Aliens, Astral Projection, Alter Dimensions, ...The Unkown!

Has the good doctor any proof? If not then he is lying, which is not beneith people with doctorates...

that's right. He's just another filthy liar.

Eyewitness testimony is permissible in court. No standard of proof will be high enough for your closed little clam shell mind.
I'm still waiting to hear more about these reptilian/mammalian hybrids that need mammalian blood so their reptilian DNA doesn't overcome them and make them look like reptiles.

Vampires in the highest seats of power?
that's right. He's just another filthy liar.

Eyewitness testimony is permissible in court. No standard of proof will be high enough for your closed little clam shell mind.

Eyewitness testimony is certainly permissible but whenever they make outrageous claims with nothing to back it up it's usually ignored, if they aren't put in prison for perjury that is.
Eyewitness testimony is certainly permissible but whenever they make outrageous claims with nothing to back it up it's usually ignored, if they aren't put in prison for perjury that is.

Generally eyewitness testimony is valued somewhat, depending on the reputability of said witness. Stop insulting this fine astro-citizen, you punky little douchesucker.

So Phoenix Two started in 1969?
Yes, in the period from 1969 to 1971. Phoenix One went from 1948 to 1968. The first part of the mind control project was to take an individual and stand them about 250 feet away from the antenna. The SAGE radar had a peak pulse power of .5 MW. The antenna had a gain of 30db. That means an effective radiated power of at least a gigawatt. It was nominally a gigawatt. Can you imagine what that would do to people? I think its amazing these people are still here. It does things like burn out brain functions, create neurological damage, scar lungs from heat, etc. They tried this with a number of people and there were few survivors.

Where did they get the volunteers for this?
They were just grabbing indigent people off the street and throwing them in front of the radar beam. That’s the sort of nonsense that the government loves to do.

Who was in charge of the project at this time?
Dr. John Von Neumann and Jack Pruett.

Any particular agency?
I’m not sure what the agency was. Now, somebody got the brilliant idea to put the subjects directly in line with the gain horn of the antenna. Lo and behold they got their result without burning the people up. They found out that by varying the phase modulation and the frequency hopping and the pulsing of the multiple phases that they could have profound effects on a persons mind.

How many people worked at this installation?
About 30.

Who authorized them use of the base?
The Air Force and the Navy. It was a joint project. There were both Navy and Air Force personnel involved. We have copies of the orders for the Air Force personnel.

What was the cover story for the base?
They had none. It was a derelict base.
It was abandoned. It was turned over to GSA as surplus around 1969 or 1970 when they shut down all the SAGE radar systems.
It was a "non-existent" operation. it was a perfect cover.

Where did they get the funding?
It was totally private.

It didn’t originally come from corporations, although it did in later phases. The original money came from the Nazi government.

This is Phoenix One?
No, this is Phoenix Two and Three. In 1944 there was an American troop train that went through a French railroad tunnel carrying $10 billion in Nazi gold which they had found. It was $10 billion at the 1944 price of $20 per ounce. The train was blown up in the tunnel. It killed 51 American soldiers. The gold turned up ten years later at Montauk. This has been verified. That money was used to finance the project for many years as the value of gold went up. They spent all of it and ran out of money. That’s when they tapped on ITT, who funded it.

ITT was owned by Krupp in Germany. In terms of personnel, many of the civilians and scientists there were all ex-Nazi’s who came from Germany both before and after the war ended. The project was under US Government surveillance. The intelligence community knew what was going on and the CIA monitored everything, as did other government intelligence agencies. The field of players who actually operated on the base was small, between 30 and 50. The funding was entirely private. After 1983, Senator Goldwater found out about it and started an investigation. He couldn’t find any trace of government funding. Pruett was the metaphysical director of the project. He was Air Force. After he left Dr. Herman C. Untermann took over.
No it's not a completely different topic.

A whole town of people who have seen aliens and also experienced government officials trying to shut them up is relevant. You seek proof of aliens but no testimony will satisfy you. Your mind is closed.

How do you know the aliens in roswell were not just "us", us from the future traveling back in time....

the Earth could have experienced a nuclear holocaust

I have read that radiation causes the stunting of growth, the larger eyes, and grey skin?

Why can't the greys just be us, traveling back in time?

I have not read the rest of the thread so if you answered this already, I apologize....

Also, I have read in the Bible where it speaks of the same things, spirits or visitors from another place...called heaven or "fallen angels", came down and infiltrated the earth with their seed in women on earth and they bore "giants" and evil of the main reasons for the flood was to rid the earth of them...? Is that the same thing as ike's reptilians? also, reptilian is also a symbol of evil or a symbol of satan, a snake or a this all just symbolism of some sort?

How do you know the aliens in roswell were not just "us", us from the future traveling back in time....
I don't. How do you know they weren't just aliens. Is time travel easier to believe than the existence of aliens? tell me honestly.
the Earth could have experienced a nuclear holocaust

I have read that radiation causes the stunting of growth, the larger eyes, and grey skin?

Why can't the greys just be us, traveling back in time?

I have not read the rest of the thread so if you answered this already, I apologize....

Also, I have read in the Bible where it speaks of the same things, spirits or visitors from another place...called heaven or "fallen angels", came down and infiltrated the earth with their seed in women on earth and they bore "giants" and evil of the main reasons for the flood was to rid the earth of them...? Is that the same thing as ike's reptilians? also, reptilian is also a symbol of evil or a symbol of satan, a snake or a this all just symbolism of some sort?


Or it could be actual aliens that are reptile like, and maybe that is a symbol of evil for a reason. Maybe the aliens are mean.
I don't. How do you know they weren't just aliens. Is time travel easier to believe than the existence of aliens? tell me honestly.

i do weigh one over the other on possibilities, because i believe we will figure out time travel, because these aliens have not tried to harm us if they do exist, and because they walk upright and look like us with arms, legs, torso, head eyes etc....only smaller with some distortion, and grey.

Or it could be actual aliens that are reptile like, and maybe that is a symbol of evil for a reason. Maybe the aliens are mean.

it could be aliens, we could be aliens ourselves....i truely do not know, one way or the other....what is an alien?

i do weigh one over the other on possibilities, because i believe we will figure out time travel, because these aliens have not tried to harm us if they do exist, and because they walk upright and look like us with arms, legs, torso, head eyes etc....only smaller with some distortion, and grey.

it could be aliens, we could be aliens ourselves....i truely do not know, one way or the other....what is an alien?

Oh yeah. NO harm they've only given advanced technologies to government so they can oppress people. No harm there. yeah, right.
We have a mammalian brain. And does this mean you believe in aliens, but you can only believe in them if they're "good".?
the lower brain, the stem is reptilian....

i think the gvt is hiding what they know about ufo's and aliens from us....

i think something did happen in roswell with aliens....though i still believe that the aliens are us, of the future....and for all i know, we live on the red planet in the future...

I think the deviate technology developed like mind control and many other things came from the nazis, they were far more advance than us and i think the usa gvt did import their unrestrained thinking scientists and covered this up....

is that good enough for you or are you going to continue to have this argumentative attitude with me? ;)

the lower brain, the stem is reptilian....

i think the gvt is hiding what they know about ufo's and aliens from us....

i think something did happen in roswell with aliens....though i still believe that the aliens are us, of the future....and for all i know, we live on the red planet in the future...

I think the deviate technology developed like mind control and many other things came from the nazis, they were far more advance than us and i think the usa gvt did import their unrestrained thinking scientists and covered this up....

is that good enough for you or are you going to continue to have this argumentative attitude with me? ;)


Maybe. :)
What they essentially proved they could do was that they could control a person that they had the "signature" for. This pattern that was unique to an individual could be put into the computer program for the transmitter. A second order wavelength would be transmitted that has a lower attenuation and affects that persons mind directly. There could be a command to do anything focused at the person. Once a device was constructed that illustrated this principle on a wide scale. A mental message was put out that if anybody heard the message they were to call a certain phone number. Over 600 calls came from all over the East coast all the way down to Florida. It works.
Think of it as energic string theory.
good morning Asshat,

Think of the "brain washing/mind control" as the String Theory????

I thought String theory was about additional dimensions that we have not been aware of....? how could THAT, mind control have something to do with more dimension than we thought?

I've been reading some of your links and it is really freaking me out....hahahahaha! Wish i never started reading them.....but now i can't stop.... :(
