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Gods, I can't even begin to imagine that. Feel bad for Grumpy who was close to ground zero last year and is STILL picking up the pieces. How long have you lived there? Have you been in any hurricanes? What was that like?
Irma came through here, not a direct hit. Fortunately this town was on the outskirts of it and I only lost power for about a day. Hurricane Matthew came thru there in 2016, didn't even lose power. I've never been through a devastating, destructive hurricane firsthand and hope I never do. Neither of those two were bad at all but the preparation and worry beforehand is incredibly stressful. The local weather anchors consider hurricanes their Superbowl and hype it up to the max. I've lived in Florida all my life, both in North Florida and Miami.
Irma came through here, not a direct hit. Fortunately this town was on the outskirts of it and I only lost power for about a day. Hurricane Matthew came thru there in 2016, didn't even lose power. I've never been through a devastating, destructive hurricane firsthand and hope I never do. Neither of those two were bad at all but the preparation and worry beforehand is incredibly stressful. The local weather anchors consider hurricanes their Superbowl and hype it up to the max. I've lived in Florida all my life, both in North Florida and Miami.

It's hard to imagine. Especially if you live in a place where evacuation is difficult if not impossible. If you have pets, then what? You're not going to leave them behind, but most shelters won't let you have them. Then all the worry about whether you'll come home to nothing left. I think I'd be more inclined to stay there and tough it out. Is that what you've always done?
A little but it was still incredibly scary. You always wonder, what if it doesn't go away this time?

Right. Especially if it comes with extra options like nausea, vomiting, photophobia.

Did they have any idea what causes it or could it have been one of those silent genetic things you never knew about? Thank goodness you have little residual effects.

In most ppl it's just a one-time event, probably some artery weakness you were born with. I got super lucky though* and have a rare disease called fibromuscular dysplasia. It causes malformation of at least one of the three arterial walls. On radiograph it looks like a "string of pearls" and can affect arteries anywhere in the body. My left carotid had a large dissection for years, and the right kidney artery had the string of pearls thing, as did the right vertebral artery. It seems to affect mostly females between the ages of 20 and 50, and seems to also be hormone-mediated. It's in remission now; I no longer have to go in yearly and have an angiogram to see if anything new has developed. The dissection and kidney/vertebral arteries eventually healed. Whew. Guess that's another bonus of getting old. Hooray for menopause! lol

* Sarcasm alert, lol

Must be but I can't pinpoint what it could be. The Whole30 diet is so restrictively crazy; no dairy, artificial sweeteners, anything. It's supposed to be a 30 day plan, I made it only 3 weeks but lost about 9 lbs.
One thing for sure, getting older isn't for wimps. I don't think I've gotten mean but I sure am a lot wiser. :laugh:

LOL @ wiser. I'm still waiting for that train to pull into the station. ;~) Did the 9 lbs stay off then?
It's hard to imagine. Especially if you live in a place where evacuation is difficult if not impossible. If you have pets, then what? You're not going to leave them behind, but most shelters won't let you have them. Then all the worry about whether you'll come home to nothing left. I think I'd be more inclined to stay there and tough it out. Is that what you've always done?
Yes, I stay here almost every time.

Evacuation is not difficult but the thing is, the storms are unpredictable. One minute, you think you're in the clear, the next day it's turned and may be coming your way. I have always stayed. I evacuated one time in 1999 when a huge Hurricane named Floyd was supposed to be a direct hit here, a category 5. I have relatives in GA so fortunately, I was able to go up there for a few days. It passed right by here, never even made landfall, at least not here. I think by the time it hit somewhere, it had weakened.
Oh and by the time I decided to evacuate, the last minute, a normal three hour trip to GA took me 10 hrs. It was a mess.

That's insane. They often show the huge long gridlocks on the news when a hurricane is threatening somewhere. Glad you didn't get hit with the Floyd one. Our nemesis was tornadoes back in STL. We were never in one, but spent plenty of time in the spring rushing the birds down to the basement when the sirens went off. The closest one ever got was hitting about a mile away in another neighborhood. Thankfully no one was injured or killed.
Did that help, knowing it wasn't a brain tumor or something? Yeah, I was ultra lucky. It happened at school. Got airlifted to a better hospital than the small one the ambulance took me too. The only lingering deficits I have is it messed up my balance badly, plus some lower limb weakness... I used to be able to rise without using my arms to push with, from a sitting position on the floor, but no more. But no cognition problems which is the most important thing.

Definitely foods can be triggers for common migraine, so it would make sense that it would work the same for the ocular ones. My trigger is/was flickering lights. It took a long time to figure that out, and why when we took the customary "Sunday drive in the country" as kids, I always got a migraine later from the sun/shadow flickering as the car drove along in wooded areas. Used to think it was because my mom smoked in the car. My youngest also has them; some foods seem to set them off, like wine, and some kinds of cheese. Glad yours are abating some. One good thing about getting old. That and being okay with being mean. lol

Edited for messing up the quote function. lol

One of my triggers is weather change, mostly when the change is from clear to rain or snow. Also alcohol, which is why I rarely drink, certain perfume scents, cigarette smoke, stress.
One of my triggers is weather change, mostly when the change is from clear to rain or snow. Also alcohol, which is why I rarely drink, certain perfume scents, cigarette smoke, stress.

Oh ugh yes... colognes and smoke, those will do it. And while in the grip of the claws of the Migraine Monster, strong smells of any sort cause nausea. Do you still get migraines?
Oh ugh yes... colognes and smoke, those will do it. And while in the grip of the claws of the Migraine Monster, strong smells of any sort cause nausea. Do you still get migraines?

Aspartame is a huge migraine trigger, as is too much sodium. Wood Betony dealt with my migraines well. I can't take it anymore, since a med I'm on lowers my blood pressure.
Oh ugh yes... colognes and smoke, those will do it. And while in the grip of the claws of the Migraine Monster, strong smells of any sort cause nausea. Do you still get migraines?

Yes, I do. Thank god for imitrex. I've had every variation of migraine possible, with and without aura, with and without nausea, one side or both sides, aura w/o migraine, migraine w/o aura, etc. I used to see a neurologist but finally he just released me to my primary in order to get scrips when needed.
One of my triggers is weather change, mostly when the change is from clear to rain or snow. Also alcohol, which is why I rarely drink, certain perfume scents, cigarette smoke, stress.

I have a pituitary adenoma which is a tumor on the gland that is at the base of the brain. I named him Francis after one of the characters on PeeWee's Big Adventure because he was a jerk. It gives me someone to yell at for it. LOL! It causes headaches like that, too. Weather changes, stress, and strong smells are a nightmare.

So, if you ever see me talking about Francis and how much of a douchebag he is, that's who it is. :laugh:
I have a pituitary adenoma which is a tumor on the gland that is at the base of the brain. I named him Francis after one of the characters on PeeWee's Big Adventure because he was a jerk. It gives me someone to yell at for it. LOL! It causes headaches like that, too. Weather changes, stress, and strong smells are a nightmare.

So, if you ever see me talking about Francis and how much of a douchebag he is, that's who it is. :laugh:

That's quite a story!Left Mason speechless!