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Oh, how awful. Are you able to function? I was totally debilitated, had to lay in a dark room.

I did too, until I took imitrex. The docs always prescribed other things first like beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and even an anti-seizure med. Tryptans really saved my life.
I have a pituitary adenoma which is a tumor on the gland that is at the base of the brain. I named him Francis after one of the characters on PeeWee's Big Adventure because he was a jerk. It gives me someone to yell at for it. LOL! It causes headaches like that, too. Weather changes, stress, and strong smells are a nightmare.

So, if you ever see me talking about Francis and how much of a douchebag he is, that's who it is. :laugh:

I was told I have an arachnoid cyst, but they normally don't do anything serious. Mom told me she read an article about the guy who plays Gibbs, on NCIS. Apparently he has one, and deals with headaches, and other issues from it.
I was told I have an arachnoid cyst, but they normally don't do anything serious. Mom told me she read an article about the guy who plays Gibbs, on NCIS. Apparently he has one, and deals with headaches, and other issues from it.

Oh, jeesh! Sorry to hear that. I am glad, though, that it won't do anything serious.
They want me to stay on the medication that I'm taking to get rid of him, or at least stop him from growing. They could do surgery, but it's pretty invasive considering his location. If he grows too big, he could knock into my optic nerves. That could become a problem. He's a twerp.

Aimee I am so sorry to hear that. I wish I could help. If you need anything let me know.
They're not even sure. He was discovered in the late 90s, but they're thinking that he had been there since around the time I went through puberty. If that's the case, he's been there for around 30 years!

Can you get an award for longest tumor? lol
Oh, stop, it was a heartfelt message between friends, stop cheapening everything.

Uh, Earth to Phantasmal ... it's called 'humor'.

Grumpy got it.
Aimee got it.
TOP got it.
Mason got it.
Owl got it.
Jade g.. mmmmm, anyway,
... it was a bit of humor tossed into the mix.
Yes I did, once. I had to pay for it though. It didn't eliminate them but it helped. As long as I can refill that imitrex Rx, I'm happy!

Is it still delivered via injection? My daughter tried that but couldn't get past the having to stick herself part. And to think she used to have both ears pierced from the pinna apex down to the lobes. lol
Uh, Earth to Phantasmal ... it's called 'humor'.

Grumpy got it.
Aimee got it.
TOP got it.
Mason got it.
Owl got it.
Jade g.. mmmmm, anyway,
... it was a bit of humor tossed into the mix.

Actually Owl thought you were being a dick, again.
Uh, Earth to Phantasmal ... it's called 'humor'.

Grumpy got it.
Aimee got it.
TOP got it.
Mason got it.
Owl got it.
Jade g.. mmmmm, anyway,
... it was a bit of humor tossed into the mix.
Bad, cheap humor isn’t my thing, I guess, I’ll leave the others to their own opinions.