Amazon Tavern

I see this is why we can't have nice things. Everyone was getting along until CO dragged his stinking baggage in and started flinging poo at everyone else. But he's NOT obsessed with JPP, the former Amazonites, getting revenge, ragging on Jade who wasn't even talking to him, telling other ppl what they should do, and giving out unsolicited and stupid advice along with shit-flinging.

Mason, can you put that angry monkey back in his cage? Muchas gracias.
You must not have many friends, or even know what Facebook is for. Facebook is a place to stay in touch with friends, and family in the real world. It's a great way to set up a get together with friends. I've gotten together with friends from my school days for meals, or excursions.

Facebook is great when used wisely and with restraint. I get to stay in touch with a bunch of "kids" I went to grade school thru h.s. with, and share in their triumphs (new g-kids! Retirement! New car! Trip to Europe!) and travails (loss of loved ones, chronic ailments). Same with old neighbors, work friends, and ppl with shared interests -- some parrot ppl, for instance, I've known for two decades even though we lived flung around the world. Same with my kids, who live all around the country. We have clubs at college with FB pages. We can chat via Messenger, similar to Skype. I've been messaging with a former neighbor who we lived next door to when my 44-yo son was born; she's 94 now and still sharp as a tack. If anything, having this app to communicate has made my world larger and richer than I could have ever imagined.
I have a lot of friends, thank you. I don't need Facebook. I don't want Facebook. Unless you know someone personally, they aren't actual friends. They are, at best, acquaintances. And hardly that. Unlike you, most online personalities try to pretend that their lives are near perfect.

I am considering the possibility that now I am enabling you.

Hello, Earth to CO. It's a tool for keeping in touch with those real life friends, dingus. They aren't fake avatars like on political forums. I also enjoy following my favorite things, and sharing them. Friends have lives, and can't hang out like during your school years. With Facebook, you pop in, say hi, and share stuff.
Sorry. I made a mistake taking your gag off. That's fixed now. Ciao, asshole.

Today, 12:55 PM
RB 60

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We know what you tell us about yourself. And yes, it was only days ago that you included the death of a dog in your sob-story. The care giving you refer to seems to be mutual. What other people in their 30's that you know, have to be driven around by their mother? I know a casino dealer with OCD. He makes near six figures every year. He is all about detail. Everything on his tables must be places, just do. His "disability" has become an ability.

I am not without empathy for you. You are a lost cause.

The care giving was giving up on my schooling, so I could take care of my dying father. The part about my dog was just before this, and why I was kind of numb to it all, and just did what I had to do. Mom had to go to work, so we didn't end up in the poor house. Through all the stuff with Dad, and the times Mom was incapacitated I was there to do what they couldn't. I pity you though. You, and your attitude. So as you see I was basically in a reverse roll, and was the child taking care of the parents. I think that defines being grown up, in most peoples book. Now you can get over yourself.
The care giving was giving up on my schooling, so I could take care of my dying father. The part about my dog was just before this, and why I was kind of numb to it all, and just did what I had to do. Mom had to go to work, so we didn't end up in the poor house. Through all the stuff with Dad, and the times Mom was incapacitated I was there to do what they couldn't. I pity you though. You, and your attitude. So as you see I was basically in a reverse roll, and was the child taking care of the parents. I think that defines being grown up, in most peoples book. Now you can get over yourself.
Caregiving is one of the most mentally and physically exhausting things one can take on. That said, it is the most selfless. Bless you for hanging in there. I'm sure your parents appreciated it and you have a clear conscience with no regrets.

Easy to be a spectator, not so easy to walk in the same shoes. Life can turn on a dime and those quick to criticize could unexpectedly get real-life experience. Funny how karma works.
I'm not here that much lately. Lucky to get around ten posts a day, average. Some days it's one, or two.

You don't owe the assholes any explanations, Jade. Let's just talk around them while they fling their poo and pound their heads against the wall for attention. lol
Caregiving is one of the most mentally and physically exhausting things one can take on. That said, it is the most selfless. Bless you for hanging in there. I'm sure your parents appreciated it and you have a clear conscience with no regrets.

Easy to be a spectator, not so easy to walk in the same shoes. Life can turn on a dime and those quick to criticize could unexpectedly get real-life experience. Funny how karma works.

I used to wonder what else could go wrong, but decided to stop, when I thought someone was taking it as a challenge.
You don't owe the assholes any explanations, Jade. Let's just talk around them while they fling their poo and pound their heads against the wall for attention. lol

Sounds good. There's here, and my discussion. I'm trying to grow a bunch of veggies this year, to help me eat better. Seeds I got so far: Several types of beans, sweet corn, red carrots, beets, collard greens, basil, Chinese celery, Japanese cucumber. We also have potato, and garlic that sprouted, to put out. Still looking for more choices though.
Sounds good. There's here, and my discussion. I'm trying to grow a bunch of veggies this year, to help me eat better. Seeds I got so far: Several types of beans, sweet corn, red carrots, beets, collard greens, basil, Chinese celery, Japanese cucumber. We also have potato, and garlic that sprouted, to put out. Still looking for more choices though.

Can you grow bean sprouts?
Sounds good. There's here, and my discussion. I'm trying to grow a bunch of veggies this year, to help me eat better. Seeds I got so far: Several types of beans, sweet corn, red carrots, beets, collard greens, basil, Chinese celery, Japanese cucumber. We also have potato, and garlic that sprouted, to put out. Still looking for more choices though.

You know some of those are not summer crops.. What area are you in, if I may ask??
Collard greens, I dunno what Chinese celery is but celery is usually cooler temps as well.

Most greens (mustard family) & cabbage family prefer cooler~spring/fall......

There are some varieties that are hardier.
Collard greens, I dunno what Chinese celery is but celery is usually cooler temps as well.

Most greens (mustard family) & cabbage family prefer cooler~spring/fall......

There are some varieties that are hardier.

It's a bit different growing in the north. It's still in the low forties today.