Amazon Tavern

I have a question for Owl. Now, keep in mind, she's already told me the most depressing story I've ever heard. Naturally, I didn't believe it at first, but after she went on and on and on about it, ... I realized it was true, all true. Now, I'm assuming (and this could be a mistake) but I'm assuming that each room in the House has been 'initiated'.
OK. Let's back track a little here. A while back Owl was having a conversation with Phantasmal about 'sex'. She was talking about sex, then mentioned (this isn't word for word, but I'm paraphrasing this) that she "let's her husband join in now and then". Now ... THAT was about the MOST ASTOUNDING REVELATION that I have EVER heard. I don't want to become TOO graphic here, but just imaging Owl having sex with herself while she is married to a Man is just ... I don't know how to describe it, ... it's just bizarre. So ... I don't want to get bogged down in trying to pyschoanalyze Owl here, that's not my point. What I'm trying to suggest is ... fuck the dinner.
Owl. You need to take your Husband down to the Beach at night, when the Moon is out. Find a nice secluded spot. Throw out the Blankets. Bring all your little 'gadgets' with you. Don't forget the lotions and lubricants. Try to pick a spot that you can see from the Window Wall in the house so you can have a pleasant memory as you age out. This is 'long term', not just some 'quicky' that you're in a rush to get over. Try to pretend that you are enjoying it. Get comfortable, enjoy the moment, listen to the stillness, the water lapping the edge of the shore, the moonlight reflecting off the water, a slight breeze, the smell of the fresh air off the lake. Tell him you want to be serviced, don't try to do everything yourself. but ... don't just lie there like a ragdoll. Two or three hours, maybe longer. Maybe try to set a Record?

I know you're timid, shy, bashful and basically unresourceful, plus being sexually lazy, but this is something you need to do before you and Hubby get too old.
Oh. And PS: DON'T think about Mason, Jade, Grumpy, Controlled Opposition, TOP or USF while Mr. Owl is performing his Duty and you using his head as some human sex toy guiding it with both hands and shouting out instructions, I don't think that would really be conduc ... hmmmm ... well, what do I know. Just do whatever it takes.
I think you think about other people’s sex life far too often. It’s usually an indication you don’t have a sex life of your own, or it’s boring. You needs to focus on yourself and snap it up a bit in your own life. Good luck.
I have a question for Owl. Now, keep in mind, she's already told me the most depressing story I've ever heard. Naturally, I didn't believe it at first, but after she went on and on and on about it, ... I realized it was true, all true. Now, I'm assuming (and this could be a mistake) but I'm assuming that each room in the House has been 'initiated'.
OK. Let's back track a little here. A while back Owl was having a conversation with Phantasmal about 'sex'. She was talking about sex, then mentioned (this isn't word for word, but I'm paraphrasing this) that she "let's her husband join in now and then". Now ... THAT was about the MOST ASTOUNDING REVELATION that I have EVER heard. I don't want to become TOO graphic here, but just imaging Owl having sex with herself while she is married to a Man is just ... I don't know how to describe it, ... it's just bizarre. So ... I don't want to get bogged down in trying to pyschoanalyze Owl here, that's not my point. What I'm trying to suggest is ... fuck the dinner.
Owl. You need to take your Husband down to the Beach at night, when the Moon is out. Find a nice secluded spot. Throw out the Blankets. Bring all your little 'gadgets' with you. Don't forget the lotions and lubricants. Try to pick a spot that you can see from the Window Wall in the house so you can have a pleasant memory as you age out. This is 'long term', not just some 'quicky' that you're in a rush to get over. Try to pretend that you are enjoying it. Get comfortable, enjoy the moment, listen to the stillness, the water lapping the edge of the shore, the moonlight reflecting off the water, a slight breeze, the smell of the fresh air off the lake. Tell him you want to be serviced, don't try to do everything yourself. but ... don't just lie there like a ragdoll. Two or three hours, maybe longer. Maybe try to set a Record?

I know you're timid, shy, bashful and basically unresourceful, plus being sexually lazy, but this is something you need to do before you and Hubby get too old.
Oh. And PS: DON'T think about Mason, Jade, Grumpy, Controlled Opposition, TOP or USF while Mr. Owl is performing his Duty and you using his head as some human sex toy guiding it with both hands and shouting out instructions, I don't think that would really be conduc ... hmmmm ... well, what do I know. Just do whatever it takes.

Jack read the original post,then delete this!thanks in advance.
I have a question for Owl. Why am I so obsessed with you and Phantasmal and sex that I spend precious moments of my life making up dumb shit?

I don't know, Jack. I suppose maybe you should find some healthier outlets for your waning drives. Have you PMd with Mason about BDSM? I'm sure he could provide you with some great info on how to indulge yourself yet stay safe and bug-free at the same time. Don't forget to check out Kindle Unlimited as well. There are TONS of writers with actual talent who write the lusty porno stories you can only dream of. Lastly, investigate the Dark Web. You can buy all sorts of things there, including the male enhancements guys your age require.

Good luck, doll!
(pun intended :laugh:)
I think you think about other people’s sex life far too often. It’s usually an indication you don’t have a sex life of your own, or it’s boring. You needs to focus on yourself and snap it up a bit in your own life. Good luck.

Yeah. I was trying to give a positive feedback for Owl as she begins to age out and become a frigid and barren spinster. (this is what I get for trying to help)
Yeah. I was trying to give a positive feedback for Owl as she begins to age out and become a frigid and barren spinster. (this is what I get for trying to help)
She’s married, therefore, she would not be a spinster. Please Jack if you’re spinning a tall tale get your terminology correct.
She has also had offsprings, so she is not barren, either.
I don't know, Jack. I suppose maybe you should find some healthier outlets for your waning drives. Have you PMd with Mason about BDSM? I'm sure he could provide you with some great info on how to indulge yourself yet stay safe and bug-free at the same time. Don't forget to check out Kindle Unlimited as well. There are TONS of writers with actual talent who write the lusty porno stories you can only dream of. Lastly, investigate the Dark Web. You can buy all sorts of things there, including the male enhancements guys your age require.

Good luck, doll!
(pun intended :laugh:)

Pumpkin. How long have you lived up there?
You moved up there because you enjoy the environment, the outdoors, the serenity?
Do you think the Indigenous People communed with Nature?
She’s married, therefore, she would not be a spinster. Please Jack if your spinning a tall tale get your terminology correct.
She has also had offsprings, so she is not barren, either.

(shaking head)
Look. Phantasmal. Do you like Owl? Do you think it would be healthy for Owl (and her Husband) to 'consecrate' the Beach by their Home? Something that years from now, they could both look out the Window Wall and spot a familiar landmark and ask each other, "Do you remember when we ......"
Yeah. I was trying to give a positive feedback for Owl as she begins to age out and become a frigid and barren spinster. (this is what I get for trying to help)

1. I'm only frigid when I run out on the deck in my robe to refill a bird feeder at 7am when it's -15F.
2. I have a husband therefore I'm not a spinster. You're confusing me with someone else, again. This happens as we age.
3. I have five children so am hardly barren. Thankfully now the baby factory has been off-shored. lol
4. Your bitterness is an unpleasant look for you.
5. Your writing skills lack originality, innovation, interest, and are not marketable exc. maybe to advanced third-grade girls.
Pumpkin. How long have you lived up there?
You moved up there because you enjoy the environment, the outdoors, the serenity?
Do you think the Indigenous People communed with Nature?

And this has to do with my comment to you in what way again?

Damn, Jack. Your cheese is sliding off your crackers.
(shaking head)
Look. Phantasmal. Do you like Owl? Do you think it would be healthy for Owl (and her Husband) to 'consecrate' the Beach by their Home? Something that years from now, they could both look out the Window Wall and spot a familiar landmark and ask each other, "Do you remember when we ......"
It’s none of my business what the Owl’s do. I really don’t want to think about it, either. I have my own full life that I don’t think about other’s personal matters.
1. I'm only frigid when I run out on the deck in my robe to refill a bird feeder at 7am when it's -15F.
2. I have a husband therefore I'm not a spinster. You're confusing me with someone else, again. This happens as we age.
3. I have five children so am hardly barren. Thankfully now the baby factory has been off-shored. lol
4. Your bitterness is an unpleasant look for you.
5. Your writing skills lack originality, innovation, interest, and are not marketable exc. maybe to advanced third-grade girls.

A full life, well lived, with hopefully many years to come!

Considering how many sociopaths, basement dwellers, and INCELS end up posting on this forum, this is a life that is a hallmark of normality and conventionality. Carry on!
And this has to do with my comment to you in what way again?

Damn, Jack. Your cheese is sliding off your crackers.

I'm giving you a serious assessment of what is needed and maybe what you have neglected.
Do you think you are going to be attempting this in 5 years from now?
Tell your Husband you have a surprise for him.
Tell him you've been wanting to do this for a long time but have put it off.
Tell him you have a Fantasy that you want him to fulfill.

You'll have a Memory that will last a Lifetime. (in your old age, you will need those)
It’s none of my business what the Owl’s do. I really don’t want to think about it, either. I have my own full life that I don’t think about other’s personal matters.

:) Sometimes an additional 'push' is required.

I'll delete my sincere post to Owl. But, take heed, it's meant in a meaningful way.
A full life, well lived, with hopefully many years to come!

Considering how many sociopaths, basement dwellers, and INCELS end up posting on this forum, this is a life that is a hallmark of normality and conventionality. Carry on!

Thank you, sir!

Your 2nd sentence pretty much summed up Jack, who has carried an abnormal interest in the sex lives of liberal women for many years now. You would think that his two bans for 12b violations would have taught him a lesson, eh?
I'm giving you a serious assessment of what is needed and maybe what you have neglected.
Do you think you are going to be attempting this in 5 years from now?
Tell your Husband you have a surprise for him.
Tell him you've been wanting to do this for a long time but have put it off.
Tell him you have a Fantasy that you want him to fulfill.

You'll have a Memory that will last a Lifetime. (in your old age, you will need those)

Yes, we should all take advice from an elderly man who hasn't had sex with a living woman for decades. Why, it's like going to your parish priest to ask "How should I save my marriage, Father? My husband Jack prefers sailors, ripe melons, and farm animals!" <cue desperate sobs of agony>
Jack hasn't had the proper outlet for awhile, so he has to make up for lost time.

Poor guy. I've noticed that when certain of our Amazon friends are feeling frustrated and angry/hangry, they take it out on the rest of us, haven't you?

Thread just hit 1320... let's take it to 10K+! :laugh: