Amazon Tavern

I have never seen that in the seafood depts. either here or back in the Lou. It sounds delicious! Used to be able to get black tip shark steaks. OMG, are those amazing grilled too.

So how do you grill your tuna?

I have a grill basket that keeps the fish from falling apart. I baste the tuna with lemon garlic and butter while turning often. I like mine med rare hot pink center.
Darn Grumpy made me hungry for tuna steaks so guess what we're having tonight? lol

I know,I can't wait to try them too!
We get paid,the 3rd,we usually skip the pool and do our monthly shopping.
But the pools closed the 4 th,so we are going to do our shopping the 4th.And go to the pool the 3rd.
I have a grill basket that keeps the fish from falling apart. I baste the tuna with lemon garlic and butter while turning often. I like mine med rare hot pink center.

Thanks. We like 'em done the same, not cooked too long. In the winter I sear them in a very hot cast iron skillet. Do you ever marinate them first? I've got a lime that's looking kind of sad, think he's going to be sacrificed to the Tuna Gods.

BTW, did you ever watch that Wicked Tuna show?