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No,it was a great satiric series Starring Mary Louise Parker as a widow who turns to selling Weed in the California suburbs.
As it goes on it gets very dark at times.

That sounds MUCH better than a prison flick. lol

We watched Caddyshack the other night. I hadn't realize how many naughty little innuendos were in that movie. Like Chevy Chase talking to a guy named "Cumstein." lol
That sounds MUCH better than a prison flick. lol

We watched Caddyshack the other night. I hadn't realize how many naughty little innuendos were in that movie. Like Chevy Chase talking to a guy named "Cumstein." lol

The uncut Caddyshack has a lot of that!
Weeds is like no show I ever saw,great series!
Good morning, everyone. Look! We might get sunshine today! Hope your day starts as lovely as ours has.

The other day a little goldfinch smacked into one of the windows and went *plop* in the snow by the front door. Brought him in and put him in the hospital box by the woodstove. He was pretty concussed. We didn't think he would make it. But after an overnight stay he was perky and alert again. We let him go back to his family yesterday morning.

The patient in the "hospital."


The down side of nice big windows is bird strikes. Usually they fly away but sometimes they're too stunned. If we don't get to them in time the Evil Red Carnivorous Squirrel will grab them. Just some warmth and dark (soft towel draped over the little box) will usually revive them enough to go free in an hour or so. This guy was our first over-nighter. So if this happens to you, don't be afraid to bring her inside for a bit of TLC... you could save a life.
Here's a wintry scene for you. No more freighters passing by; they closed the Locks at Sault Ste. Marie a couple of weeks ago. Temps have been running 10-15 degrees (F) above average this month. Even so, a bit of ice is starting to appear, probably blown down our way from the colder northern shore.
