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Thank you so much! One of the things that I want parents to know, too, that they're not alone. That was the biggest relief knowing that there is support out there. I hope that I can help and give back.

You can, and you will. You have such a giving and kind heart. I think an important thing for anyone who has just received a devastating diagnosis to know is it's okay to be scared, to be angry, to be depressed, to want to just leave and never come back. It's normal, it's natural, and it happens to us all. You're in a unique position to provide that viewpoint so that others won't feel so alone. Have you attended any in-person support groups for parents with children living with autism?
You can, and you will. You have such a giving and kind heart. I think an important thing for anyone who has just received a devastating diagnosis to know is it's okay to be scared, to be angry, to be depressed, to want to just leave and never come back. It's normal, it's natural, and it happens to us all. You're in a unique position to provide that viewpoint so that others won't feel so alone. Have you attended any in-person support groups for parents with children living with autism?

Thank you! ❤ OH, absolutely! They're all such normal reactions to have when you hear it.

We don't have any support groups in the area, but I am going to see if I can help start one. It would go so far to help parents, too. There isn't much help at all here, and I think it's time for me to start speaking up about it. I think a letter to the editor of the Portland paper is in order! LOL!
Thank you! ❤ OH, absolutely! They're all such normal reactions to have when you hear it.

We don't have any support groups in the area, but I am going to see if I can help start one. It would go so far to help parents, too. There isn't much help at all here, and I think it's time for me to start speaking up about it. I think a letter to the editor of the Portland paper is in order! LOL!

I have a feeling that Matt's teachers and mentors could help you with forming a local support group as well. Do it!
Thanks! I've done beadwork off and on since I was a grade school kid. I got one of those cheapie "Indian bead looms" for Christmas one year. But it wasn't till we moved here that I found a whole community of fellow beadworkers! We get together in the summer on Sunday afternoons to chat and bead together. During the school year we meet at the Native American Center. I was even lucky enough to be able to take a whole semester of beadwork instruction for college credit! Sounds kinda like Basketweaving 101 for liberal arts majors, doesn't it? lol

It wasn't. We had to learn 15 different stitches, the history of beadwork/quill work/decoration across North America including cultural and religious significance, the various motifs and designs used by different nations, plus the laws protecting native-made products and penalties for violating them.

We had to be able to demonstrate proficiency in at least 10 stitches, make a fully beaded moccasin, plus another large project that had to be entered in the NMU student works art show. No pressure. lol Here is a bag that I made for the art exhibit. The beaded area is the size of a CD, sewn to red velvet. The bag is lined with satin. I braided the strap from satin cording.


What hobbies do you have?

That's really cute! So you're crafty. I wish I was, there are a lot of craft stores and stuff around here.
You can, and you will. You have such a giving and kind heart. I think an important thing for anyone who has just received a devastating diagnosis to know is it's okay to be scared, to be angry, to be depressed, to want to just leave and never come back. It's normal, it's natural, and it happens to us all. You're in a unique position to provide that viewpoint so that others won't feel so alone. Have you attended any in-person support groups for parents with children living with autism?
You are often thoughtful and empathetic. I think you'd make a good counselor.
How cool! Is that you in the 2nd photo, cig dangling?

My favorite part of stock car races was the demolition derby. Super loud but also super fun.

Yea that's me with hair and 100lbs lighter.

I built others later but that was my first and favorite. I also had a VW coupe named the inspector with the cartoon Clouseau on it.