Amazon Tavern

Just looked into the Amazon Smile program. Decided to decline using it. It said that in order to use it, you have to start at the Amazon Smile page rather than regular Amazon, when ordering something. In order to do that, you have to install a browser extension called "AmazonAssistant." That in turn gains access to your browser and web content. Specifically, it can read the content on web pages that you visit, including any user names or passwords that you enter. It can also read and *change* bookmarks! I don't think so, Tim!

Everybody knows everything in todays world anyway!
I didn't know that. Don't remember installing AmazonAssistant but guess I must have. Uggh.

If you've been using that for a while, it's possible that you didn't need to install it, and that it's something new. It asked permission to install and after I examined it, I decided not to. There's a book I want to order so I'll try going through the Smile thing w/o installing the app. Will let you know. It sounds like a wonderful program!
Were they NLCs? I'm going to have the camera ready and get up an hour before dawn tomorrow (assuming that it's clear of course) and try them. We really can't see the western sky from here. Do you have a good photo editor on your computer? Sometimes night shots need a little help to be at their best.

I am not sure, but they were certainly different than ones I had seen before. They were really cool! It's getting ready to rain again. (Ugh!) I am hoping to see what I can do with the pictures to see if they were.
I love The pictures on there are beautiful! If what I saw were NLCs, then anyone further north than the 44th parallel should be able to see them right overhead!
I love The pictures on there are beautiful! If what I saw were NLCs, then anyone further north than the 44th parallel should be able to see them right overhead!

I'm not sure how that works since they're visible because of reflected sunlight rather than from energized particles like the aurora. If you want any help with enhancing them to find out, feel free to email me a couple and I'll fiddle with them for you.
I'm not sure how that works since they're visible because of reflected sunlight rather than from energized particles like the aurora. If you want any help with enhancing them to find out, feel free to email me a couple and I'll fiddle with them for you.

Right, it's because they spread out from the poles, so that's why everyone is surprised that they are seeing them as far south as they are this year.

Oh, thank you! That would be great! I will see if I can get them over to you.
Right, it's because they spread out from the poles, so that's why everyone is surprised that they are seeing them as far south as they are this year.

Oh, thank you! That would be great! I will see if I can get them over to you.

Beautiful cloud shots, thanks for sending them. Alas, not NLCs but there's always next time! I got up early this morning, saw that there were a few high level clouds about, and went back to bed. Wish we had more of a view of the western sky here. It tends to be clearer at that time of day. The only way to see the west is to go up into the mountains. Unfortunately the "roads" back there are more truck trails/two-tracks and difficult enough to drive during the day. One of our neighbors bashed his truck into a tree going back up there to deer hunt in the wee hours of the morning last fall. No thanks!
Right, it's because they spread out from the poles, so that's why everyone is surprised that they are seeing them as far south as they are this year.

Oh, thank you! That would be great! I will see if I can get them over to you.

Beautiful cloud shots, thanks for sending them. Alas, not NLCs but there's always next time! I got up early this morning, saw that there were a few high level clouds about, and went back to bed. Wish we had more of a view of the western sky here. It tends to be clearer at that time of day. The only way to see the west is to go up into the mountains. Unfortunately the "roads" back there are more truck trails/two-tracks and difficult enough to drive during the day. One of our neighbors bashed his truck into a tree going back up there to deer hunt in the wee hours of the morning last fall. No thanks!

I knew you two had your heads in the clouds.

Just teasing I couldn't resist given what you two were talking about.
Beautiful cloud shots, thanks for sending them. Alas, not NLCs but there's always next time! I got up early this morning, saw that there were a few high level clouds about, and went back to bed. Wish we had more of a view of the western sky here. It tends to be clearer at that time of day. The only way to see the west is to go up into the mountains. Unfortunately the "roads" back there are more truck trails/two-tracks and difficult enough to drive during the day. One of our neighbors bashed his truck into a tree going back up there to deer hunt in the wee hours of the morning last fall. No thanks!

You are very welcome! No, I don't think they were. Just cool looking ones. I will have to send last year's picture to show you. Our spot for sky viewing is very close, but I always feel guilty afterward. It's in a cemetery! LOL! I think once it clears up, we might be able to see them better.
You are very welcome! No, I don't think they were. Just cool looking ones. I will have to send last year's picture to show you. Our spot for sky viewing is very close, but I always feel guilty afterward. It's in a cemetery! LOL! I think once it clears up, we might be able to see them better.

Hey, no competition for a good spot there, eh? lol
Good morning, all. Got a bit more rain yesterday evening. The plants are happy -- and so are the mosquitoes. Went out shrooming this morning. Only found a few oysters, up too high to reach. Found lots and lots of skeeters too... or they found me.

Got any weekend plans?


Good morning, all. Got a bit more rain yesterday evening. The plants are happy -- and so are the mosquitoes. Went out shrooming this morning. Only found a few oysters, up too high to reach. Found lots and lots of skeeters too... or they found me.

Got any weekend plans?


Those colors are just so beautiful they almost make it worthwhile to get up an hour before dawn!