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What gets me are the people like my nephew who is just making ends meet pay that for a pack. I could but a carton of Doral cigs for $15 on base all of a sudden they jumped to over $20 a carton that is when I quit cold turkey.

It's insane how expensive they are now. The ones I smoked were "Basics" and $2/pack. Now they're $10!!!

The weirdest thing about smoking to me is that I had the ability to quit cold turkey the day I found out I was pregnant. So I never smoked at all during my five kids' gestations. Never had a single craving either, even when around other ppl who were smoking. But as soon as I got home from the hospital, it was puff*puff*puff. I dreamed about smoking for at least a couple years after quitting for good. Would wake up sweating and thinking it was time for a trip to the gas station for a pack. Did you do that too?
We eat that whenever it's on sale! You're right; it's amazing. One cool thing about Michigan is allowing the sale of wild game and fish. So we can buy venison, whitefish fresh caught from Superior, northern pike, walleye, perch, lake salmon, lake trout, etc.

Is the kind of tuna you're talking about called "Ahi"? That's what is available here, sometimes.

Ahi is Hawaiian for Yellow Fin tuna, that and Black Fin are mostly what we get around here. Feeling adventurous try smoked shark if you can get it. I love it.
Ahi is Hawaiian for Yellow Fin tuna, that and Black Fin are mostly what we get around here. Feeling adventurous try smoked shark if you can get it. I love it.

I've always wanted to try tuna,that didn't come from a can.
It's crazy expensive in Kroger fish counter.
But one of these days,I'll bite the bullet and try it.
It's insane how expensive they are now. The ones I smoked were "Basics" and $2/pack. Now they're $10!!!

The weirdest thing about smoking to me is that I had the ability to quit cold turkey the day I found out I was pregnant. So I never smoked at all during my five kids' gestations. Never had a single craving either, even when around other ppl who were smoking. But as soon as I got home from the hospital, it was puff*puff*puff. I dreamed about smoking for at least a couple years after quitting for good. Would wake up sweating and thinking it was time for a trip to the gas station for a pack. Did you do that too?

No I put my last cigarette out and other than an occasional twinge never to this day had another urge to smoke. But I do still enjoy the smell when someone else is smoking. What might have helped me was we never smoked in the house.
I've always wanted to try tuna,that didn't come from a can.
It's crazy expensive in Kroger fish counter.
But one of these days,I'll bite the bullet and try it.

Totally different everyone I have talked into trying fresh tuna has loved it.
Ahi is Hawaiian for Yellow Fin tuna, that and Black Fin are mostly what we get around here. Feeling adventurous try smoked shark if you can get it. I love it.

I have never seen that in the seafood depts. either here or back in the Lou. It sounds delicious! Used to be able to get black tip shark steaks. OMG, are those amazing grilled too.

So how do you grill your tuna?
No I put my last cigarette out and other than an occasional twinge never to this day had another urge to smoke. But I do still enjoy the smell when someone else is smoking. What might have helped me was we never smoked in the house.

Oh, isn't that weird? The smell of cig smoke makes me gag now. I do like the smell of pipe tobacco though, esp. the cherry kind.