Amazon Tavern

For realz? Yikes, they better not! I haven't read through the manual yet regarding the camera, other than you can use your phone as a view screen so you can see what it is seeing.

Yes, I was looking for phone shade (something you might consider) & they are used for that as well..

Does Mr Owl like these kinda toys also?
Missouri was exactly the same way! They convinced ppl to vote for the lottery yet somehow the schools are still broke. Illinois, where my daughter lives/teaches, is the same way. She worked a long time as a "part time" contract instructor until the voters finally passed a tax increase to better fund the district. She is now permanent FT with benefits.

A funny (not ha-ha) thing about that lottery and the legalized casinos in Missouri: Her dad and her aunt (dad's sister) both have severe gambling problems. His house was foreclosed on, he's got two criminal charges pending against him for passing bad checks, and now a criminal trespass for going to the casino after being banned from them. Probably he self-banned himself which you can do in MO, but if they catch you on the premises you are arrested. Her aunt is almost as bad. It's really sad.

^ That's a sad story. Gambling can be just as addictive as drugs or alcohol.
They sure got my number, as well. Pun intended. Heheheh.

My oldest brother is mathematically gifted. In his youth he spent a lot of time in Las Vegas. He only played poker. He was very good at it because he can count cards, plus he seems to be pretty lucky.

Is his name James Holzhauer by any chance lol?
Is that the stuff you said is expensive? I used to drink regular Pepsi many decades ago; haven't touched it for 30 years. Once in a very great while I'll buy a black cherry soda, as long as it's made with real sugar and not that HFCS stuff. Traverse City has some awesome locally-made black cherry pops.

Yep, it's probably about twice as expensive. As part of my diet, I've been avoiding foods with a lot of fructose or fermentable sugars. Here's my list but you also have to factor in avoiding high-fat foods and highly acidic foods.
Yes, I was looking for phone shade (something you might consider) & they are used for that as well..

Does Mr Owl like these kinda toys also?

'Morning, all.

So far he's played with the small drone more than I have. He keeps taking it back to show me stuff when I try to play with it. lol Unfortunately it scared his little bird so much he flew into the bathroom and tried to hide behind the box of Kleenex. When he went to fetch him, Dash crawled inside his shirt to hide. Poor little guy.
'Morning, all.

So far he's played with the small drone more than I have. He keeps taking it back to show me stuff when I try to play with it. lol Unfortunately it scared his little bird so much he flew into the bathroom and tried to hide behind the box of Kleenex. When he went to fetch him, Dash crawled inside his shirt to hide. Poor little guy.

Awwe, they can be loud....

They are putting more & more restrictions on them here but I have seen ppl hiking w/ them & they can get some unbelievable views, angles & to spots no man or women has ever been to & seen close up.......
Awwe, they can be loud....

They are putting more & more restrictions on them here but I have seen ppl hiking w/ them & they can get some unbelievable views, angles & to spots no man or women has ever been to & seen close up.......

How cool! That's what I'm hoping for -- some awesome shots from high up. It does have a zoom, btw.