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Avocados are toxic to parrots; can dogs eat them?
No, I have never given my dogs avocado. I looked it up just now and it says no, it contains persin which is toxic although dogs are more resistant to it than other animals. A small piece probably wouldn't hurt them but I'm not trying it.
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No, I have never given my dogs avocado. I looked it up just now and it says no, it contains persin which is toxic although dogs are more resistant to it than other animals. A small piece probably wouldn't hurt them but I'm not trying it.

That's wise! There's so much stuff in our environment that is bad for our companion critters, isn't there? For birds it's stuff like aerosols, scented candles, non-stick Teflon anything, chocolate, avocados, onions, and on and on. Probably some of these things are harmful to dogs too, eh?
A lovely day to close out the weekend here. Hope that yours was grand as well. Growing things is my hobby and passion. Taking pics is another. Taking pics of growing things -- well now! lol It's good though to have these photos to look back on in February when the garden is under four feet of snow!



February this year:


A lot of ppl told us that the U.P. is "Alaska Lite." They weren't kidding. Just like in AK, the road dept saves all its huge and annoying projects up for summer time. Which, weirdly enough, is exactly the same time of year as Tourist Time. We're pretty sure that the mayor's brother owns a roundabout factory because every year since we've been here they install new ones. This year's Traffic Nightmare Du Jour is a DOUBLE roundabout where all the big box stores live. Plus it is on the only way out of town that goes directly south and west. You can't even drive directly into Walmart's parking lot anymore.... you have to sneak up on it by passing it up, then making a U-turn and passing it AGAIN, then if you're lucky you will spot the Sekrit Intrance. You can count on being stuck behind at least one tandem trailer mine truck, seven RVs, and four confused out-of-towners who can't figure out where their hotels went.

Last week I was in Wally World, almost done shopping, when the power failed. Store employees ran around rounding up all the customers and herding us to the registers, which had ~30 mins. of battery back-up before shutting down. Got checked out just in time; the emergency lights went out just as I was leaving. They had stationed a big burly guy near the doors to pry them open for us. Outside traffic was backed up for almost two miles. A construction guy had taken out some power lines and a transformer with the excavator bucket on his machine.

Summer fun in the U.P.!