Amazon Tavern

Bad, cheap humor isn’t my thing, I guess, I’ll leave the others to their own opinions.

"Bad, cheap humor"? WTF!
Look, Phantasmal, if you want the 'Good, Expensive Humor" ... you're going to have to find a Comedy Club and pay for it!
I gotta' go. Phantasmal ... she's a real 'Wet Blanket'.
Look, why don't you install a light or flag outside, or something that indicates*Phantasmal is at the Tavern here, that way the rest of us could avoid it?
I gotta' go. Phantasmal ... she's a real 'Wet Blanket'.
Look, why don't you install a light or flag outside, or something that indicates*Phantasmal is at the Tavern here, that way the rest of us could avoid it?
You can always put me on ignore...
Uh, Earth to Phantasmal ... it's called 'humor'.

Grumpy got it.
Aimee got it.
TOP got it.
Mason got it.
Owl got it.
Jade g.. mmmmm, anyway,
... it was a bit of humor tossed into the mix.

I've learned you're often just being snarky, and weird. Some times though, you take things from joking, to holy shit, man.
In most ppl it's just a one-time event, probably some artery weakness you were born with. I got super lucky though* and have a rare disease called fibromuscular dysplasia. It causes malformation of at least one of the three arterial walls. On radiograph it looks like a "string of pearls" and can affect arteries anywhere in the body. My left carotid had a large dissection for years, and the right kidney artery had the string of pearls thing, as did the right vertebral artery. It seems to affect mostly females between the ages of 20 and 50, and seems to also be hormone-mediated. It's in remission now; I no longer have to go in yearly and have an angiogram to see if anything new has developed. The dissection and kidney/vertebral arteries eventually healed. Whew. Guess that's another bonus of getting old. Hooray for menopause! lol

* Sarcasm alert, lol
Oh my goodness, that must have been scary when it was going on. Thankfully the condition was found and the threat has gone away.

LOL @ wiser. I'm still waiting for that train to pull into the station. ;~) Did the 9 lbs stay off then?
Oh yes, I kept it off. I quit smoking in 2013 and gained weight so I started low carb in 2015 and lost it. When I would hit plateaus, I'd try to find something to make me lose weight again. The Whole30 definitely worked but I will never attempt that again. I just avoid sugar and carbs and that works for me. It's a way of life not a diet. I'd still like to lose about 10 lbs but short of completely starving myself I don't think it will happen. But that's ok, I'm not overweight, thankfully.
That's insane. They often show the huge long gridlocks on the news when a hurricane is threatening somewhere. Glad you didn't get hit with the Floyd one. Our nemesis was tornadoes back in STL. We were never in one, but spent plenty of time in the spring rushing the birds down to the basement when the sirens went off. The closest one ever got was hitting about a mile away in another neighborhood. Thankfully no one was injured or killed.
Tornadoes and earthquakes are spontaneous unlike hurricanes, which makes it bad. People do have an option to leave for a hurricane but some dumbasses who live on the coastline, no less, try to ride it out and even have hurricane parties. Very dumb. We don't even have basements down here.
Hope you don't mind, Mason.

I've had enough battles and drama on message boards in the past so I'm sort of over it. Sounds like this has been going on a long time, probably years.

Since I can't reply to you where you originally posted this, I'll do it here.

Yes, years. I first found the Amazon politics forum sometime in 2010. Just like any other long-standing discussion venue, there were ppl that had been there for years and knew each other well. I was courted and schmoozed by a right-oriented female there, and cautioned not to be friends with this one and that one and esp. not that one over there. I didn't listen. All the ppl mentioned were 1) other women, and 2) lefties like me. The right-oriented female (ROF) had a clique consisting mostly of males (sound familiar?) and an ongoing war with an outspoken leftie female (ditto?) named Mina and another leftie woman named Lisa. I liked them both. So then the battle was on! Those two women were relentlessly targeted and stalked by ROF and her gang on and off forum. Facebook pages were browsed. Employers were contacted. Family members' names were publicized along with locations and other personal info. Similar things began to happen to me as well. Many ppl were banned because of reporting by SOF & crew. SOF herself was banned multiple times for posting personal info, stalking, harassment, personal attacks, etc. Eventually Amazon closed their discussion forums, and some of us drifted here. I chose to use a pseudonym here for obvious reasons. Within a week of arrival, ROF used my real name 2-3 times on JPP. Mods deleted it at my request. Eventually the entire thread for "Amazon Refugees" was deleted by OP request.

I'd much rather get along with ppl than bicker. Political bickering is fine; tis what we're here for, eh? I was pleased to see that you began making attempts to be civil to me in this thread, and responded in kind. We'll probably never agree on political shit, but probably most of us can find common ground elsewhere.

Kudos to Mason for starting this thread!
Tornadoes and earthquakes are spontaneous unlike hurricanes, which makes it bad. People do have an option to leave for a hurricane but some dumbasses who live on the coastline, no less, try to ride it out and even have hurricane parties. Very dumb. We don't even have basements down here.

That's probably a good thing; I imagine in a hurricane esp in a storm surge area, that basement would fill up fast. Last April we had a three-day blizzard. The winds were from the NNE which is where the main part of our living area faces. The shrieking and screaming of the winds (gusting sometimes over 60mph) was nerve-wracking. And that's not even half what a decent hurricane can generate. It's hard to imagine being hunkered down for hours, waiting for it to pass, and hearing that plus the sounds of stuff hitting your house/roof, wondering when the roof is going to peel off and take the walls with it. You guys are tough down there!