Amazon Tavern

I'd like to but never owned a grill!
Been thinking if it would be better to bake or use the iron skillet!

I wouldn't bake them; they're a dry dense fish to begin with and baking will just dry them out more. When we can't grill, I get the cast iron skillet good and hot and sear them, just a minute or two per side if you like them rare, depending how thick they are. Like Grumpy said, baste with an oil or butter.
I wouldn't bake them; they're a dry dense fish to begin with and baking will just dry them out more. When we can't grill, I get the cast iron skillet good and hot and sear them, just a minute or two per side if you like them rare, depending how thick they are. Like Grumpy said, baste with an oil or butter.

I learned from watching Chopped never cook with a cold pan,especially fish!
I always get my iron skillet good and hot before cooking!
You probably do.

I wouldn't watch TV much at all if it wasn't for Mr. Owl. He records stuff and we watch it for an hour or so after the news that comes on at 11pm. He likes those GHTV fixer-upper/flipper shows, Wicked Tuna, Deadliest Catch (and most of the other Alaska shows except for those disturbing bush people), Mountain Men, Gold Rush, and a bunch of real-life cop/murder solving stuff. I don't like those and don't watch them, or the Engineering Disasters he loves so much. Or the airplane crash reconstructions... <shudder>
I wouldn't watch TV much at all if it wasn't for Mr. Owl. He records stuff and we watch it for an hour or so after the news that comes on at 11pm. He likes those GHTV fixer-upper/flipper shows, Wicked Tuna, Deadliest Catch (and most of the other Alaska shows except for those disturbing bush people), Mountain Men, Gold Rush, and a bunch of real-life cop/murder solving stuff. I don't like those and don't watch them, or the Engineering Disasters he loves so much. Or the airplane crash reconstructions... <shudder>

Does he watch Live PD?
Does he watch Live PD?

Sometimes I hear that on after I go to bed. I'm usually done in by 12:30-1am; he often stays up till 3am or later! He's never been a day person but had to conform during his working career to day time office hours. Now that he's retired he can stay up late and sleep in. I'm a dawn person myself.
Sometimes I hear that on after I go to bed. I'm usually done in by 12:30-1am; he often stays up till 3am or later! He's never been a day person but had to conform during his working career to day time office hours. Now that he's retired he can stay up late and sleep in. I'm a dawn person myself.

We stay up late get up about 10:00,head to the pool at 11:30
Sometimes I hear that on after I go to bed. I'm usually done in by 12:30-1am; he often stays up till 3am or later! He's never been a day person but had to conform during his working career to day time office hours. Now that he's retired he can stay up late and sleep in. I'm a dawn person myself.
:thup: to Mr. Owl.

You asked about BBQ in the now closed Tiki thread. There are a lot of BBQ places here, so many I can't even count.