Amazon Tavern

How Freudian. lol

Once in a great while I'll buy a Powerball or Mega Millions ticket, when there's one of those huge jackpots. I think the most I've ever won was $3 or something.

lol, I won ten bucks once, some guy a few miles from my daughter house in Cerritos,ca won 88 million.. I rolled it over-quick picks-I think I should have won something for getting the least #'s.....
lol, I won ten bucks once, some guy a few miles from my daughter house in Cerritos,ca won 88 million.. I rolled it over-quick picks-I think I should have won something for getting the least #'s.....

LOL! They really need some sort of booby prize like that, eh?

My niece won half a million on a scratch-off some years ago. She's the only person I've ever known that won more than a buck here and there.
LOL! They really need some sort of booby prize like that, eh?

My niece won half a million on a scratch-off some years ago. She's the only person I've ever known that won more than a buck here and there.

The way they do it maximizes participation.. One or two huge winners, everyone else little or nothing..

Years ago in NY they had lots of smaller winners, a couple thousand, 100 bucks etc & the big winners got a couple million=spread it out.. I liked that
Oh squeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr. Owl gave me my birthday presents early! He got me DRONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's a small practice one w/o a camera, and then a real one with the camera! Now I can spy on the nei.... er, watch wildlife from afar!


(The parrots are not impressed.)
The way they do it maximizes participation.. One or two huge winners, everyone else little or nothing..

Years ago in NY they had lots of smaller winners, a couple thousand, 100 bucks etc & the big winners got a couple million=spread it out.. I liked that

I guess they use the scratch-and-sniff kind for the smaller prizes. Michigan also has on-line casino-type games you can play for money at home. So you don't even have to leave your house to become bankrupt. lol
Oh squeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr. Owl gave me my birthday presents early! He got me DRONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's a small practice one w/o a camera, and then a real one with the camera! Now I can spy on the nei.... er, watch wildlife from afar!


(The parrots are not impressed.)

Awesome, nice new toy.....:) Good camera?? Zoom??

I hear hawks love to steal
Awesome, nice new toy.....:) Good camera?? Zoom??

I hear hawks love to steal

For realz? Yikes, they better not! I haven't read through the manual yet regarding the camera, other than you can use your phone as a view screen so you can see what it is seeing.
I don't like artificial sweeteners at all. Even a few particles from one of those little envelopes they have at your table in a restaurant makes the drink taste horribly bitter. Stevia is the only one that doesn't.

I'll just drink water!Stop bringing,chips,cookies,pie,pop,into the house.
Just treat myself when out!