Amazon Tavern

I have a pituitary adenoma which is a tumor on the gland that is at the base of the brain. I named him Francis after one of the characters on PeeWee's Big Adventure because he was a jerk. It gives me someone to yell at for it. LOL! It causes headaches like that, too. Weather changes, stress, and strong smells are a nightmare.

So, if you ever see me talking about Francis and how much of a douchebag he is, that's who it is. :laugh:

Is there anything to be done to get rid of Francis?
Yes, I do. Thank god for imitrex. I've had every variation of migraine possible, with and without aura, with and without nausea, one side or both sides, aura w/o migraine, migraine w/o aura, etc. I used to see a neurologist but finally he just released me to my primary in order to get scrips when needed.

Gods, that's horrible. They really do affect your quality of life too. How often do they occur?
Right. Especially if it comes with extra options like nausea, vomiting, photophobia.

In most ppl it's just a one-time event, probably some artery weakness you were born with. I got super lucky though* and have a rare disease called fibromuscular dysplasia. It causes malformation of at least one of the three arterial walls. On radiograph it looks like a "string of pearls" and can affect arteries anywhere in the body. My left carotid had a large dissection for years, and the right kidney artery had the string of pearls thing, as did the right vertebral artery. It seems to affect mostly females between the ages of 20 and 50, and seems to also be hormone-mediated. It's in remission now; I no longer have to go in yearly and have an angiogram to see if anything new has developed. The dissection and kidney/vertebral arteries eventually healed. Whew. Guess that's another bonus of getting old. Hooray for menopause! lol

* Sarcasm alert, lol

LOL @ wiser. I'm still waiting for that train to pull into the station. ;~) Did the 9 lbs stay off then?
Gracious, glad you’re in remission.
One of my triggers is weather change, mostly when the change is from clear to rain or snow. Also alcohol, which is why I rarely drink, certain perfume scents, cigarette smoke, stress.
I am so grateful I don’t get them anymore. I was plagued during pregnancy.
Yes, I do. Thank god for imitrex. I've had every variation of migraine possible, with and without aura, with and without nausea, one side or both sides, aura w/o migraine, migraine w/o aura, etc. I used to see a neurologist but finally he just released me to my primary in order to get scrips when needed.
Sorry :(
I have a pituitary adenoma which is a tumor on the gland that is at the base of the brain. I named him Francis after one of the characters on PeeWee's Big Adventure because he was a jerk. It gives me someone to yell at for it. LOL! It causes headaches like that, too. Weather changes, stress, and strong smells are a nightmare.

So, if you ever see me talking about Francis and how much of a douchebag he is, that's who it is. :laugh:

Oh no, that's awful. Can you get it removed or at least shrinked? :sad:

It's strange that so many of us get migraines. Is it JPP? :D
At the old Amazon,besides all the fighting ,back stabbing,mass reporting,sock wars.
We had one thread that everyone agreed,was an oasis.No fighting was allowed and everyone followed the keep civil rules.
That is what this thread is for.
I suspect it will fail miserably,but here goes!

I think that the proposed thread that you describe is an excellent idea.
If there were any chance at all that I could conform to its code, I would enjoy posting here.

Unfortunately, my seething hatred for the right makes it impossible for me to meet your requirements.
That level of self-discipline, as much as I admire and respect it, is well beyond my capabilities.
Good luck, though. Seriously.
Is there anything to be done to get rid of Francis?

They want me to stay on the medication that I'm taking to get rid of him, or at least stop him from growing. They could do surgery, but it's pretty invasive considering his location. If he grows too big, he could knock into my optic nerves. That could become a problem. He's a twerp.
They want me to stay on the medication that I'm taking to get rid of him, or at least stop him from growing. They could do surgery, but it's pretty invasive considering his location. If he grows too big, he could knock into my optic nerves. That could become a problem. He's a twerp.

:~( How long has he been plaguing you?
I think that the proposed thread that you describe is an excellent idea.
If there were any chance at all that I could conform to its code, I would enjoy posting here.

Unfortunately, my seething hatred for the right makes it impossible for me to meet your requirements.
That level of self-discipline, as much as I admire and respect it, is well beyond my capabilities.
Good luck, though. Seriously.

Well, we could always discuss hobbies or something benign. Maybe you could post some pics of the trophy Reichwingers you've bagged? lol
I think that the proposed thread that you describe is an excellent idea.
If there were any chance at all that I could conform to its code, I would enjoy posting here.

Unfortunately, my seething hatred for the right makes it impossible for me to meet your requirements.
That level of self-discipline, as much as I admire and respect it, is well beyond my capabilities.
Good luck, though. Seriously.

You're not on the ban list,you might as well post!
Oh no, that's awful. Can you get it removed or at least shrinked? :sad:

It's strange that so many of us get migraines. Is it JPP? :D

LOL! I think it might be JPP!

I can get him shrunk down so that he doesn't have as much of an effect. I just have to remind myself that I am tougher than any foolish old tumor can be.
They're not even sure. He was discovered in the late 90s, but they're thinking that he had been there since around the time I went through puberty. If that's the case, he's been there for around 30 years!
I wish Francis would shrivel up and die!