Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Some generalizations and exaggerations in what you say here, but also some truisms.
Since there is no "draft", the bogus war in Iraq and such got by. Once the "back door draft" fails and a full across the board draft is attempted, THEN Americans will get off their butts and start dealing with reality.
I believe that with increase in school shootings will result in people physically challenging the "gerry mandering" of voters. You can push the envelope only so far before it breaks.
During the Reagan years I was working in a garment factory with a woman from Iran....the Shah Pahvil's Iran (backed by our CIA). I had to explain to her about how our press is considered the "4th estate" and the whole business with Watergate. She told me (and I'll never forget this) that American's didn't know how good they had it, because she came from a country where "freedom of the press" could get you fired from your job, jailed or killed. Sobering.