Amazon Tavern

"Can't we all just get along "!

Someone needs some
with that whine. :laugh:
She goes into attack mode just begging me to respond. What am I suppose to do, just stand there sucking my thumb?
... and, when did talking about each other's sex lives become off limits? When did THAT fucking Rule go into affect?
I don't see why I have to stand here and listen to these fake high-brow types like Cypress and Phantasmal talking about what hats to wear at the Kentucky Derby and the Regulars that used to come to the Tavern get ejected when they talk about Tits and Ass.

Why don't you rename this place 'Havana Moon's Tea Parlor' or some kind of 'Yurt's Arts & Crafts Center'? Taverns all across America should sue you for what you've done to 'Taverns' as an American Institution!

Jack, you need to chill, and discuss something serious. Surely you have some interests outside talking dirty.
Your ecosystem, from what I understand, evolved with occasional wildfires going through and cleaning out the undergrowth, is that correct?

Those fires are causing us to have hazy skies the last few days... it must be pretty bad up there.

Yes, that is the natural order.. Now there is several hundred thousand houses out in the woods that "we" are obligated to save, if possible..

I really see no alternative other than allowing them to go back in & take out trees..

It is rough on the land but easier on it than a build up which actually bakes the soil as well as denudes it, leaving it semi-sterile & very susceptible to erosion etc
She goes into attack mode just begging me to respond. What am I suppose to do, just stand there sucking my thumb?
... and, when did talking about each other's sex lives become off limits? When did THAT fucking Rule go into affect?
I don't see why I have to stand here and listen to these fake high-brow types like Cypress and Phantasmal talking about what hats to wear at the Kentucky Derby and the Regulars that used to come to the Tavern get ejected when they talk about Tits and Ass.

Why don't you rename this place 'Havana Moon's Tea Parlor' or some kind of 'Yurt's Arts & Crafts Center'? Taverns all across America should sue you for what you've done to 'Taverns' as an American Institution!
This ain't Porno Palace either.....
You can always start your own thread Jack's tit N ass to go..?? :whome:

Thanks Bill.
I was hoping we could get to Portfolio construction as we near Retirement, the use of a Roth for a Legacy gift, and the value of Rebalancing. Unfortunately, I have plans to go see ''Mom', some scary Movie, that my granddaughter wants to see. I have to go and pick her up and meet her Mom at the Movies. Maybe next time?
Yes, that is the natural order.. Now there is several hundred thousand houses out in the woods that "we" are obligated to save, if possible..
I really see no alternative other than allowing them to go back in & take out trees..
It is rough on the land but easier on it than a build up which actually bakes the soil as well as denudes it, leaving it semi-sterile & very susceptible to erosion etc

I'm totally unfamiliar with your forestry stuff there, other than knowing that many of your trees and other plants require burning to regenerate. Here selective logging is beneficial to the understory trees and to forest floor plants. We have some old-growth pine forests nearby which are beautiful to walk through... and very easy as well because there is zero plant life under the pines (white and red). On our own property you can see where long ago (probably 3-4 decades) a forest fire swept through. There are still stumps of various sizes, with jagged black tops where the burnt tree even succumbed to weather and fell over. The other stumps around were logged and flat on top.

Your curse there is living in a region of the planet with beautiful climate and a (mostly) beautiful environment. Then there's capitalism which allows developers to buy up tracts of land and subdivide it off so you end up with homes where there should be only nature, allowed to do its thing.
Anyone here from the old Amazon forum who remembers Lonya? He lives and works in Virginia Beach. Just posted that he's okay; he has worked in that govt. building where the mass murder occurred. As recently as a week ago.
Anyone here from the old Amazon forum who remembers Lonya? He lives and works in Virginia Beach. Just posted that he's okay; he has worked in that govt. building where the mass murder occurred. As recently as a week ago.

I remember the name, but didn't know them that well. It's getting where it's harder to feel safe in this country at times. I feel safe, but for others I worry at times. First it was my brother living a relatively short drive from the Denver shooting, and now it's the Dayton tornado emergency. The neighborhood of North Dayton was hit pretty bad, and that's where Mom grew up. We live in an amazing area now, protected from the weather by the bay. There's been tornado's to the north, and to the south. The part in between doesn't get the brunt of things, because the waters of the bay tend to deteriorate systems. Of course the downside is the shitload of lake effect snow you get, because of the warmer waters.
Thanks Bill.
I was hoping we could get to Portfolio construction as we near Retirement, the use of a Roth for a Legacy gift, and the value of Rebalancing. Unfortunately, I have plans to go see ''Mom', some scary Movie, that my granddaughter wants to see. I have to go and pick her up and meet her Mom at the Movies. Maybe next time?
Is it "Ma"? I want to see that!!
I remember the name, but didn't know them that well. It's getting where it's harder to feel safe in this country at times. I feel safe, but for others I worry at times. First it was my brother living a relatively short drive from the Denver shooting, and now it's the Dayton tornado emergency. The neighborhood of North Dayton was hit pretty bad, and that's where Mom grew up. We live in an amazing area now, protected from the weather by the bay. There's been tornado's to the north, and to the south. The part in between doesn't get the brunt of things, because the waters of the bay tend to deteriorate systems. Of course the downside is the shitload of lake effect snow you get, because of the warmer waters.

11 dead so far, the news says. But as always, nothing will change.

Tornadoes are extremely rare here as well. I do miss thunderstorms. We get them a few times during the summer, and they are pretty cool -- the thunder reverberates between the Lake and the mountains to the West. And it's super cool at night when you see lightning stab down at the Lake! I love the indigenous stories about that. The Animikiig (thunder beings/thunderbirds) wage a war between Sky and Earth with the Mishibizhiig -- the lions/serpents who live in the Lake. This war evens the balance out between things. When the Animikiig are flying, you should be quiet in your waakaa'igan (home) so that they don't notice you. When you venture out on the Lake, you should give an offering of Semaa (tobacco) to the Mishibizhiig so that you won't come to harm.
11 dead so far, the news says. But as always, nothing will change.

Tornadoes are extremely rare here as well. I do miss thunderstorms. We get them a few times during the summer, and they are pretty cool -- the thunder reverberates between the Lake and the mountains to the West. And it's super cool at night when you see lightning stab down at the Lake! I love the indigenous stories about that. The Animikiig (thunder beings/thunderbirds) wage a war between Sky and Earth with the Mishibizhiig -- the lions/serpents who live in the Lake. This war evens the balance out between things. When the Animikiig are flying, you should be quiet in your waakaa'igan (home) so that they don't notice you. When you venture out on the Lake, you should give an offering of Semaa (tobacco) to the Mishibizhiig so that you won't come to harm.
Do you live on a lake?
Yes, Lake Superior. If you click on my JPP profile I have a link to a photo album.
Wow, what an amazing place! Is the waterfall near you too? There is nothing more peaceful than looking out over a body of water. Do you have a boat? Do people fish and swim in the lake? That's really beautiful. Very nice.