Amazon Tavern

Good morning! :laugh:

Another lovely spring day here in YooperWorld. Yesterday we had a brand new visitor to the bird feeders.

So,I go to get the mail,from the central mail port,in the park.
Open the car door,see 3 yellow jackets,take a step 2 more appear,than a few more,till there are 10,around our mail box!
Decide,I don't want the mail that bad.
Let's see what today will bring!
So,I go to get the mail,from the central mail port,in the park.
Open the car door,see 3 yellow jackets,take a step 2 more appear,than a few more,till there are 10,around our mail box!
Decide,I don't want the mail that bad.
Let's see what today will bring!

A stung and pissed neighbor?
Man this site seems bad lately, and that's saying something. I can barely read through the list of titles without wanting to leave. Think I'll just bookmark a few discussions for now.

We were actually scheduled to go to Dayton, for a graduation this weekend coming up. I'm so glad plans changed, because of the mystery surrounding my health, and the appointment I just had. Instead we are going down the end of June, for a graduation celebration party. Before that, on the 14th, 15th, and 16th, My brother is visiting from Denver, as part of a vacation tour. Hopefully I can handle a few nice meals out together.
So,I go to get the mail,from the central mail port,in the park.
Open the car door,see 3 yellow jackets,take a step 2 more appear,than a few more,till there are 10,around our mail box!
Decide,I don't want the mail that bad.
Let's see what today will bring!

Maybe there's one of those samples in there that has some kind of scent that is attracting them?
Man this site seems bad lately, and that's saying something. I can barely read through the list of titles without wanting to leave. Think I'll just bookmark a few discussions for now.

We were actually scheduled to go to Dayton, for a graduation this weekend coming up. I'm so glad plans changed, because of the mystery surrounding my health, and the appointment I just had. Instead we are going down the end of June, for a graduation celebration party. Before that, on the 14th, 15th, and 16th, My brother is visiting from Denver, as part of a vacation tour. Hopefully I can handle a few nice meals out together.

Did your appt. go okay?
Did your appt. go okay?

They set up a test to scope my digestive track. It was either right away, or wait a bit. I decided to wait since Mom had commitments taking a friend for cataract surgery that time. Not eating much other then bland foods, unless I absolutely want the food.