Amazon Tavern

You'll like them. VERY good at relieving anxiety or insomnia too.

Want a funny gummy story?

Me to Mr. Owl: What kind of ice cream do you want me to get tomorrow?
Mr. Owl: We haven't had that kind with the chocolate cows in it for a long time.
Me: Huh? Ice cream with chocolate cows in it?
Mr. Owl: Yeah, it's green and has chocolate chunks shaped like cows in it.
Me: Do you mean the Purple Cow brand of mint chocolate chip? It has a cow on the box but not in the ice cream.
Mr. Owl: Are you sure?
Me: Yep.
Mr. Owl: It's possible that I remember the cows because I had a gummy before I ate it.

That is an excellent report!
Actually, it's been milder. For some reason, the north is getting milder while the south and the coasts are scorching. I think it's because the artic air is being kept farther north. You can occasionally travel a few hundred miles south, and start climbing up in temp. At one point it was 30 degrees warmer around Dayton as opposed to us.

That's good! July here came in 1.8 degrees F warmer than usual, which was a lot better than the rest of the country fared. January, February, March, April, May, and June were below normal.
That is an excellent report!

Thanks. I'm starting to think we've created a monster here. Every evening at 7:30pm we go out and cover the back part of the hoop house with a tarp to give the plants their 12 hrs. of darkness. That's supposed to trigger them to flower. Every night he asks if there's bud yet. lol
Oh, and good morning!

Heheheheh. We cherish the green because soon it will be all gone. Leaves start changing at the end of August or early September, depending on how dry it's been. By mid-October they're gone. The trees aren't leafed out again till the beginning of June.

Wow, very short time period, I guess you have to enjoy every minute of it.:)
Yep, times was tuff back in the day.:) why they were mostly dead in their 50's..

It was the only way to escape all that work. lol

This is pretty cool "native tech." How they heated the wiigiwaaman (wigwams) back in the day:


I bet it was nice and snug in the winter with the furs and the fire.
It was the only way to escape all that work. lol

This is pretty cool "native tech." How they heated the wiigiwaaman (wigwams) back in the day:


I bet it was nice and snug in the winter with the furs and the fire.

Nice, looks like lots of knowledge & experience went it that..
All right! It's even-better-than-my-birthday day! It's NATIONAL LAZY DAY!

Sure wish I'd found out *before* getting my chores done. What are you going to not do today?