

So I began to trace it back into what we call history. I did this in the knowledge that, for some reason, bloodline and genetics were vitally important to these manipulators, the Illuminati or Illuminated ones - illuminated into knowledge that the public never see.

I followed the trail back comfortably to the time of the Crusades in the Middle East, the 12th and 13th centuries, that kind of period, and on it went far back into the ancient world and pre-history.

There, all over the planet, you find the ancient legends and accounts of "gods" from another world who interbred with humanity to create a hybrid network of bloodlines. The Old Testament, for example, talks about the "Sons of God" who interbred with the daughters of men to create the hybrid race, the Nefilim. Before it was translated into English, that passage read "the sons of the gods", plural. But the Bible accounts are only one of so many that describe the same theme.

The Sumerian clay tablets, found in what we now call Iraq in the middle of the 19th century, tell a similar story. It is estimated they were buried around 2,000 BC, but the stories they tell go back long before that. The tablets talk of a race of "gods" from another world who brought advanced knowledge to the planet and interbred with humans to create hybrid bloodlines. These "gods" are called in the tablets, the "Anunnaki", which apparently translates as "those who from heaven to earth came."

The ancient accounts tell us that these hybrid bloodlines, the fusion of the genes of selected humans with those of the "gods", were put into the positions of ruling royal power, especially in the ancient Near and Middle East, in advanced cultures like Sumer, Babylon, and Egypt. But it happened elsewhere, also, as you will find, for example, in the amazing information provided on this site by the African Zulu shaman, Credo Mutwa, and in the incredible Credo videos, Reptilian Agenda, parts one and two. He tells the same story from the black African tradition that I have uncovered elsewhere in the world.
I'm sorry that I'm not open-minded enough to change my entire perspective of the universe and start believing that humanity is ruled by impossible human-reptile hybrids based on no evidence whatsoever.
I'm sorry that I'm not open-minded enough to change my entire perspective of the universe and start believing that humanity is ruled by impossible human-reptile hybrids based on no evidence whatsoever.

Do you think a weather ballon crashed in new mexico in 1947?
I think it was a spacecraft and a few alien crew, who were later scurried away by authorities to cover up the existence of aliens.

Wow. It was nice of the aliens to wait for us to have a scientific aptitude for space travel before crashlanding on our lovely planet, as opposed to centuries ago, for example...
Wow. It was nice of the aliens to wait for us to have a scientific aptitude for space travel before crashlanding on our lovely planet, as opposed to centuries ago, for example...

I do not believe that was the first incident of humano-alien contact.
by David Icke
from DavidIcke Weebsite

If you are new to my work, the most bizarre information you will find on this site is that concerning the reptilian connection.

I understand that. It is quite something to absorb from our conditioned version of reality. But, then, that is the very point. If you want to keep something from the people, give them a version of reality and possibility that is so far from what is really going on that even if the truth comes to light it will seem far too ludicrous and extreme for most people to believe it.

Indeed, if you do your job well enough, the people will laugh at the truth, call it insane, and ridicule anyone who promotes it. To truly understand how all the information on this site fits together into one coherent whole (which it does), read my book, The Biggest Secret. But for those who have not yet done so, here is some basic background.

When I reached the point some years ago where I had put together the structure through which a few people control the direction of the world (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free), it was clear that this network of secret societies and covert groups manipulating global politics, business, banking, military, media, and so on, could not have been put together in a few years or decades. It had to go back a very long time.

So I began to trace it back into what we call history. I did this in the knowledge that, for some reason, bloodline and genetics were vitally important to these manipulators, the Illuminati or Illuminated ones - illuminated into knowledge that the public never see.

I followed the trail back comfortably to the time of the Crusades in the Middle East, the 12th and 13th centuries, that kind of period, and on it went far back into the ancient world and pre-history.

There, all over the planet, you find the ancient legends and accounts of "gods" from another world who interbred with humanity to create a hybrid network of bloodlines. The Old Testament, for example, talks about the "Sons of God" who interbred with the daughters of men to create the hybrid race, the Nefilim. Before it was translated into English, that passage read "the sons of the gods", plural. But the Bible accounts are only one of so many that describe the same theme.

The Sumerian clay tablets, found in what we now call Iraq in the middle of the 19th century, tell a similar story. It is estimated they were buried around 2,000 BC, but the stories they tell go back long before that. The tablets talk of a race of "gods" from another world who brought advanced knowledge to the planet and interbred with humans to create hybrid bloodlines. These "gods" are called in the tablets, the "Anunnaki", which apparently translates as "those who from heaven to earth came."

The ancient accounts tell us that these hybrid bloodlines, the fusion of the genes of selected humans with those of the "gods", were put into the positions of ruling royal power, especially in the ancient Near and Middle East, in advanced cultures like Sumer, Babylon, and Egypt. But it happened elsewhere, also, as you will find, for example, in the amazing information provided on this site by the African Zulu shaman, Credo Mutwa, and in the incredible Credo videos, Reptilian Agenda, parts one and two. He tells the same story from the black African tradition that I have uncovered elsewhere in the world.

I am curious, does the auther of the nonsense above have any actually proof? Or is the sum total of his theory based on alternative interpretations of ancient legend (some translated multiple times)?
I am curious, does the auther of the nonsense above have any actually proof? Or is the sum total of his theory based on alternative interpretations of ancient legend (some translated multiple times)?

Can you even acknowledge the sytems of domination in plain sight, like fiat currency? If you cannot understand those for what they are, additional evidence would just be more things you cannot comprehend.
Can you even acknowledge the sytems of domination in plain sight, like fiat currency? If you cannot understand those for what they are, additional evidence would just be more things you cannot comprehend.

So thats a no? I am open to any actual scientific evidence. But unless it is documentable, its just so much bovine feces, no matter how much you try and hide behind the old standard of "I'm not going to show you because you wouldn't understand it".

And yes, I understand the concept of fiat currency. Our money has value because teh government has ordered that it be accepted. It has no actuall value, as it did when we were on the gold standard or like it doesn in many nations where the currency is backed by something of actual value.
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So thats a no? I am open to any actual scientific evidence. But unless it is documentable, its just so much bovine feces, no matter how much you try and hide behind the old standard of "I'm not going to show you because you wouldn't understand it".

And yes, I understand the concept of fiat currency. Our money has value because teh government has ordered that it be accepted. It has no actuall value, as it did when we were on the gold standard or like it doesn in many nations where the currency is backed by something of actual value.

So you must believe then that whole town of people in Roswell, New Mexico is lying about aliens landing then?
So you must believe then that whole town of people in Roswell, New Mexico is lying about aliens landing then?

That is a completely different topic. I am asking about direct evidence that we exist as we do because of selective breeding with reptilian "gods".

Either that evidence exists or it does not.
That is a completely different topic. I am asking about direct evidence that we exist as we do because of selective breeding with reptilian "gods".

Either that evidence exists or it does not.
No it's not a completely different topic.

A whole town of people who have seen aliens and also experienced government officials trying to shut them up is relevant. You seek proof of aliens but no testimony will satisfy you. Your mind is closed.
No it's not a completely different topic.

A whole town of people who have seen aliens and also experienced government officials trying to shut them up is relevant. You seek proof of aliens but no testimony will satisfy you. Your mind is closed.

Indeed it is a completely different topic. In the case of Roswell, there are eyewitnesses. And they make up the most convincing evidence. You are assuming that I do not believe that extra-terrestrials crashed in Roswell. I have said no such thing.

But I doubt there are any eyewitnesses to the supposed interbreeding between pre-humans and reptilian "gods". I am asking if there is any evidence besides new interpretations of old legends. And you are steadfastly refusing to answer.