Amazon Tavern

It's not the issue anyway. I'm going to wait and talk to the specialist about it. After reading the side effects, price, and the approvals to even get the med, I said screw it.

Good for you for educating yourself about it. That's the best idea, to speak to your specialist. Was it your primary physician who prescribed it?
Good for you for educating yourself about it. That's the best idea, to speak to your specialist. Was it your primary physician who prescribed it?

Yep, I just think the problem is bile acid. I have too much fat and have what you describe after you had your gallbladder removed. I want to discuss meds for bile acid malabsorption.
You can't be saying screw it!But a specialist can push it thru easier than a PCP if he thinks it's right med.

With the side effects and price, I can. Unless it magically gets under $40 dollars I'm not even considering trying a different kind of the same medicine that gave me issues last time. Good chance it does the same. The biggest issue is it being an opioid.
With the side effects and price, I can. Unless it magically gets under $40 dollars I'm not even considering trying a different kind of the same medicine that gave me issues last time. Good chance it does the same. The biggest issue is it being an opioid.

Oh geeze. I thought they had moved past prescribing those for IBS. They really do slow down motility, which is why you get constipation when taking them. We have better stuff now though.
Is it Paragoric?

You used to be able to buy that OTC with a signature. When my middle daughter was a toddler, we had one of those stomach bugs run through the family. Vomiting and diarrhea. She got so lethargic at one point I was seriously scared. Called the doc, he told me to go get paregoric liquid for her. It stopped her right up. A couple days later I got it, and took the paregoric right out of the gate. Oh man. Had no idea that it contained opium. It was just like that song, Comfortably Numb. My head felt like "two balloons." lol It worked great but the side effects.... ugh.
You used to be able to buy that OTC with a signature. When my middle daughter was a toddler, we had one of those stomach bugs run through the family. Vomiting and diarrhea. She got so lethargic at one point I was seriously scared. Called the doc, he told me to go get paregoric liquid for her. It stopped her right up. A couple days later I got it, and took the paregoric right out of the gate. Oh man. Had no idea that it contained opium. It was just like that song, Comfortably Numb. My head felt like "two balloons." lol It worked great but the side effects.... ugh.

When I was in the ER with Benzo Belly they gave me 7 meds,when
Paragoric would have worked.
But it's not PC to use Paragoric.