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Oh, I could see that....... The lighting on them is poor from what I have seen & zooming around @ 50+ MPH gives lil time to stop when a big one jumps out in front of you.......

In Iowa they drive on the sides of the two lane "highways" keeping up w/ traffic or faster, @ night... Death wish...

We've seen them do that here too but technically they are supposed to stay on the trails. There are thousands of miles of snowmachine trails connecting Minnesota, Wisconsin, the U.P., and downstate MI. No reason to ride on highways, but they still do at times. We hear them sometimes at night here zooming around on our little sand roads. Not very good for your sled but whatever. You have to buy a trail permit otherwise so I guess our little backroads are the place for those w/o one.
Here's a beautiful surprise. It was mostly cloudy all day, till just before sunset. Namebini-giizis, the Suckerfish Moon, February's full moon.

We've seen them do that here too but technically they are supposed to stay on the trails. There are thousands of miles of snowmachine trails connecting Minnesota, Wisconsin, the U.P., and downstate MI. No reason to ride on highways, but they still do at times. We hear them sometimes at night here zooming around on our little sand roads. Not very good for your sled but whatever. You have to buy a trail permit otherwise so I guess our little backroads are the place for those w/o one.

When we're out snowshoeing we hate them. The noise & smell kinda ruins it..
We went to a Mother's day dinner in her tiny home town 700 population,when we first met,they all stared at me like I was the gangster she brought home from Toledo.

& they soon new all about you & the whispering & rumors fly..

I talked to an 80 year old lady that is related to me some how.

I was working on my ancestry & she was from the same dot on the map as my father was & she knew all the gossip, as if it was yesterday... & was very eager to volunteer gossip about everyone in town as well as those that left..

I doubt that shithole has ever had more than a couple hundred ppl living there, not even a store-only enterprise is a
When we're out snowshoeing we hate them. The noise & smell kinda ruins it..

Same here. Thankfully we have miles of Nordic ski trails to snowshoe on where the redneck-killers (as Mr. Owl says the WSJ called them lol) can't go. The x-country ski ppl don't care if you snowshoe on their trails as long as you're careful not to step on the tracks. Have you ever done Nordic skiing?
Same here. Thankfully we have miles of Nordic ski trails to snowshoe on where the redneck-killers (as Mr. Owl says the WSJ called them lol) can't go. The x-country ski ppl don't care if you snowshoe on their trails as long as you're careful not to step on the tracks. Have you ever done Nordic skiing?

No, not done it yet, but many times I do go w/ them... I can cross country about as fast as they can, faster going up & they are going down..

The terrain in the Mt's is different than there perhaps but almost every time I end up helping one of them, pulling them out of a hole, ice in the mounts etc...
& they soon new all about you & the whispering & rumors fly..

I talked to an 80 year old lady that is related to me some how.

I was working on my ancestry & she was from the same dot on the map as my father was & she knew all the gossip, as if it was yesterday... & was very eager to volunteer gossip about everyone in town as well as those that left..

I doubt that shithole has ever had more than a couple hundred ppl living there, not even a store-only enterprise is a

Isn't that hilarious? Where was that at?

It's kind of like that here too. The first thing you're asked when you move here is if you plan to stay the winters. Our house is known by the name of the former owners -- "Oh, I know where that is, that's the old ___ place." lol If you meet someone new there's a very good chance you know someone in common.
No, not done it yet, but many times I do go w/ them... I can cross country about as fast as they can, faster going up & they are going down..

The terrain in the Mt's is different than there perhaps but almost every time I end up helping one of them, pulling them out of a hole, ice in the mounts etc...

That's awesome!