Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I'll just pull the rug out from under your biases, revisionist screed with these:
Wounded Knee 1890
Wounded Knee 1973
the rest of your screed was previously addressed....your generalized moot points do not support or justify your stance .... neither does placing the word "woke" before them....that's just a boogey man dog whistle for the MAGA/Alt-Right crowd, signifying nothing.
And I would like to see the valid source for your last two sentences.
And now lets look at actual war casualties as opposed to disease in native Americans.
With regard to casualties, the greatest numbers came in two wars: one with a tribe in the forefront of the Indian wars, the other with a tribe few people — then or now — considered a major threat to white settlement. The “winner” in this contest depends on how we do the counting.
"The dark horse finalist is the Snake War, fought mostly among soldiers, white civilians and the Northern Paiutes. This conflict, lasting from 1864 to 1868, tallied 1,782 casualties, "
"The other contender for most casualties is the Dakota War of 1862. Whites waged four Sioux wars against the Dakota, Nakota and Lakota people: the First Sioux War of 1854–56; the Dakota War, or Dakota Uprising; Red Cloud’s War of 1866–68; and the Great Sioux War of 1876–77. The Dakota War tallied about 1,390 soldiers and Indians killed or wounded. Add the 600 white civilians killed in the initial uprising and massacre that began the war, and the casualties number almost 2,000. "