Amazon Tavern

They are law and order types.
I tryed to warn Yurt,but in the end,I failed to save him from himself!:(

I feel bad for Yurt. I think he was just trying, in his own sick way, to reach out and be friends. (If he ends up killing himself over this, it will be YOUR fault)
I feel bad for Yurt. I think he was just trying, in his own sick way, to reach out and be friends. (If he ends up killing himself over this, it will be YOUR fault)

Well if he does,commit Yurticide,I will send flowers!We have lots of dandelion s around here!
I've received Death Threats. Sick and perverted emails about putting me in a Dog Cage. Being used as some kind of Sex Slave. I've Reported this to JPP but all they says is "Suck it up, Cream Puff".
I have a hard time sleeping. Becoming nervous and frightened. I've begun taking anti-depressants, that seems to help.
I've received Death Threats. Sick and perverted emails about putting me in a Dog Cage. Being used as some kind of Sex Slave. I've Reported this to JPP but all they says is "Suck it up, Cream Puff".
I have a hard time sleeping. Becoming nervous and frightened. I've begun taking anti-depressants, that seems to help.

Don't take more than a handful a night!
Maybe talk to Grind,word is he is an expert on natural medications!
Look at the pic I just saw on FB....from a FB page called Garden n country


Hahaha.... yep!

We had three bird vs window collisions today. We always run out and bring the victims inside or else the squirrels will grab and eat them. Happily all three patients recovered with supportive care (soft cloth inside warm dark box) and flew away. Bad part about living in the woods in a house with lots of windows.

Mr. Owl holding a yellow-bellied sapsucker:

I know you won't believe this but I used to never ban anyone. Thought it was so stupid. you can look at any thread I ever started here in the past and I banned no one.

I have to admit that I was pretty amused that Toxic asked you to remove me from her Deranged thread -- because Aimee and I were nicely discussing various things, as Toxic buzzed around angrily trying to divert the conversation to herself and the thread. She also had Mason removed even though at the time he was on a temp ban and not posting. Just so it wouldn't look so obvious. :laugh:
I have to admit that I was pretty amused that Toxic asked you to remove me from her Deranged thread -- because Aimee and I were nicely discussing various things, as Toxic buzzed around angrily trying to divert the conversation to herself and the thread. She also had Mason removed even though at the time he was on a temp ban and not posting. Just so it wouldn't look so obvious. :laugh:

She will learn Toxic isn't what she pretends to be!
Someone told me she is a Witch and Dances Naked in the Moonlight as she Casts her Spells. (I didn't used to believe it) :(

National Naked Gardening Day is coming up the weekend after next. I hope it's warmer than the typical mid-50s. lol
She does live out in the woods,with animals as neighbors!?

I've heard the stories. The Full Moon, the Hill Top, the Black Cauldron, the Large Fire, the Naked Dancing, the Satanic Invocations, the Male Genitalia Sacrifices, ... :(
Anybody here at the Tavern have any thoughts on LisaSanders getting 'perma-banned'?

""Default lisasanders perma'd
All 4 of us mods after discussing among ourselves have come across numerous instances of lisa posting here in bad faith, constantly approaching the line on rules to test us, ignoring multiple warnings, and we just got sick of it. We don't see this as a user that was willing to post like a normal human being, so we've shitcanned them for rule 14, posting solely to troll and harass other users.'

"posting in bad faith" ... what's that mean?
"constantly approaching the line" ... What 'line' is that?
"ignoring multiple warnings" ... did she get a 'One Day Ban'? a 'Two Day Ban'? A 'Week Ban'?
"we just got sick of it" ... sick of what? The Right-Wing Nut Jobs post shit 24/7.
"We don't see this as a user that was willing to post like a normal human being" hahaha ... that's rich. She seemed pretty lively, spirited, opinionated and edgy to me.
"posting solely to troll and harass other users" ... hahahaha ... I thought she was cute and funny. Who did she 'harass'?

^^^The above really goes to prove a point I made earlier. We need a Blue Team Moderator.^^^ (and 'No', the token 'Blue Team' Phantasmal is NOT really 'Blue Team')"
Anybody here at the Tavern have any thoughts on LisaSanders getting 'perma-banned'?

""Default lisasanders perma'd
All 4 of us mods after discussing among ourselves have come across numerous instances of lisa posting here in bad faith, constantly approaching the line on rules to test us, ignoring multiple warnings, and we just got sick of it. We don't see this as a user that was willing to post like a normal human being, so we've shitcanned them for rule 14, posting solely to troll and harass other users.'

"posting in bad faith" ... what's that mean?
"constantly approaching the line" ... What 'line' is that?
"ignoring multiple warnings" ... did she get a 'One Day Ban'? a 'Two Day Ban'? A 'Week Ban'?
"we just got sick of it" ... sick of what? The Right-Wing Nut Jobs post shit 24/7.
"We don't see this as a user that was willing to post like a normal human being" hahaha ... that's rich. She seemed pretty lively, spirited, opinionated and edgy to me.
"posting solely to troll and harass other users" ... hahahaha ... I thought she was cute and funny. Who did she 'harass'?

^^^The above really goes to prove a point I made earlier. We need a Blue Team Moderator.^^^ (and 'No', the token 'Blue Team' Phantasmal is NOT really 'Blue Team')"

You're obsessed with that. Give it up already. No one cares. Might as well cry because they don't ban your psycho toxic friend for doing exactly the same shit, only without the edgy colorful language, but more word salad, and way stupider. lol

BTW, this thread isn't supposed to be your personal angst-removal posting mess. Continue to whine about it on all the other threads here though. Someone will listen! But not your crush Phantasmal, who finds you as interesting as the smooshed bug on her windshield. Only the bug had a life purpose and was smarter.