Amazon Tavern

You're obsessed with that. Give it up already. No one cares. Might as well cry because they don't ban your psycho toxic friend for doing exactly the same shit, only without the edgy colorful language, but more word salad, and way stupider. lol

BTW, this thread isn't supposed to be your personal angst-removal posting mess. Continue to whine about it on all the other threads here though. Someone will listen! But not your crush Phantasmal, who finds you as interesting as the smooshed bug on her windshield. Only the bug had a life purpose and was smarter.

Owl; "You're obsessed with that"
Jack: Nope. Just a question.

Owl: "Give it up already. No one cares.'
Jack: I find it interesting. Why is Lisa banned and CFM, guno, and TTQ are still here?

Owl: "Might as well cry because they don't ban your psycho toxic friend for doing exactly the same shit, only without the edgy colorful language, but more word salad, and way stupider. lol"
Jack: I support TOP posting, I support YOU posting. (you should probably NOT bring up 'obsession' ... and then mention your arch nemesis)

Owl: "BTW, this thread isn't supposed to be your personal angst-removal posting mess. Continue to whine about it on all the other threads here though."
Jack: I wasn't aware that you were appointed "Topic Administrator" here at the Tavern.

Owl: "Someone will listen! But not your crush Phantasmal"
Jack: Oh stop, Pumpkin. You know you always come first.

Jack: Oh stop, Pumpkin. You know you always come first.

I know. The obsessed never can get over rejection. Hence your obsession with being thread-banned by this tard or that tard. And with me. And with Phantasmal.

Have you ever considered a 12-step program? "Hello. My name is Jack. I am a shit-disturber-a-holic. Help me. Please." :laugh:
I know. The obsessed never can get over rejection. Hence your obsession with being thread-banned by this tard or that tard. And with me. And with Phantasmal.

Have you ever considered a 12-step program? "Hello. My name is Jack. I am a shit-disturber-a-holic. Help me. Please." :laugh:

:palm: Oh Boy!

Look. I'm going to Profile, then Settings, then Scrolling down to Conversations, and then checking the 'Cloaking Mode' box for Privacy ... you do the same.

Look. Pumpkin. I'm sitting here at the Tavern minding my own business ... I don't need you wandering over here and challenging me to some 'Bitch-Slap Hoedown' in the back alley. Now, unless you can pull down those pants and show me a penis over 1 inch long, you need to go back over ---------> there to the FemDom section of the Bar, this is the Men's Section (pointing at large blinking neon sign).

Blue Team has invested a lot in you, 'showered, shaved, and perfumed' (in your case) wasn't cheap, the role of 'French Chanteuse' was a difficult meme to propagate. You only have one mission here ... Seduce Grind. Stay Focused! (... and get the fuck off Jack's back!)

Returning to 'Normal' Conversation Mode.
---->I think you're giving me a migraine.

"Migraines are a recurring type of headache. They cause moderate to severe pain that is throbbing or pulsing. The pain is often on one side of your head. You may also have other symptoms, such as nausea and weakness. You may be sensitive to light and sound."
from Internet
Anybody here at the Tavern have any thoughts on LisaSanders getting 'perma-banned'?

""Default lisasanders perma'd
All 4 of us mods after discussing among ourselves have come across numerous instances of lisa posting here in bad faith, constantly approaching the line on rules to test us, ignoring multiple warnings, and we just got sick of it. We don't see this as a user that was willing to post like a normal human being, so we've shitcanned them for rule 14, posting solely to troll and harass other users.'

"posting in bad faith" ... what's that mean?
"constantly approaching the line" ... What 'line' is that?
"ignoring multiple warnings" ... did she get a 'One Day Ban'? a 'Two Day Ban'? A 'Week Ban'?
"we just got sick of it" ... sick of what? The Right-Wing Nut Jobs post shit 24/7.
"We don't see this as a user that was willing to post like a normal human being" hahaha ... that's rich. She seemed pretty lively, spirited, opinionated and edgy to me.
"posting solely to troll and harass other users" ... hahahaha ... I thought she was cute and funny. Who did she 'harass'?

^^^The above really goes to prove a point I made earlier. We need a Blue Team Moderator.^^^ (and 'No', the token 'Blue Team' Phantasmal is NOT really 'Blue Team')"

So the place has bias; What about it? I wouldn't mind the standard following through. They gave their reason, and a few right wingers fall under that definition. It's not worth bringing up here. Start a discussion, if you haven't already.
Anybody here at the Tavern have any thoughts on LisaSanders getting 'perma-banned'?

""Default lisasanders perma'd
All 4 of us mods after discussing among ourselves have come across numerous instances of lisa posting here in bad faith, constantly approaching the line on rules to test us, ignoring multiple warnings, and we just got sick of it. We don't see this as a user that was willing to post like a normal human being, so we've shitcanned them for rule 14, posting solely to troll and harass other users.'

"posting in bad faith" ... what's that mean?
"constantly approaching the line" ... What 'line' is that?
"ignoring multiple warnings" ... did she get a 'One Day Ban'? a 'Two Day Ban'? A 'Week Ban'?
"we just got sick of it" ... sick of what? The Right-Wing Nut Jobs post shit 24/7.
"We don't see this as a user that was willing to post like a normal human being" hahaha ... that's rich. She seemed pretty lively, spirited, opinionated and edgy to me.
"posting solely to troll and harass other users" ... hahahaha ... I thought she was cute and funny. Who did she 'harass'?

^^^The above really goes to prove a point I made earlier. We need a Blue Team Moderator.^^^ (and 'No', the token 'Blue Team' Phantasmal is NOT really 'Blue Team')"

Good riddance to the nasty 'Aussie' cunt!!
Hahaha.... yep!

We had three bird vs window collisions today. We always run out and bring the victims inside or else the squirrels will grab and eat them. Happily all three patients recovered with supportive care (soft cloth inside warm dark box) and flew away. Bad part about living in the woods in a house with lots of windows.

Mr. Owl holding a yellow-bellied sapsucker:


Awwww, what a beautiful little bird!
I have more frienemies than you apparently!
The ban feature keeps people from fixing bad feelings,but at times it can't be helped,if a poster continuously disturbs all posters.
Like we had here earlier in the week.
I always just scrolled past what I didn't want to read. It seems like such a baby-ish thing to do.
"Migraines are a recurring type of headache. They cause moderate to severe pain that is throbbing or pulsing. The pain is often on one side of your head. You may also have other symptoms, such as nausea and weakness. You may be sensitive to light and sound."
from Internet
I've never had migraines as in painful headaches but have had what's called ocular migraines in the past, which are scary! It's a visual thing lasting about 10-15 min and can be followed with a mild headache but not always.
Awwww, what a beautiful little bird!

Isn't he though? This is such a nice time of year if you are into birds.... the summer crew is back, along with transients on their way north to their nesting grounds. Long strings of geese are winging over, so high you can barely hear their calling. The sandhill cranes are croaking at each other, loon gives you goosebumps with his song. You have to work to be unhappy in the spring.
I've never had migraines as in painful headaches but have had what's called ocular migraines in the past, which are scary! It's a visual thing lasting about 10-15 min and can be followed with a mild headache but not always.

Yikes, those *are* scary. Make you think you're going blind.
Live PD is, reportedly, the most popular program on basic cable. It is easy to see why. They usually show it for hours at a time. It is somewhat hypnotic and easy to zone out to. It is suitable for those times when you can't find anything else of interest, even if you get 100 channels.
Isn't he though? This is such a nice time of year if you are into birds.... the summer crew is back, along with transients on their way north to their nesting grounds. Long strings of geese are winging over, so high you can barely hear their calling. The sandhill cranes are croaking at each other, loon gives you goosebumps with his song. You have to work to be unhappy in the spring.
I've seen a lot of cardinals around here lately. Spring is so beautiful, my favorite season. If only it could last all year.
I've seen a lot of cardinals around here lately. Spring is so beautiful, my favorite season. If only it could last all year.

Yeah, and not get so beastly hot. Summers are wonderful up here. The highest avg temp. in July is 76F. It does occasionally get into the 80s but we don't have those long stretches of 90+ days like we did in St. Louis. Plus being close to the Lake helps .... the wind blowing across it and coming onshore acts like a giant swamp cooler! I don't know how you FL ppl do it.
Omg, have you had one? Dreadful. I think I first had one in my early 20s and thought I was having a stroke. I don't have them often, years can go by and I don't have any.

I started having regular migraines when I was only 7 or 8 yrs old. Had the first ocular one in my 20s as well. And yeah -- your first thought is stroke, followed by MS, followed by permanent blindness. I had a for-real stroke at age 50; a ruptured brain aneurysm. I have only had a handful of migraines since then, but for a long while afterwards I had those ocular ones. There were wavy blue and purple lines in one eye almost obscuring the visual field, followed by a dull headache on that side. After the aneurysm though, those seemed like nothing anymore. lol How did you treat yours? Did you go to the doctor?