Amazon Tavern

Thanks,lost 10 lbs too!

I've been losing weight as well. Only it's not really something I'd celebrate as is. I actually shouldn't be losing weight, with my current diet. I pigged out three days ago, if I'm still losing weight when I way my self in the next day, or so, then I have an issue to bring up with the doc. I'm going to ask the gastroenterologist about bile malabsorption, and see about a test for something.
I've been losing weight as well. Only it's not really something I'd celebrate as is. I actually shouldn't be losing weight, with my current diet. I pigged out three days ago, if I'm still losing weight when I way my self in the next day, or so, then I have an issue to bring up with the doc. I'm going to ask the gastroenterologist about bile malabsorption, and see about a test for something.

I been trying to lose,not till I tapered off Ativan did I lose any.
Yep, that was the high for today!

Naked Gardening Day is this Saturday. Might have to pass. :laugh: Maybe they will pass out rain checks for June make up days??

We have already hit 90's a few times...

I went sno-shoeing last week above 8,500ft & it never froze the night before, very slushy... We got huge amounts of snow this year but the rivers are full & it is heading down fast.. Maybe they will pass out rain checks for June make up days??

We have already hit 90's a few times...

I went sno-shoeing last week above 8,500ft & it never froze the night before, very slushy... We got huge amounts of snow this year but the rivers are full & it is heading down fast..

Both coasts are supposed to be in for a quite a hot season this year, while the central areas seem set for average, or below. Maybe they will pass out rain checks for June make up days??

We have already hit 90's a few times...

I went sno-shoeing last week above 8,500ft & it never froze the night before, very slushy... We got huge amounts of snow this year but the rivers are full & it is heading down fast..

I'm really glad that you guys were gifted with all that snow. Hopefully it will help alleviate the drought, and you'll have fewer wildfires this year. We had quite a lot ourselves. We missed hitting the record for February snowfall by 2 measly inches! The record was 91.9; we "only" got 89.9". It's mostly gone now. Superior is at its highest level in years.

How cool to live so close to the mountains!
I'm really glad that you guys were gifted with all that snow. Hopefully it will help alleviate the drought, and you'll have fewer wildfires this year. We had quite a lot ourselves. We missed hitting the record for February snowfall by 2 measly inches! The record was 91.9; we "only" got 89.9". It's mostly gone now. Superior is at its highest level in years.

How cool to live so close to the mountains!

Wow, didn't realize you got that much there...

This pict is from Echo Lakes, the roof of a cabin.. That is close to where we started @ & went up about another 1,000ft elevation..IMG_20190425_131723.jpg Got about 10 ft w/ drifts much higher.. some places got a lot more...
Like Mammoth Mt ski area

Season Total

at Main Lodge

at The Summit

Lots of the snow won't melt above 10,000ft..... It will turn pink (watermelon snow) & be the base for next season..
Good luck, I am tired of doing it...... I always get called & get picked half the time

One perk of my disabilities, and probably one of the only real one's, is getting out of jury duty. My moral sense, doesn't want any part in judgment, and sentencing of anyone. So I don't have to open up a can of worms, and refuse it. Win win. Still it's not the glamorous life the right tries to portray though. I'm sure many besides me, would trade away the disabilities, and go do life like everyone else, if they could.
Wow, didn't realize you got that much there...
Lots of the snow won't melt above 10,000ft..... It will turn pink (watermelon snow) & be the base for next season..

That's incredible! I'll stop bragging about ours now. lol We had roof collapses here towards the end, including a brick garage where the town food trucks were stored, and a furniture store. A half mile down our road the neighbor's trailer (that he lived in) and outbuildings all collapsed. He wasn't here to care though; he passed away last summer. Today closes out our fourth month in a row with below average temps and above avg precip. Hoping the summer follows suit. I'm a shroom-a-holic and am hoping for a bumper crop this summer!
One perk of my disabilities, and probably one of the only real one's, is getting out of jury duty. My moral sense, doesn't want any part in judgment, and sentencing of anyone. So I don't have to open up a can of worms, and refuse it. Win win. Still it's not the glamorous life the right tries to portray though. I'm sure many besides me, would trade away the disabilities, and go do life like everyone else, if they could.

I don't know what they are but that is a perk...

I didn't mind much the first few times but after a while it gets old.. Always civil cases...

I got off the two criminal cases, thankfully.. On the gang related murder one case there were some, prob state workers literally begging to be on the jury, like it was going to be a game show or something, sickening...
I got off the two criminal cases, thankfully.. On the gang related murder one case there were some, prob state workers literally begging to be on the jury, like it was going to be a game show or something, sickening...

Absolutely the people you do NOT want on a jury! Right before he retired, and we moved up here, Mr. Owl had to serve on a jury, a manslaughter case. It was a road rage incident involving drinking, chasing at high speed, and then a crash that killed one young man and injured a couple others. The jury ended up finding the defendant guilty of manslaughter (rather than the 2nd degree murder the PA was hoping for), and he was sentenced to a year in county jail. Mr. Owl is the ultimate juror, totally fair and impartial, able to set emotion aside and look squarely at the facts, and able to discern when either the PA or defense is trying to blow smoke and/or play on the jurors' emotions. Well, perfect for a criminal case. Not so great for a civil case hoping for a large damages award.

Did you enjoy jury duty? What kinds of cases did you cover?
That's incredible! I'll stop bragging about ours now. lol We had roof collapses here towards the end, including a brick garage where the town food trucks were stored, and a furniture store. A half mile down our road the neighbor's trailer (that he lived in) and outbuildings all collapsed. He wasn't here to care though; he passed away last summer. Today closes out our fourth month in a row with below average temps and above avg precip. Hoping the summer follows suit. I'm a shroom-a-holic and am hoping for a bumper crop this summer!

You growing them inside the basement or something??

When we get what they call the pineapple express~warmer storms back to back coming up from Hawaii we can have huge accumulations as the high Sierra essentially forces all that high water content snow to fall.. On radar it looks like a river of moister for thousands of miles..

You get snow drifts there than can be quite high??