Amazon Tavern

New subject,products you loved,but now are gone.
In HS and early twenties,I loved Canada Dry 's
WINK grapefruit soda!
I bought the quart bottles,was very fizzy!
Once like a fool,I drank two quarts,ended up on the bathroom floor,doubled over with cramps.
Never did that again!One quart was my limit.
New subject,products you loved,but now are gone.
In HS and early twenties,I loved Canada Dry 's
WINK grapefruit soda!
I bought the quart bottles,was very fizzy!
Once like a fool,I drank two quarts,ended up on the bathroom floor,doubled over with cramps.
Never did that again!One quart was my limit.

And you loved that, and miss it now? WTF dude. :laugh:

Those long strips of cherry-flavored sucker candies, dangling just out of reach, at the market. Maybe Mom would get one, maybe not. If she did, that candy tasted like ambrosia! And walking with Mom down the coffee aisle and inhaling the fragrrances of foreign lands. We weren't allowed to drink it, but when it was ground in that machine in the coffee aisle, it sure smelled good.

Getting to go to the hardware store with Dad on Saturdays. Sometimes he would bring a few tubes from the TV to check out and replace. Other times he would buy some mysterious Dad hardware stuff that he would build stuff with. Or best of all -- we'd go to the lumber area and he would order some lumber to be cut. To this day whenever I go to a hardware store and smell sawdust or grease I am a child again, holding my daddy's hand and so glad to be included in his mysterious Dad world!
And you loved that, and miss it now? WTF dude. :laugh:

Those long strips of cherry-flavored sucker candies, dangling just out of reach, at the market. Maybe Mom would get one, maybe not. If she did, that candy tasted like ambrosia! And walking with Mom down the coffee aisle and inhaling the fragrrances of foreign lands. We weren't allowed to drink it, but when it was ground in that machine in the coffee aisle, it sure smelled good.

Getting to go to the hardware store with Dad on Saturdays. Sometimes he would bring a few tubes from the TV to check out and replace. Other times he would buy some mysterious Dad hardware stuff that he would build stuff with. Or best of all -- we'd go to the lumber area and he would order some lumber to be cut. To this day whenever I go to a hardware store and smell sawdust or grease I am a child again, holding my daddy's hand and so glad to be included in his mysterious Dad world!

I forgot about TV tubes!At least twice a year,a tube went bad,if we were lucky,my Dad would take the bad one to the drug store,and test them on the test machine.
Come home and put in the new tube.
But most times,the TV repairman,came and had to take it to the shop!:(
New subject,products you loved,but now are gone.
In HS and early twenties,I loved Canada Dry 's
WINK grapefruit soda!
I bought the quart bottles,was very fizzy!
Once like a fool,I drank two quarts,ended up on the bathroom floor,doubled over with cramps.
Never did that again!One quart was my limit.

I'm going to sound like such a stoner with a few of these, but shoot.

Pepsi Blue,


I forgot about TV tubes!At least twice a year,a tube went bad,if we were lucky,my Dad would take the bad one to the drug store,and test them on the test machine.
Come home and put in the new tube.
But most times,the TV repairman,came and had to take it to the shop!:(

Wow... I forgot about TV repairman shops.

Do you remember those "five-and-dime-stores" like Woolworths and Ben Franks? Like Dollar Stores now, only the stuff wasn't made in China out of plastic.

Heh, this topic is hilarious! I can just imagine all the JPPers born after 1970 cringing and laughing. Laugh away, your time is coming. Your kids: "Remember iPhones? Hahahaha! How did they get by without implants in their brains, behind their ears?!" :laugh:
Wow... I forgot about TV repairman shops.

Do you remember those "five-and-dime-stores" like Woolworths and Ben Franks? Like Dollar Stores now, only the stuff wasn't made in China out of plastic.

Heh, this topic is hilarious! I can just imagine all the JPPers born after 1970 cringing and laughing. Laugh away, your time is coming. Your kids: "Remember iPhones? Hahahaha! How did they get by without implants in their brains, behind their ears?!" :laugh:

My parents were from older generations, so I had lots of things growing up. A few things I experienced: Black, and white TV, record player, an old film camera (Probably weighed like 5 pounds +), Old timey manual tools.
Wow... I forgot about TV repairman shops.

Do you remember those "five-and-dime-stores" like Woolworths and Ben Franks? Like Dollar Stores now, only the stuff wasn't made in China out of plastic.

Heh, this topic is hilarious! I can just imagine all the JPPers born after 1970 cringing and laughing. Laugh away, your time is coming. Your kids: "Remember iPhones? Hahahaha! How did they get by without implants in their brains, behind their ears?!" :laugh:

Woolworth 's in downtown Toledo,had a great lunch counter!
Wow... I forgot about TV repairman shops.

Do you remember those "five-and-dime-stores" like Woolworths and Ben Franks? Like Dollar Stores now, only the stuff wasn't made in China out of plastic.

Heh, this topic is hilarious! I can just imagine all the JPPers born after 1970 cringing and laughing. Laugh away, your time is coming. Your kids: "Remember iPhones? Hahahaha! How did they get by without implants in their brains, behind their ears?!" :laugh:

Yep, Woolworth's, Newberry's, Grant's, Zayre, Grandway, the list goes on. Remember the Sears mail order pick-up depot? They weren't a store, you just picked up what you mail ordered.
There were electronic repair shops. Now, try to get anything electronic repaired, not gonna happen. Remember the Sony Walkman?
Large chain department stores and malls killed the "mom and pop" stores. The internet is killing malls and large department store chains now. Every local Sears and Kmart are gone now.
Remember when kids would cruse their "hot rods" up and down main street and others would congregate to watch them? We'd park our cars in a row and all just hang out. The cops didn't bother us because they knew where we were. Hell, now they get arrested for loitering.

I am grateful I lived during those days. they were a blast! I surely wouldn't trade it to be young today (except for being healthier!).
Yep, Woolworth's, Newberry's, Grant's, Zayre, Grandway, the list goes on. Remember the Sears mail order pick-up depot? They weren't a store, you just picked up what you mail ordered.
There were electronic repair shops. Now, try to get anything electronic repaired, not gonna happen. Remember the Sony Walkman?
Large chain department stores and malls killed the "mom and pop" stores. The internet is killing malls and large department store chains now. Every local Sears and Kmart are gone now.
Remember when kids would cruse their "hot rods" up and down main street and others would congregate to watch them? We'd park our cars in a row and all just hang out. The cops didn't bother us because they knew where we were. Hell, now they get arrested for loitering.

I am grateful I lived during those days. they were a blast! I surely wouldn't trade it to be young today (except for being healthier!).

Yeah, Zayres and Grants -- forgot about them. Did your mom go to the butcher shop to get meat?

Our TV only got four channels too -- ABC, CBS, NBC, and Channel 9 which was PBS. Later they added Channel 11. It had cartoons on in the afternoon; couldn't wait to rush home from school and watch them! Remember your dad up on the roof adjusting the antenna, and hollering down to your mom to see if the picture was clear yet? lol And you only had on TV for the whole family, not one in almost every room like now.
Yeah, Zayres and Grants -- forgot about them. Did your mom go to the butcher shop to get meat?

Our TV only got four channels too -- ABC, CBS, NBC, and Channel 9 which was PBS. Later they added Channel 11. It had cartoons on in the afternoon; couldn't wait to rush home from school and watch them! Remember your dad up on the roof adjusting the antenna, and hollering down to your mom to see if the picture was clear yet? lol And you only had on TV for the whole family, not one in almost every room like now.

Yes, she went to the butcher shop. We still do for choice cuts and bologna (the butcher here grinds the bologna coarse, I hate finely ground bologna).

Yep, the old B&W TV in the living room and large antenna bringing in just a few stations. That TV went in my bedroom after they got a color set. My friends were in awe!
Yeah, Zayres and Grants -- forgot about them. Did your mom go to the butcher shop to get meat?

Our TV only got four channels too -- ABC, CBS, NBC, and Channel 9 which was PBS. Later they added Channel 11. It had cartoons on in the afternoon; couldn't wait to rush home from school and watch them! Remember your dad up on the roof adjusting the antenna, and hollering down to your mom to see if the picture was clear yet? lol And you only had on TV for the whole family, not one in almost every room like now.

When I was real little we had one TV channel!Then finally got two!
Yeah, Zayres and Grants -- forgot about them. Did your mom go to the butcher shop to get meat?

Our TV only got four channels too -- ABC, CBS, NBC, and Channel 9 which was PBS. Later they added Channel 11. It had cartoons on in the afternoon; couldn't wait to rush home from school and watch them! Remember your dad up on the roof adjusting the antenna, and hollering down to your mom to see if the picture was clear yet? lol And you only had on TV for the whole family, not one in almost every room like now.

When I was real little we had one TV channel!Then finally got two!
Yes, she went to the butcher shop. We still do for choice cuts and bologna (the butcher here grinds the bologna coarse, I hate finely ground bologna).

Yep, the old B&W TV in the living room and large antenna bringing in just a few stations. That TV went in my bedroom after they got a color set. My friends were in awe!

I bet -- only rich kids had their own TV! Or car for that matter. When we went on dates, our boyfriends always had to borrow the family car.
When I was real little we had one TV channel!Then finally got two!

Same with Mr. Owl. He said that they had three channels growing up in the middle of Bumfart, Illinois -- and two of them were CBS. lol What was your favorite TV program as a kid?