Amazon Tavern

Hello, Earth to CO. It's a tool for keeping in touch with those real life friends, dingus. They aren't fake avatars like on political forums. I also enjoy following my favorite things, and sharing them. Friends have lives, and can't hang out like during your school years. With Facebook, you pop in, say hi, and share stuff.

Friends don't care what you had for lunch.
The care giving was giving up on my schooling, so I could take care of my dying father. The part about my dog was just before this, and why I was kind of numb to it all, and just did what I had to do. Mom had to go to work, so we didn't end up in the poor house. Through all the stuff with Dad, and the times Mom was incapacitated I was there to do what they couldn't. I pity you though. You, and your attitude. So as you see I was basically in a reverse roll, and was the child taking care of the parents. I think that defines being grown up, in most peoples book. Now you can get over yourself.

I don't care. You obviously bring out the maternal instincts in some.
We have a well known ex-Amazonian.Bringing up the committee on a thread she hides on.
I checked the ban list,she's not on it?
Why doesn't she post her opinion here like an adult,I know that would take guts.
Maybe she's working on her Prom dress.

It probably takes more guts for her to stay away from you jackals. We can see who the real obsessed people are.
Yet another Top defender!I personally invited Top

She *is* creepy. Look how she refuses to post here -- even though you invited her specifically -- yet follows every comment and then makes snide remarks on her thumb-sucking safe house thread.