Amazon Tavern

My love of cars started before that. The first time I saw a real Cobra, I said someday I'm gonna have one of those (I was around 8), but my respect and desire to keep them nice came from having to work for them. I've had a number of very nice cars over the years (I could buy a new home and a good chunk of land if I still had a few!). Now, I don't have $1.5 million for a real Cobra, but I do finally have an excellent reproduction of one (they ain't cheap, either!). I believe I've posted pics of it.

It's hard to imagine anyone spending that much on a car. Maybe Jeff Bezos or something like that. Do you do mechanical and body work on them?
Amazon does have them! There is a shirt that I really would love to have, too. It says I am Wax Bottle Soda and Candy Cigarettes Old! LOL!
It's hard to imagine anyone spending that much on a car. Maybe Jeff Bezos or something like that. Do you do mechanical and body work on them?

Yeah, what sold for $6500 in '65 is now worth a minimum of $1 million+. Most who own an original don't drive them. I bought this one to drive and enjoy it.
I don't do as much of the mechanical stuff as I did, I'm not as flexible as I once was. Never messed with body work though, never got the "knack" for it.
Hey Mason. Can you find something to amuse your girlfriend, she's scratching around to find someone to fight with. (I'm busy)
Yeah, what sold for $6500 in '65 is now worth a minimum of $1 million+. Most who own an original don't drive them. I bought this one to drive and enjoy it.
I don't do as much of the mechanical stuff as I did, I'm not as flexible as I once was. Never messed with body work though, never got the "knack" for it.

Damn. $1M. That's crazy. Maybe you could post the pic of yours again? I don't recall it.

My brother had a '68 Camaro. It was orange with white designs and a white convertible top. I don't know from cars so couldn't say anything about the engine. But it was a blast to ride in! He would take me out in the country and floor it, sometimes cresting hills with wheels off the ground. Glad my mom didn't know about that. lol It looked like this. Not as fancy though, he bought it when he first got out of college and didn't have much money.
Top's doing what?

Stirring the shit with a BFS! lol
