APP - American's falling behind in science. I blame conservatives

I blame the Department of Education and the Teachers unions. Not to mention the philosophy of teaching to the lowest common denominator. The whole 'I don't want johnny to FEEL bad because he is in a remedial class whereas Jane is in the advanced class' line of bullshit is why we fall behind. We don't challenge the brightest students to reach their full potential.
Really and what school did you get your degree in science from?
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I blame liberals. For decades we have given "more money" consistently to the schools for negative return....we spend more per capita and get less for our investment than ever before.

What are you talking about? Where did I say we should get rid of public education?

We've done what they asked of us, and they have failed to deliver, instead of looking to find a solution they simply start into how they don't have enough money and people are still buying it. We need to fix the education system, not add more money and think it will be "fixed". What we are currently doing isn't working.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize that first comment from you was a ringing endorsement of our educational system...I don't know if you are aware, but it sure didn't come off sounding that way.

Well, you've obviously got all the answers. How do we "fix it"? You spend hour after hour telling others how wrong their ideas are. Obviously you think you know what will and will not how do we fix it?
I have a novel idea on how to attract kids into science and technology. Pay scientist and technologist more!

I think it would be unwise to politicise this issue. The fact is, the major discouraging factor for kids going into science is that these fields and the profesionals in them are simply not respected in our culture.

I blame conservatards. C'mon, they hate evolution, they're flat earth climate deniers, and they hate stem cell research. C'mon, Sarah Palin, Ronald Reagan, and George Dumbya? What the f is that about? They celebrate ignorance, and they consider university educated people and professors to be pin headed geeks. Just read a Dixie post - he's fairly representative of the Con base. There's something about universities that drive them nuts. Republicans never valued higher education, they're the party of business. They want a workforce who can read, write, do arithmetic, and doesn't join a union. Period. Have republicans ever supported higher education, in any sustained way? No. Liberals were the genius's behind the GI bill, the Student loan program, Pell Grants, and public land grant universities. The answer is more socialism.

I have a graduate education in science and technology. The general attitude about people like me is that we're geeks, nerds, misfits, etc. The stereotype is that of the scrawny wimp with horned rim glasses taped together at the nose bridge., must be an Ohio thing! I work with gals who have engineering and science degrees who are not only hella hot, but freaking genius's as well!

ps, Ha, just teasing about ohio
I blame the Department of Education and the Teachers unions. Not to mention the philosophy of teaching to the lowest common denominator. The whole 'I don't want johnny to FEEL bad because he is in a remedial class whereas Jane is in the advanced class' line of bullshit is why we fall behind. We don't challenge the brightest students to reach their full potential.

We have failed our children in a big way and we should be ashamed. I cringe when I see children coming out of our school system and they don't even know the basics.
I blame conservatards. C'mon, they hate evolution, they're flat earth climate deniers, and they hate stem cell research. C'mon, Sarah Palin, Ronald Reagan, and George Dumbya? What the f is that about? They celebrate ignorance, and they consider university educated people and professors to be pin headed geeks. Just read a Dixie post - he's fairly representative of the Con base. There's something about universities that drive them nuts. Republicans never valued higher education, they're the party of business. They want a workforce who can read, write, do arithmetic, and doesn't join a union. Period. Have republicans ever supported higher education, in any sustained way? No. Liberals were the genius's behind the GI bill, the Student loan program, Pell Grants, and public land grant universities. The answer is more socialism., must be an Ohio thing! I work with gals who have engineering and science degrees who are not only hella hot, but freaking genius's as well!

ps, Ha, just teasing about ohio

hey mr. warmer, where have you been lately? Your religion is falling apart. So badly, you can't even defend it any more yet you still call names like flat-earther. LOL you are a total douchebag AND an ignoramus. What's it feel like to have your scientific beliefs totally in doubt? Do you even follow current science?
hey mr. warmer, where have you been lately? Your religion is falling apart. So badly, you can't even defend it any more yet you still call names like flat-earther. LOL you are a total douchebag AND an ignoramus. What's it feel like to have your scientific beliefs totally in doubt? Do you even follow current science?

Notice how you threw the "flat-earther" term out the other day, and suddenly a liberal comes running out trying to usurp the insult from you for his own hurling? :cof1:
sit back and learn dumbass teabaggers, The US leads in tech
It's not too late for you middle aged teabaggers to go to college. Really
sit back and learn dumbass teabaggers, The US leads in tech
It's not too late for you middle aged teabaggers to go to college. Really

People are complaining about how few students are coming out of schools with the skills to contribute to science and technology. They are not saying our tech sector is shitty.
People are complaining about how few students are coming out of schools with the skills to contribute to science and technology. They are not saying our tech sector is shitty.

Who's complaining? The trade lobby? SO they let in foreigners on h1-b's so they can avoid giving americans real careers?
People are complaining about how few students are coming out of schools with the skills to contribute to science and technology. They are not saying our tech sector is shitty.

They say it as it we don't have enough students coming out of colleges with good degrees which is hillarious.
I honestly want to know what his ideas are! He's told me too many times to count how wrong I am, on subjects ranging from politics to the NFL, so I eagerly await his well thought out response.

I call BULLSHIT! You want to force Damo into seeing it your way and unless and until he does you will be so far up his ass he'll have to hire a proctologist just to extricate you.

In other words? Same old candy-assed Zappa! If you don't listen, I will whine and shriek til you do.
I blame conservatards. C'mon, they hate evolution, they're flat earth climate deniers, and they hate stem cell research. C'mon, Sarah Palin, Ronald Reagan, and George Dumbya? What the f is that about? They celebrate ignorance, and they consider university educated people and professors to be pin headed geeks. Just read a Dixie post - he's fairly representative of the Con base. There's something about universities that drive them nuts. Republicans never valued higher education, they're the party of business. They want a workforce who can read, write, do arithmetic, and doesn't join a union. Period. Have republicans ever supported higher education, in any sustained way? No. Liberals were the genius's behind the GI bill, the Student loan program, Pell Grants, and public land grant universities. The answer is more socialism., must be an Ohio thing! I work with gals who have engineering and science degrees who are not only hella hot, but freaking genius's as well!

ps, Ha, just teasing about ohio
Then how you would you explain people like Southern Man who has one of the best science educations of any of the posters on here? He defies your stereotype on conservatives. Oh sure there's a strong anti-intellectual streak in conservatives but I know quite a few people with science and technology back grounds who are intensely conservative, in fact most engineers I know are conservatives. Most the physicians and medical technology people I know are conservative. No that stereotype is just a convenient excuse.

The hard cold fact is that those with science and technology backgrounds are not respected as highly in our culture as they are in others.

For example. How many of the liberal posters on here have at least an undergraduate education in the natural sciences?

Can we see a show of hands?