Amazon Tavern

I don't think so. it's a short read -no massive intellect needed
Buddhism isn't all that complicated, just takes an awareness/break from the monkey mind to understand

I'm a Follower of Epicurus. 'Suffering' is eliminated by 'Quenching your Thirst'. Not a Hedonist, but similar.
This is for our new friend, Dukkha. It's about 'suffering'. (STOP chasing Welsh Quakers and give us some insight)
it is not about suffering -that's a crude summary, it's also about attachments and the human condition
and the path away from no control to one of self control etc.
Gees, Man. Your putting a lot of pressure on me to read your (WatchTower Tract) Thesis at 7am on a Sunday. (are you sure you're NOT with the Jehovah Witnesses?)
I'll read it later and get back to you.
then your karma is a Hungry Ghost driven by intense emotional needs in an animalistic way

Uh, yeah. OK.

Any thoughts about Tulsi Gabbard, she talks about Karma.

"Tulsi Gabbard is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district since 2013. Following her election in 2012, she became the first Samoan American and the first Hindu member of the United States Congress. She is a member of the Democratic Party. Wikipedia"
Look, I'm the first to admit that a lot of my material may not be, mmmm, ready for Prime Time. But, rising comedic 'would be' stars come to places like JPP, to hone our Skills, improve our Craft, and practice our Delivery. So ... in light of that ... please cut Jack (not my real name), some fucking slack!

Open mike is Thursday 9:00 pm to 9:03 pm
Aimee's thread was an "oasis" until the clown car brought it's flame war into it. When I posted to Grump they should stay in their own thread, a certain sock insulted me for being adopted.

I know nothing about socks.
This isn't Amazon,we are open to anyone,no people are banned here.
Uh, yeah. OK.

Any thoughts about Tulsi Gabbard, she talks about Karma.

"Tulsi Gabbard is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district since 2013. Following her election in 2012, she became the first Samoan American and the first Hindu member of the United States Congress. She is a member of the Democratic Party. Wikipedia"

Isn't she part of the secret underground Mason sock army?