Amazon Tavern

Don't assume anything,all Amazonians knew the oasis,was a political free,drama free zone!
All are more then welcome,except those the committee sadly,disqualified,and haven't PM'd for requalification

You should know as much as me, that these things never work. I've made discussions before, to this same tune.You saw USfreedom, and Yurt, trying to play me in my discussion.
You should know as much as me, that these things never work. I've made discussions before, to this same tune.You saw USfreedom, and Yurt, trying to play me in my discussion.

USF and Yurt weren't Amazon trained!
Speaking of USF and Yurt,I haven't seen them here for happy hour?I wonder why?
Don't assume anything,all Amazonians knew the oasis,was a political free,drama free zone!
All are more then welcome,except those the committee sadly,disqualified,and haven't PM'd for requalification

So. Yurt does have an avenue for Redemption? That's good to know. (Oh wait. Is Jade Dragon on the Committee?)
USF and Yurt weren't Amazon trained!
Speaking of USF and Yurt,I haven't seen them here for happy hour?I wonder why?

Does this jog your memory any?

"Members banned from this thread: USFREEDOM911, Legion, Truth Detector and Yurt"
No kids at the bar.

USF was probably banned because he's a pathological liar and a Trump DoubleSpeak devotee.
I don't know why 'The Committee' banned Yurt. (someone said it was an attempted sexual assault on a fellow Patron at the Tavern in a non-designated 'Hanky Panky Zone', course, this is just the rumor so it may or may not be true)
Because you're not funny.

Look, I'm the first to admit that a lot of my material may not be, mmmm, ready for Prime Time. But, rising comedic 'would be' stars come to places like JPP, to hone our Skills, improve our Craft, and practice our Delivery. So ... in light of that ... please cut Jack (not my real name), some fucking slack!
Don't assume anything,all Amazonians knew the oasis,was a political free,drama free zone!
All are more then welcome,except those the committee sadly,disqualified,and haven't PM'd for requalification

Aimee's thread was an "oasis" until the clown car brought it's flame war into it. When I posted to Grump they should stay in their own thread, a certain sock insulted me for being adopted.
Don't assume anything,all Amazonians knew the oasis,was a political free,drama free zone!
All are more then welcome,except those the committee sadly,disqualified,and haven't PM'd for requalification

Looks like you might want to add another to the Banner of Shame. :rofl2:
I gotta' go. Phantasmal ... she's a real 'Wet Blanket'.
Look, why don't you install a light or flag outside, or something that indicates*Phantasmal is at the Tavern here, that way the rest of us could avoid it?

She's about as funny as being bit by a rabid dog. Mind you she does foam at the mouth a lot.
Hey. Hate to break up the Love Fest but your Massive Intellect is needed on the 'Dukkha' thread. (Why do Buddhist girls love to fuck)
I don't think so. it's a short read -no massive intellect needed
Buddhism isn't all that complicated, just takes an awareness/break from the monkey mind to understand
She's about as funny as being bit by a rabid dog. Mind you she does foam at the mouth a lot.

I can't argue with that, but ... she did give me a 4 (out of 5) on the Humor Scale. Maybe she took up Yoga, began Meditating, and is trying to become a Better Person?