Amazon Tavern

The idea is interesting but actually going into them is a bit too much for me too. I like to stick to fear on a movie or tv screen only.
With life-jackets there is little chance of drowning.. Kayaking is actually quite safe as long as you stay out of wht water/fast moving streams..
I had a canoe & always preferred kayaks..
I have gone out w/ ppl that are very, very good w/ them as well as powerful paddlers...

Have you ever done whitewater kayaking? Love watching vids of experts doing it, but a bit too extreme for me. We have 16-ft sea kayaks that are excellent for large bodies of water, but not so great on small streams. Too hard to maneuver, plus if you run into a shallow stretch they're heavy to try to portage. Do you kayak? And where?
Have you ever done whitewater kayaking? Love watching vids of experts doing it, but a bit too extreme for me. We have 16-ft sea kayaks that are excellent for large bodies of water, but not so great on small streams. Too hard to maneuver, plus if you run into a shallow stretch they're heavy to try to portage. Do you kayak? And where?
I have before.. I have two short kayaks & a 14ft...

I don't go much any more as I know realize I could get hurt/killed.. Odd how I never thought much about it before..:rolleyes: lol

My last time I went wht water, it wasn't suppose to be wht water as I had my 14ft boat.. Once we were on the water (it was to late then) we realized the flow was much faster higher up (We had done the lower section of the Merced river & it is wider, on the valley floor so could spread out...

The flow in that section we did is normally about 250fps & the flow that day was over 5,000-not safe..
Oh I work Amazon too. lol. I try to stay out of the stores, but retail therapy is a real thing. :D

Shopping is an important part of vacation. I went to the Grandville Island Market, in Vancouver.

The city from the market.

My haul of goodies.
Oh I work Amazon too. lol. I try to stay out of the stores, but retail therapy is a real thing. :D

Hello. My name is Owl, and I am a bead-a-holic. lol

Seriously, I have the equivalent of an average-sized bead store upstairs, all nicely organized and labeled. lol Most of it was bought on-line! I hear you about on-line shopping.

Did you ever have the UPS guy come and hand you a package and think to yourself "Oh lord, WTF did I order this time?" :laugh:
I have before.. I have two short kayaks & a 14ft...

I don't go much any more as I know realize I could get hurt/killed.. Odd how I never thought much about it before..:rolleyes: lol

My last time I went wht water, it wasn't suppose to be wht water as I had my 14ft boat.. Once we were on the water (it was to late then) we realized the flow was much faster higher up (We had done the lower section of the Merced river & it is wider, on the valley floor so could spread out...

The flow in that section we did is normally about 250fps & the flow that day was over 5,000-not safe..

So what happened? Obviously you survived. lol
Awesome. A carb-fest.

On vacation I got to eat what I want, since I dieted a bit beforehand. I needed the carbs to get up as early as 6:00, to get on the road again. That, and caffeine were needed. The best part was the truffled sheep's cheese. I'm just sad they confiscated my exotic Soursop fruit at the border. Should have eaten it instead of some of the baked goods.
On vacation I got to eat what I want, since I dieted a bit beforehand. I needed the carbs to get up as early as 6:00, to get on the road again. That, and caffeine were needed. The best part was the truffled sheep's cheese. I'm just sad they confiscated my exotic Soursop fruit at the border. Should have eaten it instead of some of the baked goods.

I'm fairly sure that vacation calories do not count.