Amazon Tavern

Thank you, sir!

Your 2nd sentence pretty much summed up Jack, who has carried an abnormal interest in the sex lives of liberal women for many years now. You would think that his two bans for 12b violations would have taught him a lesson, eh?

My opinion? The sex lives of other people have no interest for me...I am only interested in my sex life!
I believe any inordinate interest in the private affairs and romantic lives of other people - especially people one has never met - is beyond the pale, and crosses into the territory of weirdness, Just my two cents! I am here to bash Trump without mercy!
My opinion? The sex lives of other people have no interest for me...I am only interested in my sex life!
I believe any inordinate interest in the private affairs and romantic lives of other people - especially people one has never met - is beyond the pale, and crosses into the territory of weirdness, Just my two cents! I am here to bash Trump without mercy!

Agree, and so do most ppl. The only time I'm interested in someone else's sex life is when we watch a video together that may or may not include some sexy times. lol If you're having your own sexy times (or not if that's your choice), you really don't care enough to try to slut- or age-shaming some anonymous person on a backwater forum about hers.

Jack seems to think that women are ashamed of their sexuality and find that attacks... oh excuse me "advice".... on that are an insult. Sad, very sad.
Jack felt he was offering a grain of wisdom to a fellow JPP Poster.
Sometimes 'routine' interferes with the Pleasures of Life.

No not really. You will probably be banned from the discussion, if you keep sexual stuff here. Don't want a get knocked out of a discussion, after just getting back, do you?
No not really. You will probably be banned from the discussion, if you keep sexual stuff here. Don't want a get knocked out of a discussion, after just getting back, do you?

Thanks Jade. I'm afraid the 'Amazon Tavern' has been turned into the 'Amazon Tea Room'.
(the 'take your shoes off' sign at the front door should have been a clue) :(
Thanks Jade. I'm afraid the 'Amazon Tavern' has been turned into the 'Amazon Tea Room'.
(the 'take your shoes off' sign at the front door should have been a clue) :(

You should probably start your own thread to whine about the unfairness of this forum towards ppl like yourself, how all the moderators are prejudiced because they're ever so religious, and post some more fictional sexual fantasies about women who you'll never have because. Can we help you chose a thread title?

1. Jack's Sad House
2. Jack's Women of JPP Porno Fantasy Thread!
3. Why Am I Like This?
4. Jack's Wish I Was Trump thread
5. Help Me Choose My Political POV
6. Why Do Other Guys Think I'm Not Right?
7. How Do I get USF, Legion, and the Other RW Guys to Love Me Hard?
Mom won't be sleeping much tonight. There was a tornado emergency around north of Dayton, where most our family lives. Several tornado's, including one that crossed the path of devastation of another. On top of that, there's a flash flood warning for the area. The area we go to eat as a family, called Miller Lane was struck.
Mom won't be sleeping much tonight. There was a tornado emergency around north of Dayton, where most our family lives. Several tornado's, including one that crossed the path of devastation of another. On top of that, there's a flash flood warning for the area. The area we go to eat as a family, called Miller Lane was struck.

We were on the edge of all that,got woke up from a sound sleep by a huge crash of thunder,and pouring down rain.
Mom won't be sleeping much tonight. There was a tornado emergency around north of Dayton, where most our family lives. Several tornado's, including one that crossed the path of devastation of another. On top of that, there's a flash flood warning for the area. The area we go to eat as a family, called Miller Lane was struck.

Hope everyone's okay there. Pls let us know when you find out anything.
Hope everyone's okay there. Pls let us know when you find out anything.

Got texts from people, that they weren't damaged, but the news still sounds bad. They have a boil water notice placed on the areas, and National Guard is being called in. My sister was in Vegas though, which was probably for the best since a church about 8 miles south of her was destroyed. Some news is reporting it looks like a war zone in areas.
Got texts from people, that they weren't damaged, but the news still sounds bad. They have a boil water notice placed on the areas, and National Guard is being called in. My sister was in Vegas though, which was probably for the best since a church about 8 miles south of her was destroyed. Some news is reporting it looks like a war zone in areas.

Glad to hear the tornados missed you. Hope your family's property was undamaged.