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Picts?? FLowers out now??

Oh pics! I put all the shrooms in the fridge, will clean and cook and freeze them tomorrow. But I'll take a pic of them before. And the blueberries too! Last week I made Mr. Owl blueberry muffins with the berries I picked close by. Tomorrow he will wake up to blueberry pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs. In the meantime, here is a pic of my happy place. Growing tomatoes, potatoes, squash, herbs, peas, beans, peppers, onions, garlic, horseradish, happy herb.

Flowers currently blooming now are ox-eye daisies, black-eye susans, hawk weed, St. John's wort, pearly ever-lastings, knapweed asters, lupines, bee balm, thyme, oregano, basil, day lilies.
Flowers currently blooming now are ox-eye daisies, black-eye susans, hawk weed, St. John's wort, pearly ever-lastings, knapweed asters, lupines, bee balm, thyme, oregano, basil, day lilies.
Sounds heavenly. I’m not familiar with Hawk Weed or Knapweed asters. I’ll have to research
Oh pics! I put all the shrooms in the fridge, will clean and cook and freeze them tomorrow. But I'll take a pic of them before. And the blueberries too! Last week I made Mr. Owl blueberry muffins with the berries I picked close by. Tomorrow he will wake up to blueberry pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs. In the meantime, here is a pic of my happy place. Growing tomatoes, potatoes, squash, herbs, peas, beans, peppers, onions, garlic, horseradish, happy herb.



I notice you have built a wall around it to keep out undesirables........ :rofl2: & a pretty high one..

I imagine they are pretty big there & could devour the entire garden in one night......

Some of my neighbors have had issues w/ rats eating their tomatoes.. I always recommend cats...
Flowers currently blooming now are ox-eye daisies, black-eye susans, hawk weed, St. John's wort, pearly ever-lastings, knapweed asters, lupines, bee balm, thyme, oregano, basil, day lilies.

I tried to grow those blk-eye susans for the Gold Finch but they kept dying. They really could not handle getting water on them what so ever-they got a mold or fungus & wilted away..

I now plant regular black oil sunflower instead-nothing seems to bother them..

I notice you have built a wall around it to keep out undesirables........ :rofl2: & a pretty high one..

I imagine they are pretty big there & could devour the entire garden in one night......

Some of my neighbors have had issues w/ rats eating their tomatoes.. I always recommend cats...

Yeah, we left it open the first fall, on accident. There wasn't much left since everything was done and pulled. But the deer got in the greenhouse and even ate the herbs I had hanging up drying!

Oh gross... rats. How disgusting is that?
I tried to grow those blk-eye susans for the Gold Finch but they kept dying. They really could not handle getting water on them what so ever-they got a mold or fungus & wilted away..

I now plant regular black oil sunflower instead-nothing seems to bother them..

They can get powdery mildew pretty bad in some climates. Do you leave your sunflowers up till everyone's eaten them?
Yeah, we left it open the first fall, on accident. There wasn't much left since everything was done and pulled. But the deer got in the greenhouse and even ate the herbs I had hanging up drying!

Oh gross... rats. How disgusting is that?

Yes, I hate them... They are bad this year, I guess do to the rain..

The cat that has been showing up lately is so small I doubt he can do anything to them, although I saw him chase a squirrel..
Yes... I don't have many this year, but I have had several goldies eating the leaves waiting for them to ripen..

One of our favorite birds!

I can now add toad wrangler to my resume. A great fat toad has been living in the wood we've been cutting up for firewood. Every so often I have to capture him and put him in the garden where he won't get smooshed. He always manages to find his way back to the wood stack though. It's full of delicious creepy crawly things.
One of our favorite birds!

I can now add toad wrangler to my resume. A great fat toad has been living in the wood we've been cutting up for firewood. Every so often I have to capture him and put him in the garden where he won't get smooshed. He always manages to find his way back to the wood stack though. It's full of delicious creepy crawly things.

LOL, hopefully he helps his or her self to some juicy grubs while in there..

I feed the birds so I get house finch but there is a huge flock of English finch & they are aggressive so they often frighten them away..

I use to feed them until I caught them eating the leaves off green beans & they are attacking my squash wish is just coming up..

I scared the crap out of them yesterday w/ a small water canon.. they have not been back yet.:)

I miss a woodstove, I don't even have a real fireplace.... Because of air quality the newer houses don't have them-have a natural gas insert only..
I miss a woodstove, I don't even have a real fireplace.... Because of air quality the newer houses don't have them-have a natural gas insert only..

Oh, that's too bad. Not only is wood heat comforting it has helped us save a boatload on propane. We pay by the year and ended up with a $300+ credit.

Maybe you should have a chat with those naughty birds. They are supposed to eat your bugs in return for seeds, not your garden!
Oh, that's too bad. Not only is wood heat comforting it has helped us save a boatload on propane. We pay by the year and ended up with a $300+ credit.

Maybe you should have a chat with those naughty birds. They are supposed to eat your bugs in return for seeds, not your garden!

LOL, I did have a talk w/ them, w/ that giant squirt gun........

English sparrows are not really sparrows, they are warblers aka scavengers that eat anything.. I have feed them for I dunno how many years & never had a problem w/ birds, other than a scrub jay digging up seeds I planted.. They were beans, he couldn't even eat

Anyway three years ago they started going ape shit on the screens, leaves etc....

The flock is huge, I am partly to blame & thus far they have avoided my just planted Chinese long beans, for some reason..