Aliens, Astral Projection, Alter Dimensions, ...The Unkown!

LMAO!!! Oh god, you HAVE to go read the rest of the stuff at that link.

This guy claims that George Bush (both of them) are shapeshifting vampires. They have to drink mammalian blood in order to "...access the energy it contains to maintain their DNA codes in their "human" expression. If they don't, they manifest their reptilian codes and we would all see what they really look like."

In other words, our president (and Al Gore too) is a reptilian/mammalian hybrid who drinks mammalian (preferably human) blood to hold his human form.

Oh thats rich. Now I feel like an idiot for asking if there was actual proof. lol
Oh here is some more great info.

Among the people Icke claims are actually reptilian.mammalian hybrids are; Queen Elizabeth, George W. Bush, Kris Kristofersen, and Boxcar Willie.

You know, I always thought Boxcar Willie was a member of a superior race.
Oh here is some more great info.

Among the people Icke claims are actually reptilian.mammalian hybrids are; Queen Elizabeth, George W. Bush, Kris Kristofersen, and Boxcar Willie.

You know, I always thought Boxcar Willie was a member of a superior race.

LOL, what about Zamfir ?
It gets even better!

Apparently this David Icke was at a stage show when former president Jimmy Carter and his secret service entourage showed up and Carter sat right next to him. In Icke's own words "Here was I, a man who had exposed Carter in "The Robots' Rebellion" and even more so in this book, now sitting next to him surrounded by CIA guards. I laughed till I cried."

But what is even better is his description of Carter's effect on him.

"During the performance I said to Ayem that I felt I was taking energy from Carter's aura. I didn't know exactly what it was, but there was definitely a flow from him to me. By the end of the show I was feeling a little agitated and later I was seriously agitated. In the end I was writhing around on the bed screaming and growling like some crazed animal. Two friends, including Ayem, kneeled beside me projecting love towards me. One level of my consciousness was in total control because I knew what was happening. For maybe 15 to 20 minutes, I was experiencing the consciousness that controls the world and has done so for thousands of years. Its malevolence, hatred, arrogance, anger and lack of positive emotion was utterly stunning.""

This is too good to stop reading.
Sol, I think you missed the threads about hollow worlds and elves and such walking upside down inside them. Brent I think was in on that.
oh jeez, he believes in the hollow earth shit?

I thought he was just paranoid and liked blaming the NWO with stuff.

This is truly crackpot shit.
Not sure about AHZ but Brenty aka Thornycus does if my memory serves me correctly.

I had never heard of that variety of insanity until it popped up on here a while back.

I believe that was right after that nasty Morman girl wanted his body :shock:
I ran into one of those guys (hollow earthers) back in gametalk a few years ago. They also believed that before Noah and the 40 days & 40 nights of rain there were a series of water bubbles surrounding the earth. Thats why there was enough water to cover the entire planet.

Amazing what people can believe.
I ran into one of those guys (hollow earthers) back in gametalk a few years ago. They also believed that before Noah and the 40 days & 40 nights of rain there were a series of water bubbles surrounding the earth. Thats why there was enough water to cover the entire planet.

Amazing what people can believe.

Yeah amazing, especially when they want to believe, because the alternative is a Lie, and it just cannot be a lie!

Now don't get me wrong, I feel that we have just scratched the surface of what we will oneday understand.

Later all, I have to teleport to bed.
So you must believe then that whole town of people in Roswell, New Mexico is lying about aliens landing then?

I'm sure they are making bank off of the lies, so, yes... Just because "the people" are not a corporation, does not mean they are above using unethical concepts to profit...
LMAO!!! Oh god, you HAVE to go read the rest of the stuff at that link.

This guy claims that George Bush (both of them) are shapeshifting vampires. They have to drink mammalian blood in order to "...access the energy it contains to maintain their DNA codes in their "human" expression. If they don't, they manifest their reptilian codes and we would all see what they really look like."

In other words, our president (and Al Gore too) is a reptilian/mammalian hybrid who drinks mammalian (preferably human) blood to hold his human form.

Oh thats rich. Now I feel like an idiot for asking if there was actual proof. lol

They got that off of season three of sliders.
I'm sure they are making bank off of the lies, so, yes... Just because "the people" are not a corporation, does not mean they are above using unethical concepts to profit...

Roswell alone, could be easily explained. During that time, the American military was all over the desert doing all kinds of 'secret tests' of things, some of which came about, and some of which were shelved. So, it is very explainable, as UFO phenomenon go. What can't really be explained, is the almost universal nature of UFO sightings around the globe, and how all of the stories seem to have a commonality that is just uncanny. We have sketches and drawings of aliens that are remarkably similar across a broad spectrum of supposed eye-witnesses. This has been going on, as best we can tell, for centuries, indeed, millenniums. They have found hieroglyphics depicting strange flying craft in the sky, and the ocean as well.

Now as for the hollow earth, and Bush being a mutant reptilian, I think that is stretching things a little. I do think there are other dimensions of our universe which we don't understand or aren't even capable of relating to.
I'm sure they are making bank off of the lies, so, yes... Just because "the people" are not a corporation, does not mean they are above using unethical concepts to profit...

I'm not talking about the t-shirt and souvenir stand owners. I'm talking about eyewitnesses to the alien bodies, and craft, who were visited by the government and told to shut up. But of coursse, since your small mind cannot process the truth, they must all be liars.
Roswell alone, could be easily explained. During that time, the American military was all over the desert doing all kinds of 'secret tests' of things, some of which came about, and some of which were shelved. So, it is very explainable, as UFO phenomenon go. What can't really be explained, is the almost universal nature of UFO sightings around the globe, and how all of the stories seem to have a commonality that is just uncanny. We have sketches and drawings of aliens that are remarkably similar across a broad spectrum of supposed eye-witnesses. This has been going on, as best we can tell, for centuries, indeed, millenniums. They have found hieroglyphics depicting strange flying craft in the sky, and the ocean as well.

Now as for the hollow earth, and Bush being a mutant reptilian, I think that is stretching things a little. I do think there are other dimensions of our universe which we don't understand or aren't even capable of relating to.
Don't forget UFOs in the Leonardo Da Vinci paintings looking amazingly like the ones the witnesses see today.