Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Stop and think about your first two sentences ... they essentially contradict. Just because "everyone else was doing it" doesn't excuse what happened here in America. It is a matter of history, a matter of fact and not a "woke" version. (I do wish right wingers would get off that latest boogeyman dog whistle ... it wasn't cute when the author "created" it and is sure as hell isn't the definition that Fox Noise and company are pushing).
Your homogenized synopsis of American history leaves out the FACT that slavery's offspring (Jim Crow laws) didn't end until 1968, and bias in the form of "red-lining", predatory lending and biased enforcement of non-violent crimes is on-going. As for the Native people who inhabited this land a millennia before the Vikings, Spanish or Pilgrims showed up ... just do a Google regarding what's going down on the "reservations", the BIA and such. European "disease" in the form of purposely infected blankets given to people is an early form of bio-warfare...and many a Native person can educate you about Wounded Knee. No, it wasn't the Holocaust or Rwanda....it didn't have to be, and the social dynamics are wholly different.
First off it's not an excuse it's reality. In that era of history Europe created empires worldwide and enslaving the conquered was SOP.
Woke gives a one sided version of US history and makes it seem like America was unique in the world with slavery and expelling the indigenous population from their lands. Canada, Australia, Mexico, Columbia and virtually all the new world experienced the same from various European countries.We can now all agree this was wrong and barbaric and we hope humanity has reached a higher level but unfortunately Putin and Russia are reviving the old ways in Ukrain as we speak.
Your smallpox blankets thing is evidence that you have been successfully indoctrinated and actually believe this historical myth and are easy fodder for anything and everything that's anti America.
As for wounded knee and other indian massacres they did indeed occur. The Indian wars were brutal as all wars end up being and there were horrible atrocities on both sides. The fact remains though that a vey small percentage of indigenous Americans were killed by bullets. Most estimates are 90% of native Americans were killed by European diseases they had no natural immunity to.