Amazon Tavern

I bet -- only rich kids had their own TV! Or car for that matter. When we went on dates, our boyfriends always had to borrow the family car.

I had to buy my own car and pay for my own insurance. I started with a paper route, then worked for a lawn care business and saved up to buy a '71 MACH I for my 17th. birthday.
My dad had an old convertible that he would occasionally let me drive when I was 16, I was rather embarrassed to drive it though. I wasn't allowed to drive the "family car".
I had to buy my own car and pay for my own insurance. I started with a paper route, then worked for a lawn care business and saved up to buy a '71 MACH I for my 17th. birthday.
My dad had an old convertible that he would occasionally let me drive when I was 16, I was rather embarrassed to drive it though. I wasn't allowed to drive the "family car".

That's awesome! Guess that's where your love for cars started, eh?
New subject,products you loved,but now are gone.
In HS and early twenties,I loved Canada Dry 's
WINK grapefruit soda!
I bought the quart bottles,was very fizzy!
Once like a fool,I drank two quarts,ended up on the bathroom floor,doubled over with cramps.
Never did that again!One quart was my limit.

Candy cigarettes. I used to love gnawing on those things. I am not sure what type of candy it was, but it was really good! The store called Giguère's in town carried the best ones! Michaud's Market carried the giant Pixie Stix. They're not found in stores around here anymore, but I can get those online if so inclined.
Candy cigarettes. I used to love gnawing on those things. I am not sure what type of candy it was, but it was really good! The store called Giguère's in town carried the best ones! Michaud's Market carried the giant Pixie Stix. They're not found in stores around here anymore, but I can get those online if so inclined.

The candy cigarettes we had,came in a box,that looked like a cigarette pack.
Inside were chocolate pieces wrapped in cig papers,looked like real cigarettes.
The candy cigarettes we had,came in a box,that looked like a cigarette pack.
Inside were chocolate pieces wrapped in cig papers,looked like real cigarettes.

They still make them (I don't know about the paper wrapped ones), my GF brought a "pack" back from Pittsburgh two weeks ago.
The candy cigarettes we had,came in a box,that looked like a cigarette pack.
Inside were chocolate pieces wrapped in cig papers,looked like real cigarettes.

Oh, wow! Yeah, these were a white candy wrapped in cigarette papers, and one end was dipped in red food coloring. They put white powdered sugar in the papers that could be blown out, looking like smoke. They were really cool! They also came in boxes looking like the brands that were available at the time. I can remember the Lucky Strikes, Camels, and the Marlboroughs.
That's awesome! Guess that's where your love for cars started, eh?

My love of cars started before that. The first time I saw a real Cobra, I said someday I'm gonna have one of those (I was around 8), but my respect and desire to keep them nice came from having to work for them. I've had a number of very nice cars over the years (I could buy a new home and a good chunk of land if I still had a few!). Now, I don't have $1.5 million for a real Cobra, but I do finally have an excellent reproduction of one (they ain't cheap, either!). I believe I've posted pics of it.
Candy cigarettes. I used to love gnawing on those things. I am not sure what type of candy it was, but it was really good! The store called Giguère's in town carried the best ones! Michaud's Market carried the giant Pixie Stix. They're not found in stores around here anymore, but I can get those online if so inclined.

Gateway candy! lol
Oh, wow! Yeah, these were a white candy wrapped in cigarette papers, and one end was dipped in red food coloring. They put white powdered sugar in the papers that could be blown out, looking like smoke. They were really cool! They also came in boxes looking like the brands that were available at the time. I can remember the Lucky Strikes, Camels, and the Marlboroughs.

I remember the bubble gum cigars,came in pink and yellow!