Amazon Tavern

Is there a purpose to this thread, or is this just another example of the self indulgence of social media today?

The purpose is to make money!
Please make a large donation
(Tongue in cheek)
The purpose is to have an oasis,to talk civil about things besides politics
I don't even know how anyone could be enabling me, in any way, shape, or form. I think CO puts too much into forums like this. Definitely since he knows nothing about me.

Funny, I think you and Owl put too much into this forum. This forum is as close as I get to social media. How about you and your enabler?
They mean well. And you don't tell me what to do. So you have OCD. Big fucking deal. A lot of people function just fine with it.

Like I said, you know nothing about me, or my situation in life. You just know I have O.C.D. You don't know what kind, or the heaps of other issues I have. How is anyone enabling anything though? How can they even enable my issues, when I just talk about my issues, and ask advice from certain people. Are you just pissy I get disability checks?
Funny, I think you and Owl put too much into this forum. This forum is as close as I get to social media. How about you and your enabler?

Enabler? You mean friend, judgmental one. There isn't much of anything in life I do, they have much effect on, except socializing. Them saying it sucks I'm suffering with issues, is not enabling me. What half the people were doing in this discussion, was chatting back, and forth about issues, saying that sucks, and offering advice.

Facebook is the only thing I really do much with. This place is just to kill time, when I'm bored.
Like I said, you know nothing about me, or my situation in life. You just know I have O.C.D. You don't know what kind, or the heaps of other issues I have. How is anyone enabling anything though? How can they even enable my issues, when I just talk about my issues, and ask advice from certain people. Are you just pissy I get disability checks?

Thanks for giving us a perfect example. We know so much about you because you tell us so much. We know that you have "heaps of other issues." We all have issues. Most of us know enough not to seek advice from people like Owl. No, I don't care about you getting disability checks. You could work part time and still get those checks. You could get a driver's license. You could start bathing and grooming. But it's easier to use your, "heaps" of issues to avoid growing up.

Christ, you even try to sound like Jar Jar Binks.
Enabler? You mean friend, judgmental one. There isn't much of anything in life I do, they have much effect on, except socializing. Them saying it sucks I'm suffering with issues, is not enabling me. What half the people were doing in this discussion, was chatting back, and forth about issues, saying that sucks, and offering advice.

Facebook is the only thing I really do much with. This place is just to kill time, when I'm bored.

Facebook isn't just a place to kill time for you? I suppose it is better than actually meeting people in the real world?
Thanks for giving us a perfect example. We know so much about you because you tell us so much. We know that you have "heaps of other issues." We all have issues. Most of us know enough not to seek advice from people like Owl. No, I don't care about you getting disability checks. You could work part time and still get those checks. You could get a driver's license. You could start bathing and grooming. But it's easier to use your, "heaps" of issues to avoid growing up.

Christ, you even try to sound like Jar Jar Binks.

You only know minor details about me. OCD is just something that bleeds through my personality, so I talk about it. I use the term heaps of issues, because that stuff is none of your concern. You honestly think I'm disabled, just because of OCD? Also, I had to grow up before I was even legally an adult, so don't judge what you don't know. I had to be the caregiver for quite awhile.

I love how retarded you sound with that Grooming put down. Dude, OCD, remember? I wash, and groom myself enough for an entire family. I don't drive under advice from doctors, and psychiatrist, CO. If I had to, I could go for it, but it's not recommended. You don't even have a proper look at the cover, of the book that is me, to formulate even a bad guess about me. Reading your wild guesses, and things you pulled from your ass, makes that apparent.
That's interesting technique

I remember when my physician recommended that book. I asked, "Don't I have a finite number of fat cells?" He replied, "Yes, but the ones you have are really big."

It worked so well for me because I lived alone at the time and didn't have schedule around other people. I chose 5 PM to 10 PM to eat.
Facebook isn't just a place to kill time for you? I suppose it is better than actually meeting people in the real world?

You must not have many friends, or even know what Facebook is for. Facebook is a place to stay in touch with friends, and family in the real world. It's a great way to set up a get together with friends. I've gotten together with friends from my school days for meals, or excursions.
You only know minor details about me. OCD is just something that bleeds through my personality, so I talk about it. I use the term heaps of issues, because that stuff is none of your concern. You honestly think I'm disabled, just because of OCD? Also, I had to grow up before I was even legally an adult, so don't judge what you don't know. I had to be the caregiver for quite awhile.

I love how retarded you sound with that Grooming put down. Dude, OCD, remember? I wash, and groom myself enough for an entire family. I don't drive under advice from doctors, and psychiatrist, CO. If I had to, I could go for it, but it's not recommended. You don't even have a proper look at the cover, of the book that is me, to formulate even a bad guess about me. Reading your wild guesses, and things you pulled from your ass, makes that apparent.

We know what you tell us about yourself. And yes, it was only days ago that you included the death of a dog in your sob-story. The care giving you refer to seems to be mutual. What other people in their 30's that you know, have to be driven around by their mother? I know a casino dealer with OCD. He makes near six figures every year. He is all about detail. Everything on his tables must be perfectly placed, just so. His "disability" has become an ability.

I am not without empathy for you. You are a lost cause.
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You must not have many friends, or even know what Facebook is for. Facebook is a place to stay in touch with friends, and family in the real world. It's a great way to set up a get together with friends. I've gotten together with friends from my school days for meals, or excursions.

I have a lot of friends, thank you. I don't need Facebook. I don't want Facebook. Unless you know someone personally, they aren't actual friends. They are, at best, acquaintances. And hardly that. Unlike you, most online personalities try to pretend that their lives are near perfect.

I am considering the possibility that now I am enabling you.