America Isn’t the Greatest Country on Earth — And That’s Just Fine

I'm not sure who Tom is, but I'll guess our experiences were somewhat different.
It's kind of a running joke I use on racist around here. A racist member will say something asinine about some ethnic or racial group and I'll say "'s not like they're Irish.". I also happen to be of Irish Heritage and my actual name is about as Irish as you can get.
America has the highest rate of immigration on the Earth.

Obviously millions of other people agree with me.

And you don't think yours is? Even though you have cited no evidence to the contrary?


You're really missing the point. I thought you were brighter, based on your other posting.

The only "opinion" I have is that neither of us is qualified to make the determination. I mean, answer me this: can you even name every country on the planet? I'll take your word either way on that.
Freedoms are not facts?

You keep saying logical fallacy, but you do not know what it means. There is no logical fallacy in my opinion.

So now you insult me because I believe America is the greatest nation on Earth. Figures, you can't cite a single country that is equal or better, so you just resort ad homs. Isn't that a logical fallacy?

Uhhmmm yea there is cause it's an opinion. Duh! LOL
Freedoms are not facts?

You keep saying logical fallacy, but you do not know what it means. There is no logical fallacy in my opinion.

So now you insult me because I believe America is the greatest nation on Earth. Figures, you can't cite a single country that is equal or better, so you just resort ad homs. Isn't that a logical fallacy?

Ahhh now you're using the logical fallacy known as a circular argument. I point out that you're argument is based on a logical fallacy. You claim that this is insulting you and is thus a logical fallacy. I point out that that argument is also a logical fallacy and, to quote the great Ray Davies "We're back where he started, here we go round again.".
Ahhh now you're using the logical fallacy known as a circular argument. I point out that you're argument is based on a logical fallacy. You claim that this is insulting you and is thus a logical fallacy. I point out that that argument is also a logical fallacy and, to quote the great Ray Davies "We're back where he started, here we go round again.".

No I didn't. You called me an ugly an American. That is an ad hom. You are the one using logical fallacies.
So education won't help root out corruption?
Not in a culture where the compadre system is an endemic part of the social fabric. Institutions like education, government and business would always be secondary to this artificial form of extending kinship ties. In cultures where the compadre system prevails these kinship ties are far more important than civil institutions are. If you, for whatever the reason, are banished from these kinship ties you might as well be dead. This leads to corruption on a massive scale as ones kinship obligations are far more important than civil institutions are.

It is also why so many Latin American nations are third world countries. Same with the Phillipines. The Phils have an educational system modeled after ours. They have comparable literacy and educational attainment rates too yet they are deeply mired in corruption at all levels of society due to the compadre system.
Imagine a bunch of dipshit twelve year olds from various nations arguing their nation is the greatest, and you have the perfect analogy for the right wing idolaters. No mine is, no mine is, no mine is. Now you have some understanding of why the right wing in America worships Trump. The image that comes to my mind is a white male wearing a 'we are the greatest hat' made in China, driving away in their Japanese car, in their Malaysian jeans, and their made in Mexico shirt. Giving the finger to the Verizon strikers as they did the air traffic controllers, happy in their inanity.
I'm a buy American kind of guy, personally, but, just because someone engages in all of the foreign commerce you depicted, does not constitute a form of hypocrisy on their part. Capitalism is among our strongest assets as a country.