Aliens, Astral Projection, Alter Dimensions, ...The Unkown!

I'm not talking about the t-shirt and souvenir stand owners. I'm talking about eyewitnesses to the alien bodies, and craft, who were visited by the government and told to shut up. But of coursse, since your small mind cannot process the truth, they must all be liars.

Liars, and easily bought off. So much for your precious populism...
Maybe "God" lives in a "Base" at the ocean floor, and this entire planet is the result of an Alien bio-research project, where they created our various life forms in their image, except in a different atmosphere? Hmmmmm?????

Put down the bong!
Maybe "God" lives in a "Base" at the ocean floor, and this entire planet is the result of an Alien bio-research project, where they created our various life forms in their image, except in a different atmosphere? Hmmmmm?????

Put down the bong!

No bong, just a point. Are you trying to say that this is impossible? That we already know and understand all there is to know and understand about the universe? You are a classic example of what I originally pointed out in my initial post, about the utter arrogance of human knowledge. We tend to assume that what we know and understand, is all there is to know and understand, and other things are not possible, simply because they are beyond our ability to know and understand them.
I have absolutely no problem with your original post. I believe that God has blessed mankind with an intellect that demands that we step up and act as stewards of the planet, and of one another.

Oh, Dixie.... there has been a change in my life recently:

I retired from my utility company job after being there 10 years and now am...are you ready?..... a licensed minister in the United Church of Christ serving as the interim minister for my home church. What a long strange trip it's been!
No bong, just a point. Are you trying to say that this is impossible? That we already know and understand all there is to know and understand about the universe? You are a classic example of what I originally pointed out in my initial post, about the utter arrogance of human knowledge. We tend to assume that what we know and understand, is all there is to know and understand, and other things are not possible, simply because they are beyond our ability to know and understand them.

The exhortation "Put down the bong!" - like you - is a joke.
I have absolutely no problem with your original post. I believe that God has blessed mankind with an intellect that demands that we step up and act as stewards of the planet, and of one another.

Oh, Dixie.... there has been a change in my life recently:

I retired from my utility company job after being there 10 years and now am...are you ready?..... a licensed minister in the United Church of Christ serving as the interim minister for my home church. What a long strange trip it's been!

Wow, that is a big change indeed. Congrats to you. I trust it has made a positive difference in your life, and wish you the best.
The exhortation "Put down the bong!" - like you - is a joke.

I guess you are going to follow me around the board posting these mysterious little vague platitudes and seething cynicisms, until you get ready to discuss what is really on your mind. Some people have a problem speaking their mind, I never have. Generally speaking, I find that those who do, have anger problems or issues regarding their past, which prevents them from being social. They simply go from faint whispers under their breath, to mowing down the entire office staff with an Uzi.

I encourage you to discuss whatever it is that is causing you to follow me around the board, posting this meaningless drivel in my threads. I would really like to hear about what's bugging you, because something obviously is.
I guess you are going to follow me around the board posting these mysterious little vague platitudes and seething cynicisms, until you get ready to discuss what is really on your mind. Some people have a problem speaking their mind, I never have. Generally speaking, I find that those who do, have anger problems or issues regarding their past, which prevents them from being social. They simply go from faint whispers under their breath, to mowing down the entire office staff with an Uzi.

I encourage you to discuss whatever it is that is causing you to follow me around the board, posting this meaningless drivel in my threads. I would really like to hear about what's bugging you, because something obviously is.

I guess you are going to follow me around the board posting these mysterious little vague platitudes and seething cynicisms, until you get ready to discuss what is really on your mind. Some people have a problem speaking their mind, I never have. Generally speaking, I find that those who do, have anger problems or issues regarding their past, which prevents them from being social. They simply go from faint whispers under their breath, to mowing down the entire office staff with an Uzi.

I encourage you to discuss whatever it is that is causing you to follow me around the board, posting this meaningless drivel in my threads. I would really like to hear about what's bugging you, because something obviously is.

Dix, you made claims about Texas oil wells. It's an economics discussion, yet you do know know, and refuse to learn, a few basic economics terms. The term that I suggested you learn is something that an educated person such as Toppy would recognize instantly. He's smart enough, when shown point A, to generate the chain of logic that reaches the proper conclusion. You, however, are incapable of a cogent discussion in the area and can not support your point other than through ignorant rantings.
Dix, you made claims about Texas oil wells. It's an economics discussion, yet you do know know, and refuse to learn, a few basic economics terms. The term that I suggested you learn is something that an educated person such as Toppy would recognize instantly. He's smart enough, when shown point A, to generate the chain of logic that reaches the proper conclusion. You, however, are incapable of a cogent discussion in the area and can not support your point other than through ignorant rantings.

Dixie got schooled, Asshat style.
Dix, you made claims about Texas oil wells. It's an economics discussion, yet you do know know, and refuse to learn, a few basic economics terms. The term that I suggested you learn is something that an educated person such as Toppy would recognize instantly. He's smart enough, when shown point A, to generate the chain of logic that reaches the proper conclusion. You, however, are incapable of a cogent discussion in the area and can not support your point other than through ignorant rantings.

I never made any claim about Texas oil wells. I said that several US Oil companies have capped wells in several states, including my own home state of Alabama. I further explained the reason I thought these wells remained capped in a time we are struggling with supply, is purely economic on part of the oil companies. You interjected some vague statement about "economic oil" and drew a parallel with "economic gold" and suggested I get some education, but I never saw or understood what your point was, or why you felt compelled to interject that vague statement to me. It has nothing to do with logic, it is a matter of proper form in debate, and apparently you don't comprehend this. I can't argue with a vague statement, and I don't know how it refutes anything I have presented. It carried a little weight because you included pejoratives directed at me personally, but without any real basis for that either, so I am left wondering if you are on medication.
77 yrs old. Shame on those people for taking advantage of a senile old man.

Ohh wait maybe they are McCain supporters?