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Wow, w/ humidity ppl are prb dying there @ 90..

I'm going hiking on Thurs & hopefully friday & some elevation up to about 10,000ft & there will still be lots of snow & nice & cool breeze-nice change..

Oddly our water temps are cold year round but it seems colder there, eventhough the gulf stream is just off the coast..

Oh, gosh, yes! If the temps rise above 80°F, the humidity seems to rise along with it. It can get pretty miserable with that humidity.

Nice! I hope you get to enjoy your hiking trip! That sounds fun, and refreshing!

We get most of our storms from the northwest, so it can get downright cold here in the winter.
Oh, gosh, yes! If the temps rise above 80°F, the humidity seems to rise along with it. It can get pretty miserable with that humidity.

Nice! I hope you get to enjoy your hiking trip! That sounds fun, and refreshing!

We get most of our storms from the northwest, so it can get downright cold here in the winter.

I lived in NYC which wasn't that bad & I am really surprised just how cold & windy it gets up there, not that much further north..

Thnx I am really looking forward to it. :)
OH, I certainly do! I certainly appreciated it this afternoon!

Do you ever get thunderstorms there? We had an awesome one last evening! Plus nearly an inch of rain over three hours, so it had a chance to soak in. Sometimes you can see a bolt of lightning hit the Lake surface, then the thunder slams down like the gods just dropped a heavy book on us. And the birds all say "Oooooo!" lol
Do you ever get thunderstorms there? We had an awesome one last evening! Plus nearly an inch of rain over three hours, so it had a chance to soak in. Sometimes you can see a bolt of lightning hit the Lake surface, then the thunder slams down like the gods just dropped a heavy book on us. And the birds all say "Oooooo!" lol

Sounds like it would be an awesome shot, if you happen to have your phone or camera handy.:)
Why the :(,Jack?
Being selected for an honored spot on The Committee,is the fulfillment of a lifes dream!
It was well worth the painful ceremony!And the bruises are healing nicely!

'ceremony'? I'm not going to ask who the rest of the 'Committee' is. 'bruises' ... certain people jump to mind. :(
Do you ever get thunderstorms there? We had an awesome one last evening! Plus nearly an inch of rain over three hours, so it had a chance to soak in. Sometimes you can see a bolt of lightning hit the Lake surface, then the thunder slams down like the gods just dropped a heavy book on us. And the birds all say "Oooooo!" lol

An inch of rain is a spring shower here. We got 81 inches in 2018, of course hurricane Michael helped but in 2014 we got 66 inches.
An inch of rain is a spring shower here. We got 81 inches in 2018, of course hurricane Michael helped but in 2014 we got 66 inches.

This year has been a lesson for me.
When I lived in Toledo,I never thought about how food got to Kroger,I assumed it came from the warehouse!
But here,I live in the middle of a huge farm field,in any direction,when you leave town,5 feet away you're in a farm field,same thing in all the little towns and villages.One big corn or soybean field.
This year all this rain has caused none of this area to have hardly anything growing,and what was planted has a good chance to be drowned out.
Ohio Governor has declared it a disaster zone.
This year has been a lesson for me.
When I lived in Toledo,I never thought about how food got to Kroger,I assumed it came from the warehouse!
But here,I live in the middle of a huge farm field,in any direction,when you leave town,5 feet away you're in a farm field,same thing in all the little towns and villages.One big corn or soybean field.
This year all this rain has caused none of this area to have hardly anything growing,and what was planted has a good chance to be drowned out.
Ohio Governor has declared it a disaster zone.

The farm belt has been hit hard for sure. We will be seeing produce prices rise that is for sure.
An inch of rain is a spring shower here. We got 81 inches in 2018, of course hurricane Michael helped but in 2014 we got 66 inches.

Wowzers! That's incredible! Is this just in your area, or FL overall? I seem to recall that the Everglades were in trouble due to low water levels; is that still true?
Oh no. That's one of the very best parts of summer. Have a bad feeling a lot of the growers are going to go bankrupt.

On the plus side there just aren't that many small farmers anymore they have mostly been bought out by the megafarms. If I'm mistaken please correct me.
On the plus side there just aren't that many small farmers anymore they have mostly been bought out by the megafarms. If I'm mistaken please correct me.

By and large I think that's true in many areas, although where Mr. Owl is from (central Illinois), there are still plenty of family farms. His uncle still owns one of them.