Amendment 13 And A Military Draft

you are aware that the bill of rights came AFTER the constitution, and as such, renders any law forcing involuntary servitude unconstitutional?

Wrong again, idiot. It's almost unfathomable how someone can fuck up interpretation of the Constition and B of R and the precedents of the same so much.

You have been upside down EVERY FUCKING TIME. Amazing
Wrong again, idiot. It's almost unfathomable how someone can fuck up interpretation of the Constition and B of R and the precedents of the same so much.

You have been upside down EVERY FUCKING TIME. Amazing

it is almost unfathomable, that you can be that fucking delusional about everything.
it is almost unfathomable, that you can be that fucking delusional about everything.

Hey, I've been watching the news to see if some idiot in Bumfuck, Arkansas walked into a courthouse with his sawed off shotgun. Nothing yet.

What's wrong, you Second Amendment Puusy? Too chickenshit to back up your claim of "shall not be infringed"?


Delusional fucktard.
Well commie, it has standing with those enslaved to involuntary servitude and forced into military service against their will. Where's the part of amendment 13 that exempts a military DRAFT from the elementary text of amendment 13 commie? Oh! That's right, there is no such language anywhere in the Constitution, but there is the elementary text of amendment 13. Seems I have written constitutional text evidence commie and you have squat, huh asshole commie?

Child, you don't know what reconstruction was, do you? I hope not because if you do you're being extremely intellectually dishonest.

I would deal with you here but Domer already did my light work. The feds provide for defense...that means a draft if they think we need it, fuckstick.
The feds provide for defense...that means a draft if they think we need it, fuckstick.

Where in the Constitution does it say, "The feds provide for defense...that means a draft if they think we need it," ??????? I never read that part commie!

The 13th amendment says, "Neither slavery or involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted shall exist within the United States, or anyplace subject to their jurisdiction."

I'll wait commie for your quote from the Constitution that exempts military conscription. Like I said commie, "YOU GOT SQUAT!"
Where in the Constitution does it say, "The feds provide for defense...that means a draft if they think we need it," ??????? I never read that part commie!

The 13th amendment says, "Neither slavery or involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted shall exist within the United States, or anyplace subject to their jurisdiction."

I'll wait commie for your quote from the Constitution that exempts military conscription. Like I said commie, "YOU GOT SQUAT!"

The 13th is a reconstruction amendment so strike that lame argument right now.

As for where it says anything about thinking we need it...what exactly are you suggesting here? Do you think the feds can't have a draft? They provide for defense...if they can't enlist enough people what do they do? They are not just empowered to provide for defense, they are obligated to do so.
Do you think the feds can't have a draft?

Yes! I do know the feds can't constitutionally have a draft because the 13th amendment says so.

They provide for defense...if they can't enlist enough people what do they do? They are not just empowered to provide for defense, they are obligated to do so.

There's no obligation in the Constitution for the feds to conscript human targets for wars contrived by politicians. If a cause is worth fighting for the population will rise up and fight for it or the population isn't worth fighting for. It's a self-solving solution to your non-issue.
Yes! I do know the feds can't constitutionally have a draft because the 13th amendment says so.

There's no obligation in the Constitution for the feds to conscript human targets for wars contrived by politicians. If a cause is worth fighting for the population will rise up and fight for it or the population isn't worth fighting for. It's a self-solving solution to your non-issue.

The 13th Amendment does not say the feds can't draft, it outlaws slavery. People like you make me sick, you think your citizenship gives you a lot of perks but requires no obligations.
Your statement is relevant to what?
My point, since it flew over your point is that if the army needs recruits they can raise the pay and benefits.

Ok Darla. You have to be Darla because Rune is smarter than this. The government is not the private sector. They don't need to raise pay and benefits. They can if they want to go that route but they can also just conscript if it's needed because they are Constitutionally empowered and obligated to provide for defense.
you should work on your reading comprehension. From the time of the convention to ratification, EVERY representative and commentator specifically noted in almost EVERY article and speech that the powers of the federal government were FEW and LIMITED. That is what was ratified. so instead of intimating that you have some special education on how the constitution gives the feds these all purpose powers, step up and show us the super secret document you have that james madison says HA HA, I FUCKED YOU

In the federalist papers they talked up how limited the rights of the federal government were to win over antifederalists. In reality any straightforward reading of the constitution allows for extremely broad federal powers.
The court was totalitarian in 1916? FDR wouldn't be making appointments for about twenty more years!

The Lochner court is actually widely recognized for being extremely arbitrary and unjust. It was only remedied when FDR got into power. The Warren court made this into a free county; without it we'd be just a bunch of barbaric territories of racism, misogyny, and injustice.